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Everything posted by XpLoD

  1. ce poze iti trebuie la o chestie de genul asta? sa arati la fiecare 10 metri? /:) omul a pus cat a trebuit. 3.5/5 e usoara.
  2. XpLoD


    e buna harta 4,5/5
  3. nu merge link-ul de download.. si ce detalii pentru un GM :O
  4. e foarte tare harta . 5/5
  5. XpLoD


    rezolvat. t/c
  6. XpLoD


    Uite cum arata o masina --> http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/AddStaticVehicle Uite culoriile --> Iar la NRG pur si simplu pui tu ce culori vrei cand se creaza (NRG-ul). Dati Topic Closed.
  7. ca admin stiu ca ai voie sa faci spam;p
  8. dai si tu search --> http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,4629.0.html
  9. De ce copiati,nu inteleg.. pentru posturi? pentru 'respect' sau ce? =))
  10. XpLoD


    nu uita /report
  11. am inteles cum se face;p
  12. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint asta o fi bun:-? dar nu stiu cum gasesc coordonatele:-?
  13. XpLoD


    =))) pune ba fs-ul care'l folosesti . pune'l aici sa'l vedem :O
  14. eroare cand am schimbat error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call warning 215: expression has no effect
  15. 2. asta folosesc 3. :-? /stats nu seamana cu srv tau;p in niciun caz:D iar faza cu zona am nevoie ca vreau sa fac cva:) unde sa'ti cumperi bautura.. gen Bar:D dar nu vreau cu pickup ci cu o zona.. dar nuj cum se face.
  16. Asta am in ladmin ce are legatura cu 3DText AddHouse(houseid, Float:iconX, Float:iconY, Float:iconZ, Float:interiorX, Float:interiorY, Float:interiorZ, Costa, Sella, Interiora, virtualworld) { new house[256]; format(house, sizeof(house), "Houses/houseid%d",houseid); if(!dini_Exists(house)) { dini_Create(house); format(hInfo[houseid][Name], 24, "ForSale"); dini_Set(house, "Name", "ForSale"); format(hInfo[houseid][Renter], 24, "ForRent"); dini_Set(house, "Renter", "ForRent"); hInfo[houseid][Rentable] = 0; dini_IntSet(house, "Rentable", 0); hInfo[houseid][Rentcost] = 0; dini_IntSet(house, "Rentcost", 0); hInfo[houseid][Cost] = Costa; dini_IntSet(house, "Cost", Costa); hInfo[houseid][Sell] = Sella; dini_IntSet(house, "Sell", Sella); hInfo[houseid][Interior2] = Interiora; dini_IntSet(house, "Interior", Interiora); dini_IntSet(house, "Virtualworld", virtualworld); hInfo[houseid][Virtualworld] = virtualworld; hInfo[houseid][Locked] = 1; dini_IntSet(house, "Locked", 1); hInfo[houseid][Interior2X] = interiorX; hInfo[houseid][Interior2Y] = interiorY; hInfo[houseid][Interior2Z] = interiorZ; dini_FloatSet(house, "X", interiorX); dini_FloatSet(house, "Y", interiorY); dini_FloatSet(house, "Z", interiorZ); dini_IntSet(house, "RentPay", 0); dini_IntSet(house, "RentGet", 0); print("-"); print("--------------House Created--------------"); printf("- Houseid: %d", houseid); printf("- Buy Cost: %d", Costa); printf("- Sell Cost: %d", Sella); printf("- Interior: %d", Interiora); printf("- VirtualWorld: %d", virtualworld); print("-----------------------------------------"); print("-"); } else { format(hInfo[houseid][Name], 24, dini_Get(house, "Name")); format(hInfo[houseid][Renter], 24, dini_Get(house, "Renter")); hInfo[houseid][Rentable] = dini_Int(house, "Rentable"); hInfo[houseid][Rentcost] = dini_Int(house, "Rentcost"); hInfo[houseid][Cost] = dini_Int(house, "Cost"); hInfo[houseid][Sell] = dini_Int(house, "Sell"); hInfo[houseid][Interior2] = dini_Int(house, "Interior"); hInfo[houseid][Locked] = dini_Int(house, "Locked"); hInfo[houseid][Interior2X] = dini_Float(house, "X"); hInfo[houseid][Interior2Y] = dini_Float(house, "Y"); hInfo[houseid][Interior2Z] = dini_Float(house, "Z"); hInfo[houseid][Virtualworld] = dini_Int(house, "Virtualworld"); } hInfo[houseid][iconx]=iconX; hInfo[houseid][icony]=iconY; hInfo[houseid][iconz]=iconZ; format(house, sizeof(house), "Houses/houseid%d",houseid); if(strcmp(hInfo[houseid][Name],"ForSale",true)==0) { HousePickup[houseid] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, iconX, iconY, iconZ);//not bought } else { HousePickup[houseid] = CreatePickup(19135,23, iconX, iconY, iconZ);//bought } new string[256]; format(string, 256, "Proprietar: {FFAF00}%s\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {00C0FF}%i", hInfo[houseid][Name],hInfo[houseid][Cost]); hInfo[houseid][house3d] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(string,0xFFFFFFFF,iconX, iconY, iconZ,250.0); } BUY & SELL dcmd_sell(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"ERROR: You must be logged in to use this commands"); #pragma unused params new str[255],str1[256],pname[24],housenumber; housenumber = GetHouseID(playerid); GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); format(str1, sizeof(str1), "Houses/houseid%d", housenumber); if (strcmp(hInfo[housenumber][Name],pname,false || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))) return SendClientMessage(playerid, c_r, "This house is not yours!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, c_y, "You sold the house!"); format(str, sizeof(str), "%s He left home with id %d",pname,housenumber); print(str); GivePlayerMoney(playerid, hInfo[housenumber][Sell]); dini_Set(str1, "Name", "ForSale"); hInfo[housenumber][Locked] = dini_IntSet(str1,"Locked",1); format(hInfo[housenumber][Name],255,"ForSale"); format(str1, sizeof(str1), "Houses/Users/%s", udb_encode(pname)); if (!dini_Exists(str1)) dini_Create(str1); dini_IntSet(str1, "Houseid", -255); format(str1, 256, "Proprietar: {FFAF00}For Sale\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {00C0FF}%i", hInfo[housenumber][Cost]); Update3DTextLabelText(hInfo[housenumber][house3d],0xFFFFFFFF,str1); DestroyPickup(HousePickup[housenumber]); HousePickup[housenumber] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, hInfo[housenumber][iconx], hInfo[housenumber][icony], hInfo[housenumber][iconz]); RemovePlayerMapIcon(playerid, housemapicon[playerid]); return 1; } dcmd_buy(playerid, params[]) { #pragma unused params new str[255],str1[255],pname[24], housenumber; housenumber = GetHouseID(playerid); if(housenumber == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, c_r, "There are not house icon!"); GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, 24); format(str1, sizeof(str1), "Houses/Users/%s", udb_encode(pname)); if(dini_Exists(str1)) { if (dini_Int(str1, "Houseid")!=-255) return SendClientMessage(playerid, c_r, "You have a house! /sell to let old house!"); } format(str1, sizeof(str1), "Houses/houseid%d", housenumber); if (strcmp(hInfo[housenumber][Name],"ForSale",true)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, c_r, "This house is already bought!"); if(GetPlayerScore(playerid)<hInfo[housenumber][Cost]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, c_r, "Do not have enough Score!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, c_y, "You bought this house!"); format(str, sizeof(str), "%s bought the house with id 0",pname); print(str); SetPlayerScore(playerid,GetPlayerScore(playerid)-hInfo[housenumber][Cost]); dini_Set(str1, "Name", pname); hInfo[housenumber][Name]=pname; hInfo[housenumber][Locked] = dini_IntSet(str1,"Incuiat",0); format(str1, sizeof(str1), "Houses/Users/%s", udb_encode(pname)); if (!dini_Exists(str1)) dini_Create(str1); new Float:sy, Float:sx, Float:sz; dini_IntSet(str1, "Houseid", housenumber); if(!dini_Isset(str1,"Rentid")) { dini_IntSet(str1, "Rentid", -255); } GetPlayerPos(playerid, sx,sy,sz); dini_FloatSet(str1, "SpawnX", sx); dini_FloatSet(str1, "SpawnY", sy); dini_FloatSet(str1, "SpawnZ", sz); dini_IntSet(str1, "SpawnInt", GetPlayerInterior(playerid)); new string[ 256 ]; format(string, 256, "Proprietar: {FFAF00}%s\n{FFFFFF}Cost: {00C0FF}%i", hInfo[housenumber][Name],hInfo[housenumber][Cost]); Update3DTextLabelText(hInfo[housenumber][house3d],0xFFFFFFFF,string); DestroyPickup(HousePickup[housenumber]); HousePickup[housenumber] = CreatePickup(19135, 23, hInfo[housenumber][iconx], hInfo[housenumber][icony], hInfo[housenumber][iconz]); return 1; } iar la inceput la enum HouseInfo am " Text3D:house3d " atat am... si cand dau /buy nu se schimba Text3d-ul.. si lafel si la /sell.
  17. pe mne ma intereseaza sa se updateze 3dtext-ul nu sa dau rr.
  18. 1. Aveti idee cum as putea face o zona iar in acea zona sa pot folosi o comanda iar daca nu sunt in ea sa nu o pot folosi cva cu IsPlayerArena cred:-? dar nu stiu cum se face si cum sa fac rost de coordonate. 2. Am facut si eu faza cu (Admin) si (Vip) am 2 fs-uri diferite si la fiecare fs am la OnPlayerText pus (Vip) si (Admin) eh problema este ca .. daca vreau sa raspund la un reaction test nu functioneaza... si am inteles ca e normal sa nu functioneze ca am prea multe OnPLayerTexte.. (Adica multe fs) si am incercat sa'l bag Vip-ul in Admin dar deja avea buguri.. si .. aveti idee cum as putea repara chestia asta.. "Doar cei care au dupa nume (Admin) si (Vip) nu pot sa raspunda la Reaction Test. dar ceilalti (Playeri simpli) pot raspunde. 3. Aveti idee daca ar trebuii sa pun casele in GM? sa numai am bugu cu [3DTextLabel] cand dau /buy nu se schimba text-ul in cel care a cumparat'o si cand dau /sell nu se schimba in For Sale.. Oare asa va merge :-? 4. comanda /stats sa o fac in dialog .. ca numai o vreau tip Text.. dcmd_stats(playerid,params[]) { new string[1024], pDeaths, player1, h, m, s; new string1[128]; if(!strlen(params)) player1 = playerid; else player1 = strval(params); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1)) { TotalGameTime(player1, h, m, s); if(GetPVarInt(player1, "Deaths") == 0) pDeaths = 1; else pDeaths = GetPVarInt(player1, "Deaths"); format(string1, sizeof(string1), " Stats %s ",PlayerName2(player1)); format(string, sizeof(string), " Player Kills: %d \n Player Deaths: %d \n Player Score: %d\n Player Ratio: %0.2f \n Player Money: $%d \n Warnings: %d \n Player Time: %d hrs %d mins %d secs\n Admin Level: %d ", PlayerInfo[player1][Kills], PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths], GetPlayerScore(player1), Float:PlayerInfo[player1][Kills]/Float:pDeaths,GetPlayerMoney(player1),PlayerInfo[playerid][Warnings], , h, m, s,PlayerInfo[playerid][Level]); return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,991,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, string1, string,"Ok","Close"); } else return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,990,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Message server", "Player Not Connected","Ok","Close"); } si are ceva buguri "Ratia nu prea merge.. uneori kill-urile sunt deaduri" Erorile sunt aceastea (5244 -- 5245) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (5245) : warning 215: expression has no effect (5245) : warning 215: expression has no effect (5245) : warning 215: expression has no effect (5245) : warning 215: expression has no effect (5245) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")" (5245) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero (5245) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Cam asta ar fi lista : Player Kills: Player Deaths: Player Score: Player Ratio: Player Money: Warnings: Player Time: -> hrs -> mins -> secs Admin Level:
  19. nu inteleg de ce nu merge,LOL? totusi am facut corect:|
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