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Revim Games

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Everything posted by Revim Games

  1. Salut, scoate din server.cfg sampvoice.so sau sampvoice.dll si din gm #include <sampvoice> dupa dai f5 sau ctrl b in sublime si dai ss sa vad ce apare [13:22:36] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"[13:22:36] [debug] SvAttachSpeakerToStream[13:22:36] [debug] SvDetachSpeakerFromStream[13:22:36] [debug] SvGetVersion[13:22:36] [debug] SvHasMicro[13:22:36] [debug] SvCreateDLStreamAtPlayer[13:22:36] [debug] SvAttachListenerToStream[13:22:36] [debug] SvAddKey[13:22:36] [debug] SvDeleteStream[13:22:36] [debug] SvCreateGStream astea o sa iti dispara!
  2. Salut @marianpro2020 Eu in serveru meu la onplayerconnect am PlayAudioStreamForPlayer si e pus asa PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "http://radiotaraf.com/live.m3u"); la acolo la linkul ala se pune muzica care doresti sa o aibe si playeru site ca sa incarci melodia este uploadir.com o incarci iti da un link dupa il bagi la linkul ala cu taraf Sper ca te am ajutat!
  3. Am rezolvat T/C Discord:RangerRPG#2739 Apucati-va de scripting este cea mai tare chestie ever
  4. trusted.pwn(78) : warning 209: function "S@@_OnPlayerConnect" should return a value trusted.pwn(88) : warning 209: function "S@@_OnPlayerDisconnect" should return a value trusted.pwn(96) : warning 209: function "S@@_OnGameModeInit" should return a value trusted.pwn(101) : warning 209: function "S@@_OnGameModeExit" should return a value trusted.pwn(1526) : error 021: symbol already defined: "S@@_OnGameModeExit" trusted.pwn(1536) : error 021: symbol already defined: "S@@_OnGameModeInit" trusted.pwn(1782) : error 021: symbol already defined: "S@@_OnPlayerConnect" trusted.pwn(1990) : error 021: symbol already defined: "S@@_OnPlayerDisconnect" Pawn compiler 3.10.8 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 4 Errors. [Finished in 2.6s]
  5. Salut sa-mp.ro Am si eu o problema cu samp voice Uitati: [21:51:24] : [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initializing... [21:51:24] : [dbg:raknet:init] : module initializing... [21:51:24] : [dbg:raknet:init] : module initialized [21:51:24] : [sv:dbg:network:init] : module initialized [21:51:24] : [sv:dbg:main:Load] : creating 8 work threads... [21:51:24] : ------------------------------------------- [21:51:24] : ___ __ __ _ [21:51:24] : / __| __ _ _ __ _ _\ \ / /__ (_) __ ___ [21:51:24] : \__ \/ _` | ' \| '_ \ / _ \| |/ _/ -_) [21:51:24] : |___/\__,_|_|_|_| .__/\_/\___/|_|\__\___| [21:51:24] : |_| [21:51:24] : ------------------------------------------- [21:51:24] : SampVoice by MOR loaded [21:51:24] : ------------------------------------------- [21:51:25] : [sv:dbg:main:AmxLoad] : net game pointer (value:0x8ad2710) received [21:51:25] : [sv:dbg:network:bind] : voice server running on port 51795 [21:51:25] : [sv:dbg:pawn:register] : finding 'OnPlayerActivationKeyPress' callback function... [21:51:25] : [sv:dbg:pawn:register] : finding 'OnPlayerActivationKeyRelease' callback function... [21:51:36] : [sv:dbg:network:connect] : connecting player (0) with address (nenene) ... [21:51:36] : [sv:dbg:network:connect] : player (0) assigned key (40ba7e56909417a0)
  6. dami add pe discord:MoTaNel69#2213
  7. Salut sa-mp.ro Am si eu o problema cu un gamemode si vreau sa ma ajutati. Daca am nevoie de ceva fisiere imi dati link sau imi dati add pe discord si imi dati.Discord:Claudiu#7952 Imi arata asta ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team Server Plugins -------------- Loading plugin: mysql.dll Failed. Loading plugin: streamer.dll Failed. Loading plugin: sscanf.dll Failed. Loaded 0 plugins. Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF. Filterscripts --------------- Loading filterscript 'SOB.amx'... -------------------------------------- [0.3.7 R2] S0beit Detect - LOADED - -------------------------------------- Loading filterscript 'ls_beachside.amx'... |--------------------------------------------------- |--- LS BeachSide Filterscript |-- Script v1.03 |-- 19th April 2015 |--------------------------------------------------- |-- LS BeachSide Building Elevator created |--------------------------------------------------- Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'... Loaded 3 filterscripts. Script[gamemodes/xyz.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" Number of vehicle models: 0 Daca stie cnv sa ma ajute pls!
  8. Revim Games


    @Raresloan29 ma poti ajuta sa pornesc gm?
  9. Revim Games


    alymaf vreau sa il pornesc pe localhost si daca fac aia tot imi apare lafel ai discord?
  10. uitete si tu acolo la gm tau pus ca am pus ceva sa ma ajuti pls

  11. Revim Games


    @Yonut Am si eu o problema cu GM asta: Vreau si eu sa il pornesc am facut tot cu baza de date ok doar ca imi da erroarea asta la deshiderea samp_server.exe(am pus eu una si tot) ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team Server Plugins -------------- Loading plugin: mysql.dll Failed. Loading plugin: streamer.dll Failed. Loading plugin: sscanf.dll Failed. Loaded 0 plugins. Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF. Filterscripts --------------- Loading filterscript 'SOB.amx'... -------------------------------------- [0.3.7 R2] S0beit Detect - LOADED - -------------------------------------- Loading filterscript 'ls_beachside.amx'... |--------------------------------------------------- |--- LS BeachSide Filterscript |-- Script v1.03 |-- 19th April 2015 |--------------------------------------------------- |-- LS BeachSide Building Elevator created |--------------------------------------------------- Loading filterscript 'ls_elevator.amx'... Loaded 3 filterscripts. Script[gamemodes/xyz.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" Number of vehicle models: 0 Daca stii dami add pe discord si iti dau teamviewer sa faci sau imi zici aici.Te rog ajuta-ma!@Yonut Claudiu#7952
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