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  1. am rezolvat de mult acele problema am si uitat ca nu am zis T/C sau ceva sa stiti ca nu mai am nev de ajutor
  2. acum asta nu mai apar alea dar apar astea [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_connect - empty connection data specified [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_errno - invalid connection handle (id: 1) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:04 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0) [17:47:05 04/28/21] [ERROR] mysql_tquery - invalid connection handle (id: 0)
  3. a da ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team [13:22:34] [13:22:34] Server Plugins [13:22:34] -------------- [13:22:34] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [13:22:34] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [13:22:34] [13:22:34] =============================== [13:22:34] sscanf plugin loaded. [13:22:34] Version: 2.8.3 [13:22:34] (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [13:22:34] =============================== [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loading plugin: streamer.so [13:22:34] *** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded *** [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [13:22:34] [13:22:34] ================== [13:22:34] [13:22:34] Whirlpool loaded [13:22:34] [13:22:34] ================== [13:22:34] [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loading plugin: mysql.so [13:22:34] >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded. [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loading plugin: mysql_static.so [13:22:34] >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded. [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loading plugin: fixes2.so [13:22:34] [13:22:34] =============================== [13:22:34] fixes plugin loaded. [13:22:34] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [13:22:34] =============================== [13:22:34] Loaded. [13:22:34] Loaded 7 plugins. [13:22:34] [13:22:34] Filterscripts [13:22:34] --------------- [13:22:34] Loading filterscript 'vae.amx'... [13:22:34] Loading filterscript 'cameditor.amx'... [13:22:34] -------------------------------------- [13:22:34] CamEditor by Drebin [13:22:34] -------------------------------------- [13:22:34] Loading filterscript 'attach.amx'... [13:22:34] Loading filterscript 'attached.amx'... [13:22:35] This FilterScript was created by Dennis12( D12 ). [13:22:35] For help, type the [/help] command in the game. [13:22:35] Or read this topic: https ... [13:22:35] Loading filterscript 'attacheditor.amx'... [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] ======================================= [13:22:35] | | [13:22:35] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [13:22:35] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole | [13:22:35] | | [13:22:35] ======================================= [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] Loading filterscript 'voicechat.amx'... [13:22:35] Loaded 6 filterscripts. [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] ======================================= [13:22:35] | | [13:22:35] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [13:22:35] | By Alex "Y_Less" Cole | [13:22:35] | | [13:22:35] ======================================= [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:35] [13:22:36] Server: Oficial [13:22:36] Baza de date s-a connectat cu scucces [13:22:36] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [13:22:36] [debug] SvAttachSpeakerToStream [13:22:36] [debug] SvDetachSpeakerFromStream [13:22:36] [debug] SvGetVersion [13:22:36] [debug] SvHasMicro [13:22:36] [debug] SvCreateDLStreamAtPlayer [13:22:36] [debug] SvAttachListenerToStream [13:22:36] [debug] SvAddKey [13:22:36] [debug] SvDeleteStream [13:22:36] [debug] SvCreateGStream [13:22:36] Number of vehicle models: 6 [13:22:36] Server vehicles: 309 [13:22:36] Safezones: 0 [13:22:36] Houses: 114 [13:22:36] Bussines: 38 [13:22:36] Garages: 0 [13:22:36] Clans: 1 [13:22:36] HQ clans: 0 [13:22:36] Clan zones: 0 [13:22:36] Turfs: 34 [13:22:36] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [13:22:36] [debug] Accessing element at index 16 past array upper bound 15 [13:22:36] [debug] AMX backtrace: [13:22:36] [debug] #0 003ad08c in public LoadFactions () at D:\gm b-hood\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:31231 [13:22:36] Stuff Loaded [13:22:36] Jobs: 10 [13:22:36] [MySQL] Dealership models: 58 [13:22:36] Safes: 18 [13:22:36] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [13:22:36] [debug] Accessing element at index 16 past array upper bound 15 [13:22:36] [debug] AMX backtrace: [13:22:36] [debug] #0 003da27c in FactionName (fid=16) at D:\gm b-hood\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:33091 [13:22:36] [debug] #1 003b771c in public LoadSafes () at D:\gm b-hood\gamemodes\B-HOOD.pwn:31542 https://www.mediafire.com/file/avtt839cmpyzpt5/HPQ123_samp.rar/file gm hpq poate il stii
  4. cum rezolv acele erori din server log server_log.txt gm b-hood.zip
  5. Va multumesc oricum de implicare si ajutor. Aveti +1 toti. pwp T/C
  6. Aparent nu se salveaza nici cum in baza de date nush ori eu sunt prost ori mysql_format e *futut* scz de limbaj azi m-am uitat prin gm si am gasit pUpdateInt pUpdateInt(playerid, "Level", PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel]); pUpdateInt(playerid, "PremiumPoints", PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] astea le-am pus dupa acele PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = 3 ; //level 3 sau cat era PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints] += 30 ; //parca era 30 pp dar ok =)) cu asta se salveaza bine
  7. faza e ca Update nu exista in gm definit nu e definit nicaieri defineste acest Update mai intai
  8. si am incercat cu Update... dar vad ca nu e definit nicaieri in gm
  9. si folosesc host ultra h (host free de la ei desigur) sper sa nu fie asta vreo problema
  10. si mai era id password si name daca nu apare pe ss acolo pe ss vezi ce e la users parola la cont e criptata din cate cad
  11. am bagat asta cum ai zis si nu stiu de ce nu se salveaza in baza de date new query[128]; mysql_format(SQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `users` SET `Level`='%d',`PremiumPoints`='%d' WHERE `name`='%s'",PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel], PlayerInfo[playerid][pPremiumPoints], PlayerInfo[playerid][pNormalName]); mysql_tquery(SQL, query,"",""); am toti termenii definiti erori nu si apropo eu lucru pe un gamemode stoners (gamemode rpg) (stoners era serverul lui CheaTer asta era de mult mai pe la inceputul sampului pe telefon)* nush o sa incerc si cealalta varianta poate merge aia
  12. CMD:getbonus(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] > 1) return SCM(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}EROARE :{FF69B4}Aceasta comanda poate fi folosita doar de playerii noi cu level 1 si desigur o singura data."); ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, DIALOG_BONUSA, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFFFFF}BONUS MENU", "{FFFFFF}Level 3+5kk\n Level 3+25pp", "Select", "Exit"); return 1; } si case DIALOG_BONUSA: { if(!response) return true; switch(listitem) { case 0: { ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, DIALOG_BONUSB, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Bonus Selected", "Ai selectat sa primesti level 3 si 5kk", "Exit", ""); GivePlayerCash(playerid, 5000000); PlayerInfo[playerid][pLevel] = 3; SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Ai primit level 3 si 5kk !"); } case 1: { ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, DIALOG_BONUSC, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Bonus Selected", "Ai selectat sa primesti level 3 si 25pp", "Exit", ""); PlayerInfo[playerid] [pLevel] = 3 ; PlayerInfo[playerid] [pPremiumPoints] = 25 ; SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREEN2, "Ai primit level 3 si 25pp !"); } } } // cum fac sa se salveze level-ul (level 3) respectiv punctele premium (25pp) in baza de date
  13. la PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, url[], Float:posX, Float:posY, Float:posZ , Float:distance, usepos) cum pot face rost de acel url imi puteti zice un site sau cv pentru asta sau de exemplu pentru un video de pe ytb sau un fisier mp3 cum pot face rost de un *url* pentru aceasta ca vreau sa ascult si eu muzica mea preferata pe samp folosind o comanda atat ca linkul/urlul ala imi da batai de cap comanda in sinea ei stiu sa o fac doar acel url ...
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