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Everything posted by H3J0_

  1. intra gamemode/pawno/include si cauta booter ca sa ai acces la alea ai nevoie de scripter si iti setezi din baza de date
  2. ia da-mi ma add pe ds H3J0_#0787
  3. daca ai discord add H3J0_#0787 ca sa ma ajuti cu niste bug-uri
  4. Salut sa-mp.ro vreau sa va ofer acest gamemode gamemode-ul este destul de optimizat duce lejer 100 on a fost inceput de la burned Creat de Edison, editat de SkillZ (brere - rece), HPQ123, si H3J0 Download : https://www.solidfiles.com/v/vzzX3K8LvG6rN Virus Total : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6cac1d20de488d94635b38aadf734416398b9028437b6cc50ba9034f69a44f1c/detection Gamemode-ul are sistem buletin, fara buletin nu poti da carnet-u de condus, are sistem vama Au fost rezolvate bug-uri minore cum ar fii la, clanhq, comanda /find, si la respray
  5. H3J0_

    Vand cont b-hood

    add me H3J0_#0787 ca sa vorbim
  6. Salut sa-mp.ro am o problema la o comanda /ah cand tastez /ah in joc nu imi apare nimic cum as putea rezolva ? COMANDA ! YCMD:ah(playerid, params[], help) { new string[500000]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WARNING, "Eroare: Admins Only"); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { strcat(string, "/aaa2 /aaa3 /warn / check /ar /cr /mute / unmute /unwarn /goto /gethere /bigears /vre /o /wars /freeze /unfreeze /cc /spec /setvw /slap \n"); strcat(string, "/slapcar /cspec /afklist /setskin /suspend /lp /fspec /lp /alicenses /rnewbie /gotobiz / gotohuse /vspawn /dm /dmp /ip(4) /vsearch /cc /setint \n"); strcat(string, "/rmute /respawn /detelead /inrace /as /ajail /cspec /starttp \n"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 2) { strcat(string, "/unjail /getip /checkweapons /neargun /nearskin /spawncar /despawncars /despawncar /jetpack /area \n"); strcat(string, "/addobject /removeobjects /aclear /banip \n"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 3) { strcat(string, "/mark /gotomark /getcar /gotocar /rac /alias /unban /setyt /givegun /unbanip \n"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 4) { strcat(string, "/sethp /setarmor /unwarn /fuelcars /skick /sethelper /setleader /fpkoff /agl /hw /lw \n"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 5) { strcat(string, "/givemoney /money /asellhouse /asellbiz /licitatie /fpk /tod /deletefurniture /acover /acoveroff /levelupall /editraport /setrankname /auctions \n"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 6) { strcat(string, "/restart /restartgame/editjob /editclan /edithouse /movehouse /editbizz /deleteclan /systems \n"); strcat(string, "/setstat /giftpointsall /restartmissions /addcmd /removecmd /givehouse /givebiz /movebiz /setaw /addsafezone /editsafezone \n"); strcat(string, "/ao /moneyforall /rpforall /ppforall /reloadstuffs /alock /gotocp /hpforall /rollforall \n"); strcat(string, "/givehouse /givebiz /movebiz /setaw /addsafezone /editsafezone /givecrate /crateforall \n"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 7) { strcat(string, "NIMIC \n"); } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ADMINAH, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Comenzile ADMINILOR", string, "OK", "EXIT"); return 1; }
  7. H3J0_


    adica daca cel care are admin 1 - 2 sa nu isi poata da admin level 7 - 8 ?
  8. add me discord H3J0_#0787 si vb pe discord
  9. nu se vede ca daca il foloseai nu iti dadea erorile alea
  10. ??? ai nevoie de zeex compiler
  11. discord H3J0#0787 ca sa te ajut
  12. zice ca nu ai autoafk in include eu iti zic cum sa faci dar... Intra inapoi in gm-ului lui HPQ si ia include-ul sterge include-ul de la gm-u pe care l-ai compilat si baga-l pe cel de la HPQ
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