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SpriteTV last won the day on August 9 2018

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  1. am gm bigzone dar adus intr`o stare mult avansata si facut pe include-uri. dar mai bagat rau inceata cu baza de date
  2. Salut am si eu problema urmatoare nu mi-se salveaza rob points-ul si nu inteleg care ar fi problema daca se poate sa ma ajute cineva. public PayDay() { new string[128], str[256], string3[256], interest, account[MAX_PLAYERS], hour, minn, sec, ye, mo, da, rent[MAX_PLAYERS], hourscount; gettime(hour,minn,sec); getdate(ye, mo, da); if(RestartTimer == 1) { SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_YELLOW, "---- SERVER RESTART ----"); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_RED2, "The server will be restarted in 60 seconds."); foreach(new x : Player) { Update(x, pPayDayx); Update(x, pPayCheckx); Update(x, pFpunishx); Update(x, pConnectTimex); Update(x, pBank); Update(x, pCashx); Update(x, pExpx); Update(x, pJailTimex); Update(x, pLevelx); Update(x, pRob); } iGMXTick = 60; iGMXTimer = SetTimer("restartTimer", 1000, true); RestartTimer = 0; } foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] >= 0) { new wakaname[25]; GetPlayerName(i,wakaname,sizeof(wakaname)); if(MoneyMessage[i]==1) { SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "You failed to pay your debt, Jail time."); new rand; rand = random(sizeof(gRandomJailSpawns)); SetPlayerInterior(i, 6); SetPlayerPosEx(i,gRandomJailSpawns[rand][0],gRandomJailSpawns[rand][1],gRandomJailSpawns[rand][2]); PlayerInfo[i][pJailed] = 1; ResetPlayerWeaponsEx(i); ResetPlayerWeapons(i); WantedPoints[i] = 0; PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] = 240; format(string, sizeof(string), "You are jailed for %d seconds. Bail: Unable", PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime]); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); ResetPlayerCash(i); GivePlayerCash(i, 10000); Update(i, pCashx); Update(i,pJailedx); Update(i,pJailTimex); TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0); SetTimerEx("UnFreezeStation", 1000, false, "i", i); } new key = PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey]; if(key != 999) { rent[i] = HouseInfo[key][hRent]; if(rent[i] > GetPlayerCash(i) && strcmp(PlayerInfo[i][pNormalName], HouseInfo[key][hOwner], false) == 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pPhousekey] = 999; Update(i,pPhousekeyx); } HouseInfo[key][hTakings] += rent[i]; mysql_format(SQL,str,sizeof(str),"UPDATE `houses` SET `Takings`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'",HouseInfo[key][hTakings],key); mysql_tquery(SQL,str,"",""); } new tmpintrate; if(PlayerInfo[i][pPremiumAccount] > 0) { tmpintrate = 2; new bonus = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 2; PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += bonus; } else { tmpintrate = 1; } account[i] = PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]; Tax += TaxValue; PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= TaxValue; new checks = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck]; PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] += checks; interest = (PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]/1000)*(tmpintrate); new finalinterest,stringore[128]; new Float:timee,Float:timee2; SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_TEAL, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Your paycheck has arrived; please visit the bank to withdraw your money."); PlayerInfo[i][pConnectTime] += PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] / 3600.0; timee = PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] / 3600.0; timee2 = PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] / 60.0; finalinterest = interest; if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] > 1801) { PlayerInfo[i][pGiftTime] += 40; Update(i, pGiftTimex); SS(i,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Ai primit 40 gift points pentru ca ai jucat 1801 secunde.","You recieved 40 gift points because you played 1801 seconds."); } else { PlayerInfo[i][pGiftTime] += 20; Update(i, pGiftTimex); SS(i,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Ai primit 20 gift points pentru ca nu ai jucat 1801 secunde.","You recieved 20 gift points because you not played 1801 seconds."); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pMember] != 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pPaydayON]++; Update(i, pPaydayONx); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pLeader] > 0) { GivePlayerCash(i, 50000); format(string, sizeof(string), "Ai primit salariul de leader ($50000)."); format(stringore, sizeof(stringore), "You recieved the leader salary ($50000)."); SS(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string, stringore); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pHelper] > 0) { GivePlayerCash(i, 50000); format(string, sizeof(string), "Ai primit salariul de helper ($50000)."); format(stringore, sizeof(stringore), "You recieved the helper salary ($50000)."); SS(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string, stringore); } Update(i, pCashx); PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] = 0; hourscount++; if(PlayerInfo[i][pLanguage] == 1) { format(stringore, sizeof(stringore), "You received %.2f hours played (%d minutes).",timee,floatround(timee2)); } else { format(stringore, sizeof(stringore), "Ai primit %.2f ore jucate (%d minute).",timee,floatround(timee2)); } SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, stringore); if(PlayerInfo[i][pRob] < 20) { PlayerInfo[i][pRob]++; Update(i, pRob); } else { SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Nu ai primit niciun rob/free point pentru ca ai deja 20 rob/free points.", "No rob points for you! You have too many rob/free points. You can't store more than 20 rob/free points."); Update(i, pRob); } PlayerInfo[i][pExp] += 1; PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] += finalinterest; /*format(string, sizeof(string), "Paycheck: $%s | Bank balance: $%s | Bank interest: $%s | Tax: $%s (10 percent)", FormatNumber(checks), FormatNumber(PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]), FormatNumber(finalinterest), FormatNumber(TaxValue)); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREY, string); format(string3, sizeof(string3), "Rent: $%s | Total earnings: $%d", FormatNumber(rent[i]), checks-TaxValue); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GREY, string3); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_TEAL, "----------------------------------------------------------------------------");*/ //PayDaYTD {2b87ff} format(string3, sizeof(string3), "PAYDAY:~n~Minute jucate: +%d~n~Paycheck: $%s ~n~ Bank balance: $%s ~n~ Bank interest: $%s ~n~ Tax: $%s (10 percent)~n~Rent: $%s | Total earnings: $%d",PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay]/60+1, FormatNumber(checks), FormatNumber(PlayerInfo[i][pAccount]), FormatNumber(finalinterest), FormatNumber(TaxValue), FormatNumber(rent[i]), checks-TaxValue); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PayDayTD, string3); PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PayDayTD); format(string, sizeof(string), "~y~payday"); GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 1); format(string, sizeof(string), "~g~payday"); GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 5000, 1); if(PlayerInfo[i][pRollPoints] < 100) PlayerInfo[i][pRollPoints] +=20, Update(i, pRollPointsx); format(string, sizeof(string), "Roll Points: %d/100", PlayerInfo[i][pRollPoints]); SCM(i, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN3, string); if(PlayerInfo[i][pCarLicT] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pCarLicT] -= 1; if(PlayerInfo[i][pCarLicT] == 0) SS(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Licenta ta de condus a expirat, poti merge la DMV pentru a obtine alta.","* Your driving licence was expired, you can go to the DMV to get another."); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pFlyLicT] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pFlyLicT] -= 1; if(PlayerInfo[i][pFlyLicT] == 0) SS(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Licenta ta de zburat a expirat, poti obtine alta contactand un instructor [/instructors].","* Your flying licence was expired, you can get antoher contacting a instructor [/instructors]."); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pBoatLicT] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pBoatLicT] -= 1; if(PlayerInfo[i][pBoatLicT] == 0) SS(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Licenta ta de barci a expirat, poti obtine alta contactand un instructor [/instructors].","* Your boat licence was expired, you can get antoher contacting a instructor [/instructors]."); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pGunLicT] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pGunLicT] -= 1; if(PlayerInfo[i][pGunLicT] == 0) SS(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Licenta ta de arme a expirat, poti obtine alta contactand un instructor [/instructors].","* Your weapon licence was expired, you can get antoher contacting a instructor [/instructors]."); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pFpunish] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pFpunish]--; } if(PlayerInfo[i][pFpunish] < 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pFpunish] = 0; } if(PlayerInfo[i][pCarLicSuspend] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pCarLicSuspend]--; Update(i, pCarLicSuspendx); if(PlayerInfo[i][pCarLicSuspend] == 0) SS(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Licenta ta de condus a fost confiscata recent, acum poti merge iar la DMV pentru a obtine alta.","* Your driving licence was confiscated recently, now you can go to the DMV to get another."); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pGunLicSuspend] > 0) { PlayerInfo[i][pGunLicSuspend]--; Update(i, pGunLicSuspendx); if(PlayerInfo[i][pGunLicSuspend] == 0) SS(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Licenta ta de arme a fost confiscata recent, acum poti contacta un instructor pentru a obtine alta [/instructors].","* Your weapon licence was confiscated recently, now you can get antoher contacting a instructor [/instructors]."); } PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] = 0; new month, day, inserted, dx; format(str, sizeof(str), "SELECT * FROM `timeplayed` WHERE `pid`='%d'", PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID]); new Cache: xd = mysql_query(SQL, str); if(cache_get_row_count() > 0) { for(new d, js = cache_get_row_count (); d != js; ++d) { month = cache_get_field_content_int(d, "month"); day = cache_get_field_content_int(d, "day"); if(day == da && month == mo) { inserted = 1; } } } else { mysql_format(SQL, str, sizeof(str), "INSERT INTO `timeplayed` (`pid`,`time`,`month`,`day`,`year`,`unixtime`) VALUES ('%d','%d','%s%d','%s%d','%d','%d')", PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID], OnlineTimeToday[i], ((mo < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), mo, ((da < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), da, ye, gettime()); mysql_tquery(SQL, str, "", ""); dx = 1; OnlineTimeToday[i] = 0; Update(i, pOnlineTimeTodayx); } cache_delete(xd); if(dx == 0) { if(inserted == 1) { mysql_format(SQL, str, sizeof(str), "UPDATE timeplayed SET time = time+%d WHERE month = %d AND day = %d AND pid = %d", OnlineTimeToday[i], mo, da, PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID]); mysql_tquery(SQL, str, "", ""); OnlineTimeToday[i] = 0; Update(i, pOnlineTimeTodayx); } else { mysql_format(SQL, str, sizeof(str), "INSERT INTO `timeplayed` (`pid`,`time`,`month`,`day`,`year`,`unixtime`) VALUES ('%d','%d','%s%d','%s%d','%d','%d')", PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID], OnlineTimeToday[i], ((mo < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), mo, ((da < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), da, ye, gettime()); mysql_tquery(SQL, str, "", ""); OnlineTimeToday[i] = 0; Update(i, pOnlineTimeTodayx); } } UpdateProgressBar(i); } } } format(str, sizeof(str), "INSERT INTO `toph` (`ponline`,`hour`) VALUES ('%d','%s%d:00')", GetOnLinePlayers(), ((hour < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), hour); mysql_query(SQL, str); mysql_query(SQL, "DELETE FROM `toph` ORDER BY `id` ASC limit 1"); format(str, sizeof(str), "SELECT * FROM `timeonline` WHERE m = %d AND y = %d",mo,ye); new Cache: result = mysql_query(SQL, str); if(cache_get_row_count() >= 1) { mysql_format(SQL,str,sizeof(str),"UPDATE timeonline SET hoursplayed = hoursplayed+%d WHERE m = %d AND y = %d",hourscount,mo,ye); mysql_tquery(SQL,str,"",""); } cache_delete(result); SetTimer("hidePayDay", 10000, false); return 1; }
  3. Daca mi-ai da si mie o rezolvare cum as putea salva bani am incercat cu update cashx dar degeaba Pai asa am facut l-am bagat in gamemode dar degeaba
  4. Stiu acest job dupa sa-mp.com doar ca lam implementat dar bani nu mi salveaza si am pus. UpdateCash si tot la fel.. Poate nu pun bine unde trebuie ai idee ?
  5. Am vazut fix dupa ce postai problema ms foarte mult mane. Ai tot respect-ul meu ti-am lasat un pm
  6. Primesc asta acu C:\Users\SpriteTV\Desktop\GameModeRPG\gamemodes\RP-RPG.pwn(38077) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\SpriteTV\Desktop\GameModeRPG\gamemodes\RP-RPG.pwn(38114) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "-identifier-" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors. [Finished in 20.4s] Linile is astea BizzInfo[house][bLocked] = 0; HouseInfo[house][hHel] = 0;
  7. pai nu am de unde sa stiu boss..
  8. pai asta tu trebuie sa sti ca doar tu ai construit acest sistem ... nu noi eu m-am uitat peste tot nu i-am dat de rezolvare...
  9. Eu in partial am rezolvat probleme doar ca si eu am problemele astea. clan tagul nu ramene salvat, masiniile de la clan si banii dar in baza de date sunt daca setezi bani din baza de date la clan in joc arata ca ai 0 cand iei obiectele de la quest acestea nu dispar si ramane si minimap-ul ala galben dar nu vrea sa ofere ajutor. Restu le-am rezolvat eu dar astea nu am reusit sa le rezolv.... si la ajutor nici unu nu raspunde...
  10. Username :SpriteTV Problema întâlnită:primesc niste erori de la mysql dar nu inteleg care ii treaba. Detalii despre problemă:mysql_store_result mysql_retrieve_row mysql_fetch_field_row Ce ai încercat să faci înainte să postezi?: Nu am incercat ca nu cunosc bine problema ca nu le am cu mysql-ul chiar asa de bine. Cod sursa (recomandat pastebin.com) : erori. https://pastebin.com/vGiTq4rk comenzile.https://pastebin.com/vW8sN14k Alte detalii : help plz.
  11. pai singura functie pe care o am este asta public ClanUpdate(clanid, type) { new var[356]; switch(type) { case ClanSafex: { mysql_format(SQL, var, sizeof(var), "UPDATE `clans` SET `clanSeif`='%d' WHERE `clanID`='%d'",ClanInfo[clanid][cClanSeif], clanid); mysql_tquery(SQL,var,"",""); } } return 1; } Folosesc gm-ul bluffs v2 alui ionut. dar nu inteleg care ii treaba. Gen cat servar-ul ruleaza ok fara restar bani se incarc in in dialog si in baza de date. Dupa restart pe dialog nu mai apar bani. ma duc dau la un job ceva si bani care se iau din job se reseteaza in baza de date gen eu iau 300$ si in baza de date se pune 300$ dar ti-am spus dupa restart la fel face.
  12. rezolvat ms bro. erea de o functie facuta de mine aiurea poate imi poti oferi rezolvarea la clan seif ca acolo chiar nu am gasit rezolvarea pwp
  13. Bun sa zic ca in partial cred ca mi-am dat seama care ar fi problema. Daca nu dau restart la server raman bani apar tot-ul bine dar daca dau restart la server imi seteaza iara 0 cand dau sa vad bani dar in baza de date apar bani nu inteleg care ar fi problema... Dar dupa ce ma duc la un job si primesc bani aia in baza de date se seteaza bani de iam primit acu. dar eu am functia asta creata dar degeba. public ClanUpdate(clanid, type) { new var[356]; switch(type) { case ClanSafex: { mysql_format(SQL, var, sizeof(var), "UPDATE `clans` SET `clanSeif`='%d' WHERE `clanID`='%d'",ClanInfo[clanid][cClanSeif], clanid); mysql_tquery(SQL,var,"",""); } } return 1; }
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