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Everything posted by wNekiRo

  1. wNekiRo


    mane mai bine fa asta cu Pawno ca nu te mai complici,lasa-ti cacaturile astea de Sublime text,nu e nimic diferit de pawno,in plus ai butonu' de compile direct in fata fara probleme si aia e..
  2. wNekiRo


    .amx e gmu' compilat, .pwn e fisierul necompilat
  3. wNekiRo


    sa incerc sa te ajut*
  4. wNekiRo


    ai discord ceva? sa te ajut
  5. wNekiRo


    ai skype/facebook/discord?
  6. Esti sigur ca nu ai facut vre-o modificare in GM ? Numai asta ar putea impiedica ca liftul sa mearga,o miscare facuta proasta.
  7. Esti sigur ca vehiculele respective nu detin de vre-un job sau ceva?
  8. nimeni nu ma poate ajuta cu TW?
  9. l-am adaugat in gm si am probleme,cand jucatorul moare il da la spawn/hq dar ii ramane mapa etc si player counter+ca daca acel jucator moare nu castiga ultimul ramas meciul,ajutor?
  10. C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40815) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40821) : warning 219: local variable "x" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40821) : warning 219: local variable "y" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40821) : warning 219: local variable "z" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40821) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40832) : error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40832) : error 017: undefined symbol "houseInterior" C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40832) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\Cht\Desktop\GM 10 EURO\gamemodes\RPG.pwn(40832) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
  11. man...ma bucur intr-un fel ca incerci sa ma ajuti dar singura mea problema e ca sunt incepator,intelegi? mai fac eu una alta nu-s chiar prost... dar totusi nu stiu multe,intelegi?
  12. Chiar nimeni nu ma poate ajuta cu comanda createhouse?
  13. nu stiu de la ce e pornit gmu' asta,l-am cumparat de la @DrooM. cu 10 euro.
  14. Nu ma poate ajuta nimeni? ...
  15. CMD:createhouse( playerid, params[ ] ) { if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pAdmin ] < 6 ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Nu esti un administrator level 6+." ); new type[ 15 ], house, inttype, level, price, Float: x, Float: y, Float: z; GetPlayerPos( playerid, x, y, z ); gString[ 0 ] = (EOS); if( sscanf( params, "s[15]dd", type, level, price ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{dd0808}Syntax:{ffffff} /createhouse [big | medium | small] [level] [price]" ); if( strmatch( type, "big" ) ) house = random( 3 ); else if( strmatch( type, "medium" ) ) house = random( 3 ) + 3; else if( strmatch( type, "small" ) ) house = random( 3 ) + 6; else return SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "{dd0808}Syntax:{ffffff} /createhouse [big | medium | small] [level] [price]" ); if( house >= 0 && house <= 2 ) inttype = 2; else if( house >= 3 && house <= 5 ) inttype = 1; else if( house >= 6 && house <= 8 ) inttype = 0; SCM( playerid, -1, "Processing..." ); mysql_format( SQL, gString, sizeof gString, "INSERT INTO `houses` (`Entrancex` , `Entrancey` , `Entrancez` , `Exitx` , `Exity` , `Exitz` , `Interior`, `Level` , `Value`) VALUES ('%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%d', '%d', '%d') ", x, y, z, houseInterior[ house ][ 0 ], houseInterior[ house ][ 1 ], houseInterior[ house ][ 2 ], houseInteriorID[ house ], level, price ); mysql_tquery( SQL, gString, "insertServerHouse", "dddddffffff", playerid, houseInteriorID[ house ], inttype, level, price, x, y, z, houseInterior[ house ][ 0 ], houseInterior[ house ][ 1 ], houseInterior[ house ][ 2 ] ); return true; }
  16. Am si eu o problema la comanda createhouse... Sper ca ma poate ajuta cnv.
  17. probabil ai nevoie doar de streamer,incear mai bine sa le faci update la toate...
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