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Everything posted by wNekiRo

  1. era pe 100,am pus acum 150,sa vad acum cum e. AM FACUT ASTA SI A MERS,MERSI MANE TE PWP #RESPECT PWP
  2. tot nu zice nimic in rest s-au adaugat niste chestii,puteti fii mai expliciti? Sunt foarte greu de cap...
  3. deci sa scriu in acel fisier -d3 ?
  4. Am o problema mica cu server-ul meu de samp,am aceste erori in server.log Dar server functioneaza perfect(aproape)dar nu e chiar asa,salveaza date tot dar la server mode apare Unknown(Necunoscut),exista vre-o rezolvare? As dori si eu niste raspunsuri concrete.
  5. SALUT! ASTAZI VREAU SA VA ARAT UN FILTERSCRIPT DESTUL DE FAIN DUPA MINE ACESTA NU A FOST CREAT DE MINE,AUTORUL ORIGINAL ESTE: Gammix EDITORUL ESTE: Iceblizard |MAI JOS O SA GASITI CE FACE ACEST FS SI CE COMENZI ARE| [][]->CARACTERISTICI<-[][] 1.Advance AKA system2.Admin chat for different levels ('!', '@', '#')3.Totally scripted BAN system (temp ban, permanent ban, ip ban, range ban)4.Textdraws for spectating (update after every 1 second)5.SHA/Whirlpool/PAWN-BASED password hashing6.I-ZCMD fastest command processor7.Fast and easy database using easydb(SQLITE)8.Complete ban system: /ban, /unban, /searchban, /banip, /unbanip, /searchipban, /oban9.With temp ban integrated within the commands: /ban and /banip.10.Now offline ban system, use /oban11.Dialogs based, from login and register to BANs.12.Save stats and load perfectly:13.ip14.joindate15.last visit16.admin level17.vip level18.kills,deaths,scre,money,hour,miniutes,seconds.19.logged20.autologin21.Per user based auto logging22.Fine colour combination for admin messages and ...Server rules management system23.Anti swear (Updated)24.Anti spam25.Anti flooding26.Forbidden names27.Forbidden words With more words to keep server free from racism28.Forbidden part of names/tags29.Private message system: /pm, /reply, /nopm30.Enable/Disable script function via macros31.Admin Immune system, higher level is immune to lower level in every case, commands32.Report textdraws33.Reports log for admins, /reports in dialog34.Warning system; with max warns kick system35.Jail, Mute, CMDMute, system with timersAll are necessary commands36.Dialogs based lists for checking Muted, Jailed and CMDMuted players37.Dialogs based admins and donors list38.Admin duty system39.Spectate system40. Quiet advance spectate system with camera freezeCamera freeze; like a player dies, normal spectate system will set your camera to hat ugly default spec screen but my include will freeze the camera where th player died and redirect when he/she spawn! (there is lot more than that)An super include to completely access GAdmin from other platforms using gadminv2.inc.Vehicle tune dialog, with all kinds of tuning possible in SAMP; stable tunning, crash freeReport in dialogs (saves as many lines you want)A very easy admin system configuration (on top of script)In game object editorIn game pickup editorAll necessary give all commands like: /giveallscore, /giveallmoney...Fake commands, chat and deathsTeleports list in dialogTOPs list: Richlist and ScorelistLAG FreeBUG Free [][]->COMENZI<-[][] Player Commands/admins, /vips, /report, /pm, /reply, /nopm, /stats, /register, /login, /changename, /changepass, /autologin, /savestats, /time, /id, /richlist, /scorelistLevel 1 Commands/acmds, /weaps, /onduty, /reports, /repair, /addnos, /warn, /rewarn, /spec, /specoff, /flip, /ip, /goto, /setweather, /settime, /ann, /kick, /asay, /spawn , /helpmsg01 , /helpmsg02 ,/helpmsg03Level 2/jetpack, /aweaps, /show, /muted, /jailed, /carhealth, /eject, /carpaint, /carcolor, /givecar, /car, /akill, /jail, /unjail, /mute, /unmute, /setskin, /cc, /heal, /armour, /setinterior, /setworld, /explode, /disarm, /tune, /ban, /oban, /searchban, /searchipban, /searchrangeban, /unban, /atele, /ann2, /akaLevel 3/get, /write, /force, /healall, /armourall, /fightstyle, /sethealth, /setarmour, /destroycar, /agod, /resetcash, /getall, /freeze, /unfreeze, /giveweapon, /slap, /setcolor, /setcash, /setscore, /givecash, /givescore, /respawncar, /setkills, /setdeaths, /banip, /unbanip, /freezeall, /unfreezeallLevel 4"/fakedeath, /cmdmuted, /cmdmute, /uncmdmute, /killall, /ejectall, /disarmall, /muteall, /unmuteall, /giveallscore, /giveallcash, /setalltime, /setallweather, /respawncars, /clearwindow, /giveallweapon, /object, /destroyobject, /editobject, /banrange, /unbanrangeLevel 5+/gmx, /removeuser, /fakecmd, /fakeban, /fakechat, /setlevel, /setvip, /forbidname, /forbidtag, /forbidword, /pickup, /destroypickup [][]->PLUGIN-URILE/INCLUDE-URILE DE CARE ARE NEVOIE ACEST FS<-[][] Sscanf2 plugin http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=570927Easydb inlcude http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=581453I-ZCMD include http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=576114Timestamptodate include http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=347605Streamer plugin http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=102865 [][]->FUNCTIONS<-[][] native GAdmin_VerifyColumn(const column[], DB::e_COLUMN_TYPES:type); native GAdmin_IsValidPlayer(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_GetPlayerInt(playerid, const column[], username[] = ""); native Float:GAdmin_GetPlayerFloat(playerid, const column[], username[] = ""); native GAdmin_GetPlayerString(playerid, const column[], str[], len = sizeof(str), username[] = ""); native GAdmin_SetPlayerInt(playerid, const column[], set, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_SetPlayerFloat(playerid, const column[], Float:set, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_SetPlayerString(playerid, const column[], str[], len = sizeof(str), username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerAdmin(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerVip(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerRegistered(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerLoggedIn(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerGuest(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerMuted(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerCMDMuted(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerJailed(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerGod(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerOnDuty(playerid, username[] = ""); native GAdmin_IsPlayerDND(playerid, username[] = ""); [][]->CALLBACKS<-[][] CALLBACKS: public GAdmin_OnPlayerRegister(playerid) public GAdmin_OnPlayerLogin(playerid) public GAdmin_OnPlayerGuest(playerid) public GAdmin_OnPlayerLogout(playerid) [][]->>DOWNLOAD LINKS<<-[][] Media Fire GAdmin GAdmin V2.3.3 Media Fire AMX FILEGAdmin V2.3.3 AMXSolid FilesGAdmin V2.3.3
  6. wNekiRo


    Mersi de info,pwp.
  7. wNekiRo


    Am sa incerc si eu totusi,hm pare ceva bun din ce observ.. idk sa vad ce poate face,ma faci sa-l incerc sincer.
  8. Problema respectiva porneste din sistemul de garaje,esti sigur ca n-ai facut tu ceva? Sigur n-are nici o treaba cu fisierul mysql.inc sau pluginu'...
  9. Incearca sa pui include-ul de tip mysql inapoi(cel pe care il avea gmu'),probabil ca e compilat cu o versiune mai veche.
  10. wNekiRo

    Problema SAMP

    Sincer nu stiu ce-as putea sa-ti mai zic,am avut si eu probleme de genu' si am rezolvat dar nu mai stiu rezolvarea,daca gasesc revin cu un reply sau PM,salut!
  11. wNekiRo

    Problema SAMP

    Ai incercat sa spamezi F7 ?
  12. Download: https://github.com/pBlueG/SA-MP-MySQL/releases/download/R41-4/mysql-R41-4-win32.zip Deschide fisierul .zip Intra in plugins si inlocuieste-l cu cel vechi.
  13. imediat iti dau una noua,ce mysql folosesti,static sau mysql default?
  14. wNekiRo

    Problema SAMP

    Inca ceva,ai moduri?
  15. wNekiRo

    Problema SAMP

    press ESC -> options -> dysplay setup verifica daca e hud mode ON
  16. wNekiRo

    Problema SAMP

    ai incercat cu F10 ?
  17. Incearca o versiune mai noua de mysql
  18. o linie cu plugin-urile pe care le detii? Si apropo ai pus baza de date pe phpmyadmin ?
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