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Stal1n last won the day on April 22 2020

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  1. Salut baieti. Unde pot gasi un panel compatibil cu gamemod-ul vProject?
  2. Salut baieti. Unde pot gasi un panel compatibil cu gamemod-ul vortex?
  3. Salut baieti. Un panel pentru acest gamemod, avem si noi pe aici?
  4. Salut. Un panel pentru acest gamemod, gasim?
  5. Salutare ! Am decis sa redeschid comunitatea si serverul rpg.treed.ro si am nevoie de scripter si de administrator !! Multi cred ca a ti auzit de acest server fiindca a fost destul de populat .... Acum 2 ani din lipsa de timp si ne'fiind in tara, nu am mai avut timp de aceasta comunitate si de server !!! De data asta nu va mai fi inchise nici serverul, nici comunitatea ! Cel ce doreste sa mi se alature, nu trebuie sa vina cu nici un ban.. Doar cu cunostinte scripting si seriozitate Astept scripter / partener ! Ma puteti contacta in privat sau pe facebook ! https://www.facebook.com/ivan.george.923
  6. Si uite cum a aparut si gamemodul meu pe sa-mp.ro :))) Chiar nu ma asteptam !!!
  7. Stal1n


    Un panel compatibil cu acest gamemod avem si noi ?
  8. Din pacate nu este bun link-ul de download.... Il poti uploada pe un alt site te rog
  9. Salutare baieti. Caut scripter priceput pentru serverul de samp rpg.treed.ro Cerintele sunt: Minim 17 / 18 ani, Limbaj adegvat, Sa faca update la server cel putin o data la 2 zile ! rpg.treed.ro www.treed.ro Daca este nevoie, platesc.
  10. [20:15:27] filterscripts = "" (string) [20:15:27] [20:15:27] Server Plugins [20:15:27] -------------- [20:15:27] Loading plugin: mysql.so [20:15:27] Failed (/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' not found (required by plugins/mysql.so)) [20:15:27] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so [20:15:27] CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK. [20:15:27] Loaded. [20:15:27] Loading plugin: streamer.so [20:15:27] *** Streamer Plugin v2.8.2 by Incognito loaded *** [20:15:27] Loaded. [20:15:27] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [20:15:27] [20:15:27] =============================== [20:15:27] sscanf plugin loaded. [20:15:27] Version: 2.8.2 [20:15:27] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [20:15:27] =============================== [20:15:27] Loaded. [20:15:27] Loaded 3 plugins. [20:15:27] [20:15:27] Filterscripts [20:15:27] --------------- [20:15:27] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [20:15:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:15:27] [debug] cache_get_row_count [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_format [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_pquery [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_connect [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_errno [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_close [20:15:27] [debug] cache_get_value_name [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_log [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_query [20:15:27] [debug] cache_delete [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_escape_string [20:15:27] [debug] cache_insert_id [20:15:27] [debug] cache_get_field_count [20:15:27] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:15:27] [debug] cache_get_row_count [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_format [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_pquery [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_connect [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_errno [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_close [20:15:27] [debug] cache_get_value_name [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_log [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_query [20:15:27] [debug] cache_delete [20:15:27] [debug] mysql_escape_string [20:15:27] [debug] cache_insert_id [20:15:27] [debug] cache_get_field_count [20:15:27] Script[gamemodes/rpg.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [20:15:27] Number of vehicle models: 0 Stie cineva de ce imi da aceasta erroare?
  11. Salut. Incerc sa deschid server cu gamemodul ohio creat de mister care este pe mysql r41 si imi da: [23:52:57] Loaded. [23:52:57] Loading plugin: mysql.so [23:52:57] Failed (/usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.19' not found (required by plugins/mysql.so)) [23:52:57] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [23:52:57] [23:52:57] =============================== [23:52:57] sscanf plugin loaded. [23:52:57] Version: 2.8.2 [23:52:57] (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [23:52:57] =============================== [23:52:57] Loaded. [23:52:57] Loaded 3 plugins. [23:52:57] [23:52:57] Filterscripts [23:52:57] --------------- [23:52:57] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [23:52:57] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:52:57] [debug] cache_get_row_count [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_format [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_pquery [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_connect [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_errno [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_close [23:52:57] [debug] cache_get_value_name [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_log [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_query [23:52:57] [debug] cache_delete [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_escape_string [23:52:57] [debug] cache_insert_id [23:52:57] [debug] cache_get_field_count [23:52:57] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:52:57] [debug] cache_get_row_count [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_format [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_pquery [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_connect [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_errno [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_close [23:52:57] [debug] cache_get_value_name [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_log [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_query [23:52:57] [debug] cache_delete [23:52:57] [debug] mysql_escape_string [23:52:57] [debug] cache_insert_id [23:52:57] [debug] cache_get_field_count [23:52:57] Script[gamemodes/rpg.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [23:52:57] Number of vehicle models: 0 Ma poate ajuta cineva cu aceasta problema? Este aceeasi versiune de mysql r41 si in gamemod sunt bine bagate datele la baza de date !
  12. Problema rezolvata Daedric. Multumesc pentru ajutor !
  13. Nu am infersat absolut nimic. Am mai pornit acest gamemod pe host si a mers...
  14. Acum imi da [21:07:06] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [21:07:06] [debug] cache_get_value_name [21:07:06] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [21:07:06] [debug] cache_get_value_name [21:07:06] Script[gamemodes/rpg.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" Scuze pentru dublupost !!!
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