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Everything posted by Unique

  1. Am incercat sa adaug 2 comenzi in GameMode-ul JustGame si imi da urmatoarele errori : C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14156) : error 017: undefined symbol "eventenabled" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14158) : error 017: undefined symbol "pickup_event" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14159) : error 017: undefined symbol "evex" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14159) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14160) : error 017: undefined symbol "evey" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14160) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14161) : error 017: undefined symbol "evez" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14161) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14162) : error 017: undefined symbol "eventenabled" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14162) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14163) : error 017: undefined symbol "interiorevent" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14164) : error 017: undefined symbol "virtuallevent" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14171) : error 017: undefined symbol "pickup_event" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14172) : error 017: undefined symbol "evex" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14172) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14173) : error 017: undefined symbol "evey" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14173) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14174) : error 017: undefined symbol "evez" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14174) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14175) : error 017: undefined symbol "eventenabled" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14175) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14176) : error 017: undefined symbol "interiorevent" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14176) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14177) : error 017: undefined symbol "virtuallevent" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14177) : warning 215: expression has no effect C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14185) : error 017: undefined symbol "AdminOnly" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14192) : error 017: undefined symbol "pPaintBallG" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14195) : error 017: undefined symbol "eventenabled" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14197) : error 017: undefined symbol "interiorevent" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14198) : error 017: undefined symbol "virtuallevent" C:\Users\George\Desktop\Power-Game's\gamemodes\JG.pwn(14199) : error 017: undefined symbol "SetPlayerPosEx" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 21 Errors. Comenzile sunt CMD:placegotoevent(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, sendername[25], string[256]; GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if(!eventenabled) { pickup_event = CreatePickup(1314, 23, x, y, z, GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); evex = x; evey = y; evez = z; eventenabled = 1; interiorevent = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); virtuallevent = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid); format(string, sizeof(string), "(( Info: Admin %s activated event teleport, type /gotoevent. ))", sendername); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string); return 1; } else { DestroyPickup(pickup_event); evex = 0.0; evey = 0.0; evez = 0.0; eventenabled = 0; interiorevent = 0; virtuallevent = 0; format(string, sizeof(string), "(( Info: Admin %s deactivated event teleport. ))", sendername); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string); } return 1; } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, AdminOnly); } return 1; } CMD:gotoevent(playerid, params[]) { if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "You need to login first."); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPaintBallG] > 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You can't use this command at Paintball."); if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(eventenabled) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid, interiorevent); SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, virtuallevent); SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, evex, evey, evez); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You have been teleported at event."); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "No event teleport activated."); } return 1; } Aveti idee ce sa fac ?
  2. Doresc si eu comanda gethereall /getallhere ( comanda aia care aduce toti playerii la tine ) Si ma vreau si comanda /placegotoevent ( plaseaza locul unde un player daca da /gotoevent sa-l aduca ) si /gotoevent ( te duce unde a fost plasat placegotoevent ) am nevoie pentru sistemul event... si daca nu cer prea multe si comanda /oplace (aia care plaseaza un obiect si cine ajunge primul la el si il atinge castiga o anumita suma de bani setata de admini Multumesc celor care ma ajuta !
  3. Deci cand cumpar o masina ex infernus imi da alta nrg sau altceva ... stiti cum pot so rezolv ? nu e de la inceput problema ... sa dobandit de la ultimele restarturii GM : s4urik
  4. la fel... am modificat la phousekey de la 42 la 200 , nu am phouse am rezolvat , era ceva in gm cu maxim de 150 case. t/c !
  5. Buna ziua am o problema cu comanda /createhouse , am 150 de case pe server daca dau /createhouse imi apare : daca pun level , banii si interiorul imi da Comanda : CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[]) { new Float:Pos[3], Float:IntPos[3], inter, ivInt, ivPrice, ivLevel; if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Tu nu esti logat si nu poti sa folosesti aceasta comanda!"); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 6) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Nu ai gradul necesar ca sa folosesti aceasta comanda!"); if(sscanf(params,"iii",ivLevel,ivPrice,ivInt)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, "Tasteaza:{FFFFFF} /createhouse <level> <price> <intid>"); { if(ivLevel < 1 || ivLevel > 50) return 1; if(ivPrice < 1 || ivPrice > 100000000) return 1; if(ivInt < 1 || ivInt > 42) return 1; GetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]); if(ivInt == 1)IntPos[0] = 140.17, IntPos[1] = 1366.07, IntPos[2] = 1083.65, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 2)IntPos[0] = 2324.53, IntPos[1] = -1149.54, IntPos[2] = 1050.71, inter = 12; else if(ivInt == 3)IntPos[0] = 225.68, IntPos[1] = 1021.45, IntPos[2] = 1084.02, inter = 7; else if(ivInt == 4) IntPos[0] = 234.19, IntPos[1] = 1063.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.21, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 5) IntPos[0] = 226.30, IntPos[1] = 1114.24, IntPos[2] = 1080.99, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 6) IntPos[0] = 235.34, IntPos[1] = 1186.68, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 3; else if(ivInt == 7) IntPos[0] = 491.07, IntPos[1] = 1398.50, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 2; else if(ivInt == 8) IntPos[0] = 24.04, IntPos[1] = 1340.17, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 10; else if(ivInt == 9) IntPos[0] = -283.44, IntPos[1] = 1470.93, IntPos[2] = 1084.38, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 10) IntPos[0] = -260.49, IntPos[1] = 1456.75, IntPos[2] = 1084.37, inter = 4; else if(ivInt == 11) IntPos[0] = 83.03, IntPos[1] = 1322.28, IntPos[2] = 1083.87, inter = 9; else if(ivInt == 12) IntPos[0] = 2317.89, IntPos[1] = -1026.76, IntPos[2] = 1050.22, inter = 9; else if(ivInt == 13) IntPos[0] = 2495.98, IntPos[1] = -1692.08, IntPos[2] = 1014.74, inter = 3; else if(ivInt == 14) IntPos[0] = 2807.48, IntPos[1] = -1174.76, IntPos[2] = 1025.57, inter = 8; else if(ivInt == 15) IntPos[0] = 2196.85, IntPos[1] = -1204.25, IntPos[2] = 1049.02, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 16) IntPos[0] = 377.15, IntPos[1] = 1417.41, IntPos[2] = 1081.33, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 17) IntPos[0] = 2270.38, IntPos[1] = -1210.35, IntPos[2] = 1047.56, inter = 10; else if(ivInt == 18) IntPos[0] = 446.99, IntPos[1] = 1397.07, IntPos[2] = 1084.30, inter = 2; else if(ivInt == 19) IntPos[0] = 387.22, IntPos[1] = 1471.70, IntPos[2] = 1080.19, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 20) IntPos[0] = 22.88, IntPos[1] = 1403.33, IntPos[2] = 1084.44, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 21) IntPos[0] = 2365.31, IntPos[1] = -1135.60, IntPos[2] = 1050.88, inter = 8; else if(ivInt == 22) IntPos[0] = 2237.59, IntPos[1] = -1081.64, IntPos[2] = 1049.02, inter = 2; else if(ivInt == 23) IntPos[0] = 295.04, IntPos[1] = 1472.26, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 24) IntPos[0] = 261.12, IntPos[1] = 1284.30, IntPos[2] = 1080.26, inter = 4; else if(ivInt == 25) IntPos[0] = 221.92, IntPos[1] = 1140.20, IntPos[2] = 1082.61, inter = 4; else if(ivInt == 26) IntPos[0] = -68.81, IntPos[1] = 1351.21, IntPos[2] = 1080.21, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 27) IntPos[0] = 260.85, IntPos[1] = 1237.24, IntPos[2] = 1084.26, inter = 9; else if(ivInt == 28) IntPos[0] = 2468.84, IntPos[1] = -1698.24, IntPos[2] = 1013.51, inter = 2; else if(ivInt == 29) IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1082.14, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 30) IntPos[0] = 2283.04, IntPos[1] = -1140.28, IntPos[2] = 1050.90, inter = 11; else if(ivInt == 31) IntPos[0] = 328.05, IntPos[1] = 1477.73, IntPos[2] = 1084.44, inter = 15; else if(ivInt == 32) IntPos[0] = 223.20, IntPos[1] = 1287.08, IntPos[2] = 1287.08, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 33) IntPos[0] = -42.59, IntPos[1] = 1405.47, IntPos[2] = 1084.43, inter = 8; else if(ivInt == 34) IntPos[0] = 446.90, IntPos[1] = 506.35, IntPos[2] = 1001.42, inter = 12; else if(ivInt == 35) IntPos[0] = 299.78, IntPos[1] = 309.89, IntPos[2] = 1003.30, inter = 4; else if(ivInt == 36) IntPos[0] = 2308.77, IntPos[1] = -1212.94, IntPos[2] = 1049.02, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 37) IntPos[0] = 2233.64, IntPos[1] = -1115.26, IntPos[2] = 1050.88, inter = 5; else if(ivInt == 38) IntPos[0] = 2218.40, IntPos[1] = -1076.18, IntPos[2] = 1050.48, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 39) IntPos[0] = 266.50, IntPos[1] = 304.90, IntPos[2] = 999.15, inter = 2; else if(ivInt == 40) IntPos[0] = 243.72, IntPos[1] = 304.91, IntPos[2] = 999.15, inter = 1; else if(ivInt == 41) IntPos[0] = 343.81, IntPos[1] = 304.86, IntPos[2] = 999.15, inter = 6; else if(ivInt == 42) IntPos[0] = 2259.38, IntPos[1] = -1135.77, IntPos[2] = 1050.64, inter = 10; ++ Total_House_Created; new house = Total_House_Created; HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX] = Pos[0]; HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY] = Pos[1]; HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ] = Pos[2]; HouseInfo[house][hExitX] = IntPos[0]; HouseInfo[house][hExitY] = IntPos[1]; HouseInfo[house][hExitZ] = IntPos[2]; strmid(HouseInfo[house][hOwner], "The State", 0, MAX_PLAYER_NAME, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); HouseInfo[house][hValue] = ivPrice; HouseInfo[house][hInt] = inter; HouseInfo[house][hLock] = 1; HouseInfo[house][hOwned] = 0; HouseInfo[house][hRent] = 1; HouseInfo[house][hRentable] = 0; HouseInfo[house][hSafe] = 0; HouseInfo[house][hLevel] = ivLevel; HouseInfo[house][hWorld] = Total_House_Created; HouseInfo[house][hSellPrice] = 0; gQuery[0] = (EOS); mysql_format(handle, gQuery, sizeof(gQuery) ,"INSERT INTO `houses` (`ID`,`EntranceX`,`EntranceY`,`EntranceZ`,`ExitX`,`ExitY`,`ExitZ`,`Owner`,`Value`,`Interior`,`Lock`,`Owned`,`Rent`,`Rentable`,`Safe`,`Level`,`World`) VALUES (%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,'%e',%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)", Total_House_Created, HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ], HouseInfo[house][hExitX], HouseInfo[house][hExitY], HouseInfo[house][hExitZ], HouseInfo[house][hOwner], HouseInfo[house][hValue], HouseInfo[house][hInt], HouseInfo[house][hLock], HouseInfo[house][hOwned], HouseInfo[house][hRent], HouseInfo[house][hRentable], HouseInfo[house][hSafe], HouseInfo[house][hLevel], HouseInfo[house][hWorld]); mysql_query(handle ,gQuery); format(gString, sizeof(gString), "House %d\nThis house is for sale\nPrice: {FFFFFF}$%s\n{FF9933}Level: {FFFFFF}%d\n{FF9933}To buy this house type /buyhouse.",house,FormatNumber(HouseInfo[house][hValue]),HouseInfo[house][hLevel]); HouseInfo[house][hTextInfo] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(gString,0xFF9933FF,HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ]+0.5,15, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, INVALID_VEHICLE_ID, 0, -1, -1, -1, 15.0); HouseInfo[house][hPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ], -1, -1, -1, 15.0); HouseInfo[house][hMapIcon] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(HouseInfo[house][hEntranceX], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceY], HouseInfo[house][hEntranceZ], 31, -1, -1, -1, -1, 30.0); } return 1; }
  6. Buna seara revin iar cu o intrebare , in gamemode-ul justgames cand un player iese de pe server ii dispar si masinilie si nu poate respawna toate masinile decat 1 daca respawneaza alta ii dispare prima ... stiti cum se rezolva bug-ul ?
  7. incep sa ma pricep acum imi fac propria mapa :3 poti sa verifici pe sv meu - Reclama -
  8. Multumesc , sunt la inceput , multumesc acestui forum ca e disponibil sa invete incepatorii !
  9. Nu ma dau scripter e serverul meu vreau sa il modific eu ... Incerc sa devin
  10. dar macar codu bradului sau ceva sa pot sa o scot
  11. Buna ziua din nou revin cu o intrebare ... Cum scot brazii de pe mapa ? Poza :
  12. Buna seara doresc si eu un fast event gen : cine scrie primul xS23wi castiga 21421$ si 1 respectpoint's Sa fie pentru gamemode direct va rog si sa fie disponibil cel care zice sa ma ajute daca intampin probleme va rog frumos ! Incerc sa fac si eu un gamemode am GM JustGame si vreau sa-l modific Si mai vreau sa-mi ziceti cum scot palaria de inceput , imi da o palarie de mos craciun pe cap si e foarte deranjanta mai ales ca nu e craciunul !
  13. CMD:getgift(playerid, params[]) { if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "You need to login first."); // Verifica daca-i logat if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai nevoie de minim 1 Gift Point pentru a putea folosi comanda."); // Iii trimite un mesaj daca nu are giftpoints switch(random(6)) // Aici e facut sa iti deie randem din cele 2 case-uri tu poti adauga case 3 case 4 etc.. si pentru fiecare case nou modifici in switch(random(3)) switch(random(4)) sau cate ai. { case 0: { new rp = 1 + random(5);// Aici poti baga sa-i adauge cat rp vrei tu eu am pus 5 format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* Ai primit %s puncte de respect.",FormatNumber(rp)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRespect] += rp; Update(playerid, pRespectx); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~ Ai primit puncte de respect !", 5000, 1); } case 1: { new cash = 100000 + random(1000000); // Castiga o suma de bani 100.000 $ + random din suma de 200.000 $ format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* Ai primit %s$.",FormatNumber(cash)); // aici il scrie SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); GivePlayerCash(playerid, cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Ai primit bani !", 5000, 1); } case 2: { new rob = 1 + random(3); // Castiga o suma de bani 100.000 $ + random din suma de 200.000 $ format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* Ai primit %s puncte de rob.",FormatNumber(rob)); // aici il scrie SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pRob] += rob; Update(playerid, pRobx); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Au primit puncte rob !", 5000, 1); } case 3: { new mats = 1000 + random(5000); // Castiga o suma de bani 100.000 $ + random din suma de 200.000 $ format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* Ai primit %s materiale.",FormatNumber(mats)); // aici il scrie SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pMats] += mats; Update(playerid, pMatsx); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Ai primit materiale !", 5000, 1); } case 4: { new drugs = 10 + random(50); // Castiga o suma de bani 100.000 $ + random din suma de 200.000 $ format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* Ai primit %s droguri.",FormatNumber(drugs)); // aici il scrie SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pDrugs] += drugs; Update(playerid, pDrugsx); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Ai primit droguri !", 5000, 1); } case 5: { new hoursplayed = 1 + random(5); // Castiga o suma de bani 100.000 $ + random din suma de 200.000 $ format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* Ai primit %s ore.",FormatNumber(hoursplayed)); // aici il scrie SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pHoursPlayed] += hoursplayed; Update(playerid, pHoursPlayedx); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~Ai primit ore !", 5000, 1); } } return 1; }
  14. Buna ziua acum 1-2 ore am implementat sistemul /getgift , totul merge perfect ! Imi da la fiecare payday 1 giftpoint's , merge sa iau cadourile , merge sa dau la toti giftpoints merge tot. Problema este ca daca ies de pe server nu mi se salveaza giftpoint's ! E urgent puteti sa-mi dati o solutie ?
  15. dar ce inseamna pexp din comanda , ca restu gasesc singurel ...
  16. Pai cum aflu ce am in loc de pexp ce e mai exact pexp ?
  17. C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(20990) : warning 219: local variable "gString" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(20999) : error 017: undefined symbol "pExp" C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(21006) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(21006) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(21007) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3) C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(20990) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "gString" acum imi da asta
  18. Buna ziua , sunt la inceput la scripting Am o erroare : C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(20989) : warning 219: local variable "gString" shadows a variable at a preceding level C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(20999) : error 017: undefined symbol "pExp" C:\Users\George\Desktop\JustGame Server\gamemodes\JG.pwn(20990) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "szMessage" Folosesc GM JustGame si am adaugat comanda get gift , am facut tot ca in tutorial Dar intampin probleme la : CMD:getgift(playerid, params[]) { if(gPlayerLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "You need to login first."); // Verifica daca-i logat if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai nevoie de minim 1 Gift Point pentru a putea folosi comanda."); // Iii trimite un mesaj daca nu are giftpoints new gString[512]; new szMessage[256];//s-ar putea sa nu ai voie daca nu ai si SCM switch(random(2)) // Aici e facut sa iti deie randem din cele 2 case-uri tu poti adauga case 3 case 4 etc.. si pentru fiecare case nou modifici in switch(random(3)) switch(random(4)) sau cate ai. { case 0: { new rp = 5;// Aici poti baga sa-i adauge cat rp vrei tu eu am pus 5 SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai castigat 5 Respect Points de la giftbox.");// castiga 5 Respect points PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); PlayerInfo[playerid][pExp] += rp; Update(playerid, pRP); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~5 Respect Points!", 5000, 1); } case 1: { new cash = 100000 + random(200000); // Castiga o suma de bani 100.000 $ + random din suma de 200.000 $ format(gString,sizeof(gString),"* You received $%s.",FormatNumber(cash)); // aici il scrie SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SYN, gString);//aici afiseaza mesajul PlayerInfo[playerid][pGift] -= 1; Update(playerid, pGiftx); GivePlayerCash(playerid, cash); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~g~100.000 - 300.000$!", 5000, 1); } } return 1; }
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