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  1. https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/341552b2a04157a261339385543ec5b6e95e9914e8860e4f8fea1c60436aaf6d/detection
  2. stock DestroyPlayerCar(dbid) { if(CarInfo[dbid][Spawned] == 0) return 1; VehicleOwned[CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]] = 0; VehicleSQL[CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]] = 0; new Float: Pos[3]; GetVehiclePos(CarInfo[dbid][Spawned], Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]); if(CarInfo[dbid][cNeon] > 0) { DestroyDynamicObject(neon[0][CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]]); DestroyDynamicObject(neon[1][CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]]); neon[0][CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]] = 0; neon[1][CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]] = 0; } if(strlen(CarInfo[dbid][cText]) >= 3) DestroyDynamicObject(nameobject[CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]]); CarInfo[dbid][cFuel] = Gas[CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]]; new query[256]; format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `cars` SET `Fuel`='%d' WHERE `ID`='%d'", CarInfo[dbid][cFuel], dbid); mysql_query(SQL, query); CarInfo[dbid][cLastPos][0] = Pos[0]; CarInfo[dbid][cLastPos][1] = Pos[1]; CarInfo[dbid][cLastPos][2] = Pos[2]; DestroyVehicle(CarInfo[dbid][Spawned]); CarInfo[dbid][Spawned] = 0; new string[180]; mysql_format(SQL, string, sizeof(string), "UPDATE cars SET Spawned='%d' WHERE ID=%d", CarInfo[dbid][Spawned], dbid); mysql_tquery(SQL, string, "", ""); return 1; }
  3. Salut, masinile personale nefolosite nu primesc despawn. Cod vechi: function DespawnVehicle(carid) { new dbid = FindSpawnID(carid); if(CarInfo[dbid][Spawned] != 0) DestroyPlayerCar(dbid); printf("Vehicle %d despawned. [db: %d]", carid, dbid); return 1; } Am modificat cum am gasit intr-un topic dar nu functioneaza: function DespawnVehicle(carid) { new dbid = FindSpawnID(carid); if(VehicleHaveDriver(dbid)) { VehicleTimer[dbid] = SetTimerEx("DespawnVehicle", 60000*20, 0, "d", dbid);// aici se reseteaza timer-ul pentru a nu ramane masina pe server return 1; } if(CarInfo[dbid][Spawned] != 0) DestroyPlayerCar(dbid); printf("Vehicle %d despawned. [db: %d]", carid, dbid); return 1; }
  4. Nu conteaza unde am pus panelul , alte paneluri dc functioneaza pe acel host. Lasa astea. Gm l-am pus pe host de la zeroping unde e si buggedul si tot nu merge asa ca lasa aburelile. Daca era bun crezi ca mai comentam aiurea aici!
  5. Nu recomand , mare teapa am luat cu acest gm cumparat de la el... Cam asa arata defapt gm-ul . De panel nu mai zic e plin de buguri. Chestia interesanta este ca el mi-a dat sa testez gm-ul si panelul bun exact ca in descriere dar na vinde un rahat de gm. Am atasat doar cateva poza de la hq factiuni sunt dezastru si nu numai.
  6. Salut SoNNy vreau sa testez acest gm , si sa il cumpar . Cum facem? pe skype nu m-ai acceptat si pe server am vazut ca ai parola nu pot intra sa vorbim. Astept un raspuns.
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