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Everything posted by dad1993

  1. Descriere tutorial: As dori sa fac un folder in scriptfille cu numele mp3 si sa pun cateva melodii in el si cu o comanda sa le dau play
  2. Domnule Gireada am o rugaminte la dumneavoastra daca se poate imi cer scuze daca nu postez unde trebuie, as dori sa adaugati daca se poate Sex si Varsta nu imi iese ma incurc in dialoguri .Multumesc!Cu stima Dan! Edit: Am o problema am mai adaugat cate ceva la baza de date[pawn] new Query[450]; mysql_log(); SQL = mysql_connect("", "root", "database", ""); mysql_format(SQL, Query, sizeof Query, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `players` ( `ID` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , `Nume` VARCHAR( 34 ) NOT NULL , `Parola` VARCHAR( 151 ) NOT NULL , `Level` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL , `Varsta` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL , `Sex` INT( 3 ) NOT NULL , `Bani` INT( 7 ) NOT NULL , `Coins` INT( 9 ) NOT NULL , `Admin` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL , `Vip` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL , `Lider` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL , `Membru` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL , `Ore` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL , `Minute` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL , `Secunde` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL)"); mysql_query(SQL, Query);[/pawn] si primesc 5 erori[pawn]C:UsersDanDesktopSA-MP Server 2gamemodesGMv3.pwn(106) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions) C:UsersDanDesktopSA-MP Server 2gamemodesGMv3.pwn(107) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string) C:UsersDanDesktopSA-MP Server 2gamemodesGMv3.pwn(107) : error 017: undefined symbol "CREATE" C:UsersDanDesktopSA-MP Server 2gamemodesGMv3.pwn(107) : error 017: undefined symbol "TABLE" C:UsersDanDesktopSA-MP Server 2gamemodesGMv3.pwn(107) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 5 Errors.[/pawn]
  3. Salut imi da o eroare [pawn][17:16:42] [ERROR] CMySQLConnection::Connect - (error #1049) Unknown database 'test'[/pawn] nu imi creaza baza de date ma poti ajuta?Multumesc!Cu stima Dan. Edit: Gata am rezolvato Multumesc!Trebuia sa fac o baza de date goala pe phpmyadmin si el o completa automat
  4. Gata am rezolvato am gasit un tutorial pe youtube trebuia sa instalez wamp si sa fac cateva chestii ms !
  5. mai exact te rog frumos este prima data cand folosesc mysql poti fi putin mai explicit.Multumesc!
  6. Salut am intampinat o mica problema[pawn] ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team [02:20:46] [02:20:46] Server Plugins [02:20:46] -------------- [02:20:46] Loading plugin: mysql.dll [02:20:46] >> plugin.mysql: R33 successfully loaded. [02:20:46] Loaded. [02:20:46] Loaded 1 plugins. [02:20:46] [02:20:46] Filterscripts [02:20:46] --------------- [02:20:46] Loaded 0 filterscripts. [02:20:48] [MYSQL]: Connection to database (w3op) failed! [02:20:48] [02:20:48] [02:20:48] RPG: v0.2 Beta LS-LV-SF [02:20:48] _____________________ [02:20:48] Number of vehicle models: 1 [02:20:48] --- Server Shutting Down. [02:20:48] plugin.mysql: Unloading plugin... [02:20:48] plugin.mysql: Plugin unloaded. [/pawn]poti sa ma ajuti
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