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Everything posted by SkyLeAs

  1. Nu am folosit comanda in pc si sunt decat eu on pe sv in pc si nu reseteaza ..
  2. Problema intalnita (descriere):Salut am o problema cu comanda /resetallhouse nu le reseteaza 0.o Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):N/a Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): CMD:resethouse( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( !IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be logged as RCON admin before use this command!" ); mysql_function_query( g_Handle, "UPDATE `Houses` SET `Name` = 'ForSale'", false, "", "" ); mysql_function_query( g_Handle, "UPDATE `Accounts` SET `HouseID` = '0'", false, "", "" ); GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "All houses have been reset, 5000, 2); return ( 1 ); } Imagini / Video (optional):N/a Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Da dar nmk
  3. Salut am o problema si nu stiu dece 0.o in server log nu am nici o eroare nmk nmk. Azi cand am intrat in mysq log mam trezit cu asta In callback "CheckAccountPassword" 12:34:52 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('0') In callback "LoginPlayerAccount" In callback "CheckAccountPassword" 12:35:07 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('0') In callback "CheckAccountPassword" 12:35:12 CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() ERROR invalid row index ('0') Si nu stiu dela ce este 0.o ( Ma poate ajuta cineva.
  4. Numele celui acuzat:=SIK7= Cu ce va dat teapa (in cazul in care este necesar):Ma jigneste fara sa-i fac ceva sau sa-l jignesc eu... Descrierea situatiei: Dovada (Imagini / Video):
  5. Pai sa inteleg ca nu am dreptate plagiata XSS ca si asa se inchide. Eu ti-am spus un adevar nu ti-a facut nimeni nmk ce nui adevarat ca esti xerox dovada ca si numele tau lai plagiat dupa RSS alt ceva ce mai vrei reclamatie.
  6. Hauuuuuu bai Niki pussy ). Te rog mai citeste odata ce ai scris pless :X App Reported nimeni nu te-a jignit
  7. Mai bine ramai la plagiat ca nimeni nu iti va da nici un nume fain uite unu Xerox Fun Romania [ xFR] [XFR] Numele asta ti-se potriveste de minune
  8. Problema intalnita (descriere):Buna seara am o problema cu /ginfo nu imi arata 2 din lini imi arata 8 lini dar nu imi arata 10 cum trebe si 8 iar 2 nu le arata. Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):N/a Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): stock ShowGangStats( playerid, S_Gang ) { if ( S_Gang > 7 || S_Gang < 1 ) return SendError( playerid, "This gang doesn't exists." ); gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; new string[ 1048 ], string2[ 1048 ], string3[ 1048 ], string4[ 1048 ], string5[ 1048 ], string6[ 1048 ], string7[ 1048 ], string8[ 1048 ], string9[ 1048 ], string10[ 1048 ] ; GetGVarString( "g_Description1", string, sizeof string, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description2", string2, sizeof string2, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description3", string3, sizeof string3, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description4", string4, sizeof string4, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description5", string5, sizeof string5, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description6", string6, sizeof string6, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description7", string7, sizeof string7, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description8", string8, sizeof string8, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description9", string9, sizeof string9, S_Gang ); GetGVarString( "g_Description10", string10, sizeof string10, S_Gang ); format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "{FFFFFF}%sn {FFFFFF}%sn {FFFFFF}%sn", gsString, string, string2, string3 ); format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "{FFFFFF}%sn {FFFFFF}%sn", gsString, string4, string5 ); format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s{FFFFFF}%sn {FFFFFF}%sn", gsString, string6, string7 ); format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s{FFFFFF}%sn {FFFFFF}%sn {FFFFFF}%sn", gsString, string8, string9, string10 ); //format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s{FFFFFF}%sn", gsString, string10 ); format( gsString, sizeof gsString, "%s{00ff00}If you want to view other gang's stats, type {FF0000}/ginfo [GangID]", gsString ); if ( Users[ playerid ][ gang ] == S_Gang && Users[ playerid ][ isLeader ] > 4 ) ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_GANG_DESCRIPTION, 0, "{FFFFFF}Gang Info", gsString, "Description", "OK" ); else ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_EMPTY, 0, "{FFFFFF}Gang Info", gsString, "OK", "" ); return ( 1 ); } Imagini / Video (optional):N/a Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Da am marit si string si nmk..
  9. Problema a fost rezolvata am uitat sa mai reveni cu edit la topic By AroWnd
  10. Problema intalnita (descriere):Am facut si eu comanda /owners si am o problema la case Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): D:stycMCM (F)ServersXSG Build 3.1gamemodesXSG.pwn(10328) : error 040: duplicate "case" label (value 2) Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error. Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): Linia 10328 case DIALOG_OWNERS: Script Full case DIALOG_OWNERS: { if(response) { switch(listitem) { //-------------------------------------------------------------- case 0:// JohnnyYz { new OWString[ 2048 ]; OWString[ 0 ] = EOS; strcat(OWString, "{fcfcfc}Ai ales Ownerul {c2fc00}JohnnyYz{fcfcfc}, maijos vei gasi detalii despre el:nn" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Numele: {fcfcfc}Alexandrun" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Varsta: {fcfcfc}18n" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Sex: {fcfcfc}Masculinn" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Tara:{fcfcfc}Romanian" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Y!M: {fcfcfc}[email protected]" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Skype: {fcfcfc}xt3z0ne123n" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Rank: {fcfcfc}Fondator {fcfcfc}[ {c2fc00}RCON {fcfcfc}]nn" ); strcat(OWString, "{fcfcfc}Daca aveti vreo problema, puteti contacta acest owner, sau vizitatin" ); strcat(OWString, "{fcfcfc}Comunitatea www.{c2fc00}NECRO-ZONE{fcfcfc}.com Sectiunea {0088ff}eXtreme {ffd900}Stunt {ff0d00}Generation n" ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_JOHNNY, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{fcfcfc}Ownerul {c2fc00}JohnnyYz{fcfcfc}:", OWString, "OK","" ); } case 1:// Nagato { new OWString[ 2048 ]; OWString[ 0 ] = EOS; strcat(OWString, "{fcfcfc}Ai ales Ownerul {c2fc00}Nagato{fcfcfc}, maijos vei gasi detalii despre el:nn" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Numele: {fcfcfc}Coreyn" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Varsta: {fcfcfc}18n" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Sex: {fcfcfc}Masculinn" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Tara:{fcfcfc}Romanian" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Y!M: {fcfcfc}[email protected]" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Skype: {fcfcfc}N/an" ); strcat(OWString, "{c2fc00}Rank: {fcfcfc}Fondator {fcfcfc}[ {c2fc00}RCON {fcfcfc}]nn" ); strcat(OWString, "{fcfcfc}Daca aveti vreo problema, puteti contacta acest owner, sau vizitatin" ); strcat(OWString, "{fcfcfc}Comunitatea www.{c2fc00}NECRO-ZONE{fcfcfc}.com Sectiunea {0088ff}eXtreme {ffd900}Stunt {ff0d00}Generation n" ); ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_NAGATO, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{fcfcfc}Ownerul {c2fc00}Nagato{fcfcfc}:", OWString, "OK","" ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- } } } Imagini / Video (optional):N/a Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Da dar nu pot sa imi dau seama dela ce e.. Mentionez ca am si #define DIALOG_OWNERS 2 SI TOT
  11. Mama lui e facuta in MTA nu in map editor foloseste MTA
  12. Up ma ajuta si pe mine cineva va rog?
  13. Nu prea inteleg la ce ai vrut sa te referi., Da eroare la pCoins Edit nu merge la fel..
  14. Problema intalnita (descriere):Cand dau /giveallcoins nu le da coins la jucatori Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):N/a Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): CMD:giveallcoins( playerid, params[ ] ) { if ( !IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be logged as RCON admin before use this command!" ); new sCoins, Player ; if ( sscanf( params, "i", sCoins ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "USAGE: {33CCFF}/giveallcoins [Coins]" ); if ( sCoins < 0 ) return SendError( playerid, "Invalid Amount!" ); if ( PlayerInfo[ Player ][ Level ] > PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] ) return SendError( playerid, "You cannot use this command on this admin" ); format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "[RCON] %s has give %d coins to all players.", PlayerName( playerid ), sCoins ); Log_( "log_coins" , "Text" , gsString ) ; FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_ABLUE, "You have sent to all players %d coins", sCoins ); format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "Administrator %s has give all players %d coins", PlayerName( playerid ), sCoins ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ABLUE, gsString ); return ( 1 ); } Imagini / Video (optional):~ Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Da am incercat si nu am reusit sa repar problema
  15. Te rog frumos sa citesti regulament-ul dupa te voi ajuta. In plus nici nu mi-ai pus macar public OnDialogResponse( dela /stats sa te pot ajuta
  16. La titlu scrie ca ai problema la /stats nu si la /admins /helpers
  17. Daca esti prea incult nam ce spune sv ESS ruleaza by SkyFall care Skull ia dat voie sa foloseasca numele
  18. HostName: » eXtreme Stunt Generation - V.I.P Free! [/buyVip] Address: DNS: samp.necro-zone.com:7777 Mode: Romania: Stunt-Race-DM-Fun-RP Map: Romania: Stunt-Race-DM-Fun-RP Atentie server-ul a fost deschis ieri pe data de 15/03/2015 Server-ul contine: Sistem Admin ( MYSQL R34 ) Sistem Vips ( MYSQL R34 ) Sistem Coins Sistem Stunt Sistem Race Sistem Props Sistem Houses Sistem Limbi (RO/ENG) Sistem de SpeedBoost. Sistem de Tunning Sistem de Vup. Sistem Save/Goto Place Sistem Clanuri /createclan Sistem GPS (pentru localizarea unui player) Sistem de job-uri Sistem Top Players Cateva imagini referitoare la ce contine serverul /CMDS /JOBS /MP3 /RULES /NEWS /HELP /RACELIST /STATS /DRIFTS /STUNTS /TELES /TOPS Server-ul ruleaza 24/24 find hostat la ZERO PING www.zeroping.ro Server-ul a fost scriptat de JohnnyYz, Known and Speedy.
  19. Parca tema aia ai avuto si tu )?
  20. Salut am o problema cu server=ul am urcat server-ul pe host am trecut la plugin-uri .so la tot am pus mysql_static.so Si tot nu mi se conecteaza la baza de date am folosit si libmysqlclient.so.15/18 si nmk iar in server log imi arata ca sa conectat dar nu sa conectat ca nu imi apare textdraw la conect si nici dialog-ul cu ro/eng dar cand dau pe spawn imi apare login 0.o ps folosesc mysql r34 pe care lam luat de aici https://github.com/pBlueG/SA-MP-MySQL/releases
  21. Iara ai baut vin ma ? Daia tremuri mereu:-w
  22. Problema intalnita (descriere):Am o problema cu comanda /setonline imi urca orele dar cand vreau sa imi scad sau sa imi dau 0 nu imi scade 0.o Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile):N/a Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): CMD:setonline( playerid, params[ ] ) { new Player, sTime[ 3 ]; if ( !IsPlayerAdmin( playerid ) ) return SendError( playerid, "You need to be logged as RCON admin before use this command!" ); if ( sscanf( params, "udD(-1)D(-1)", Player, sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 1 ], sTime[ 2 ] ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_ULTRARED, "{FF0000}USAGE: /setonline [PlayerID] [Hours] [Minutes] [Secounds]" ); PlayerInfo[ Player ][ hours ] += sTime[ 0 ]; if( sTime[ 1 ] != -1 ) PlayerInfo[ Player ][ mins ] += sTime[ 1 ]; if( sTime[ 2 ] != -1 ) PlayerInfo[ Player ][ secs ] += sTime[ 2 ]; if( sTime[ 1 ] != -1 && sTime[ 2 ] != -1 ) { FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_ABLUE, "You set %s online time to: %d - hours | %d - minutes | %d - seconds", PlayerName( Player ), sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 1 ], sTime[ 2 ] ); FormatMSG( Player, COLOR_ABLUE, "%s has set your online time to: %d - hours | %d - minutes | %d - seconds", PlayerName( playerid ), sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 1 ], sTime[ 2 ] ); } if( sTime[ 1 ] != -1 && sTime[ 2 ] == -1 ) { FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_ABLUE, "You set %s online time to: %d - hours | %d - minutes", PlayerName( Player ), sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 1 ] ); FormatMSG( Player, COLOR_ABLUE, "%s has set your online time to: %d - hours | %d - minutes", PlayerName( playerid ), sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 1 ] ); } if( sTime[ 1 ] == -1 && sTime[ 2 ] != -1 ) { FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_ABLUE, "You set %s online time to: %d - hours | %d - seconds", PlayerName( Player ), sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 2 ] ); FormatMSG( Player, COLOR_ABLUE, "%s has set your online time to: %d - hours | %d - seconds", PlayerName( playerid ), sTime[ 0 ], sTime[ 2 ] ); } else { FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_ABLUE, "You set %s online time to: %d - hours", PlayerName( Player ), sTime[ 0 ] ); FormatMSG( Player, COLOR_ABLUE, "%s has set your online time to: %d - hours", PlayerName( playerid ), sTime[ 0 ] ); } return ( 1 ); } Imagini / Video (optional):N/a Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?:Da dar nmk
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