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  1. RaZzZzoR

    Errori pawno

    Pune sub #include <a_samp>: #include <YSI\y_ini>
  2. Stunt xD RP e de noliferi. Scz gireada >.<
  3. I-ati Hamachi. Ai ip static, iti trebuie ip real( rotabil ) din cate imi aduc aminte.
  4. Si cam ce-ai facut tu la sv asta ? * Login / Register System - SQLite . - Zh3r0 * Radio System - nu stiu sigur * House System With Dialo - rimmon & antironix * Coins System - cred ca tu * Reaction Test - la fel ca math * Math Test - asta te laudai pe mess ca l-ai primit * Teleports- asta da, l-ai facut tu * Flash Sistem - asta l-ai luat de pe * Speed System - nici macar * Vup System - nu tu * Race System - il ai de la unu * Vehicle System ( /v ) - nu tu * AFK System ( /afk , /back ) . - asta cred ca tu * Tune System - nu tu, unu de pe .com Tu ai facut comenzi gen: /para /s /l si dastea. So: 2.5/5
  5. o fii el degeaba cum zici tu, dar el macar stie scripting si isi face singur serverul, nu-l ia de pe net
  6. RaZzZzoR


    Adaugi asta la onplayertext: if(IsPlayerAdmin( playerid )) { new messagetext[255], pName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ]; GetPlayerName( playerid, pName, sizeof( pName )); format(messagetext, 255, "%s(Owner)(%d): %s",pName, playerid, text); SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, messagetext); return 0; }
  7. Pune sub #include : #pragma tabsize 0
  8. @Vanghelie: Mai bine fa-ti tu unu, ca si asa te lauzi pe mess ca esti mare scripter.
  9. Asta stim si noi sa facem un sendclientmessage. Ne referim la partea cu numaratu.
  10. Adaugi sub #include enum PlayerInfo { Deaths, Kills, Jailed, Frozen, Level, pVip, LoggedIn, Registered, God, GodCar, TimesSpawned, Muted, MuteWarnings, Warnings, Caps, DoorsLocked, pCar, pPing, SpamCount, SpamTime, PingCount, PingTime, FailLogin, Coins, DeathMatch, RaceScore, Rank }
  11. Pui sub includes, sau unde mai ai forwards: forward MessageGroup1( color, const string[] ); In loc de '#' pui caracterul care vrei sa fie folosit ca sa vorbiti doar voi, apoi la OnPlayerText adaugi: if( text[0] == '#' ) { new string[128]; GetPlayerName( playerid, string, sizeof( string )); format( string, sizeof( string ), "Group1 Chat %s: %s", string, text[1] ); MessageToAdmins( -1, string ); return ( 0 ); } Si joooooos de tot, in afara la orice public pui: public MessageToGroup1( color, const string[] ) { for( new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ ) { if( IsPlayerConnected( i ) == 1 ) SendClientMessage( i, color, string ); } return ( 1 ); }
  12. CMD:engine( playerid, params[] ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xFF0000FF, "Mai bine lasa editatu / cersitul si apucate sa inveti scripting" );
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