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FilterScripts cu obiecte 2 erori, la inceput 1 eroare si la sfarsit alta eroare




Am FilterScripts, cu obiectele, si cand dau copilare imi da 2 erori

D:\Desktop\Object.pwn(2) : error 049: invalid line continuation
D:\Desktop\Object.pwn(27141) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.

Linia 2 ii asta

[pawn]#include <a_samp>[/pawn]

Si linia 27140 ii

[pawn]return 1;[/pawn]

Inainte sa inceapa cu obiectele ii

[pawn]#include <a_samp>

#include <streamer>

public OnFilterScriptInit()


Si cand se termina obiectele ii

[pawn]return 1;


public OnFilterScriptExit()return 1;[/pawn]

Si daca scot "return 1;"  de la "public OnFilterScriptExit()return 1;" imi da a 3 eroare la linia 27144 dar ea nu exista

Ce sa fac? xD


F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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LoL o>O

I-am schimbat numele in Streamo cum era vechiul FS si o mers copilarea? What?

Nu mai am nevoie de ajutor, va multumesc oricum!

EDIT: What the fuck ....am facut 2x post pffffff am uitat....

Scuze va rog :-s  :cry:

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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