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David Tuts

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David Tuts last won the day on February 7 2021

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About David Tuts

  • Birthday 02/19/2006

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  1. dau comanda /v si iau eroarea asta: [debug] Accessing element at negative index -400 [debug] AMX backtrace: [debug] #0 00143eec in ?? (0) from Crown-RPG.amx [debug] #1 0013deb4 in public cmd_v (0, 195300828) from Crown-RPG.amx [debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe [debug] #3 000179e0 in ?? (0, 195300816) from Crown-RPG.amx [debug] #4 0000622c in public OnPlayerCommandText (0, 195300816) from Crown-RPG.amx comanda returneaza functia showplayervehicle: stock ShowPlayerVehicle(playerid) { new szTitle[60], szDialog[3000], szDialog2[3000], x = 0; if(GetVehicles(playerid) == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LGREEN, "Eroare: Nu ai un vehicul personal!"); format(szTitle, sizeof(szTitle), "Your Vehicles {E3DE31}%d/%d", GetVehicles(playerid), GetSlots(playerid)); strcat(szDialog, "Vehicul\tStatus"); for(new i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(i < 5) { if(i < 3) { new car = PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarKey][i]; format(szDialog, sizeof szDialog, "%s%s\t%s\n", szDialog, aVehicleNames[CarInfo[car][cModel]-400], CarInfo[car][Spawned] != 0 ? IsVehicleOccupied(CarInfo[car][Spawned]) ? ("{FFFF00}[occupied]") : ("{26B309}[spawned]") : ("{FF0000}[despawned]")); strcat(szDialog2, szDialog); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarKey][x] = CarInfo[car][cModel]; x++; } else strcat(szDialog2, "{FFD857}<slot liber>\n"), sVehicle[i][playerid] = 0; } else { new car = PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarKey][i]; format(szDialog, sizeof szDialog, "%s%s\t%s\n", szDialog, aVehicleNames[CarInfo[car][cModel]-400], CarInfo[car][Spawned] != 0 ? IsVehicleOccupied(CarInfo[car][Spawned]) ? ("{FFFF00}[occupied]") : ("{26B309}[spawned]") : ("{FF0000}[despawned]")); strcat(szDialog2, szDialog); PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarKey][x] = CarInfo[car][cModel]; x++; } } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_GARAGE, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, szTitle, szDialog, "Ok", "Exit"); return true; }
  2. at / setgoal you need to update the textdraws for the job goal. There is no such license at the shop, there is a faction called Instructors, from there you can get licenses
  3. In primul rand, ai luat crateul nou (mythic) din gm meu oricum nu i mare lucru ca era mare bullshit. Stage 4 la fel bullshit, dar totusi.. Nu cred ca ai inceput de la un gm burned, cred ca ai luat ori gm meu v0.3 ori gmu lu hpq, dar bn mane credite ar fii: Edison, HPQ123, David Tuts(daca ai luat cv din gm meu sau chiar l-ai folosit direct) si tu..
  4. daca te referi la mine, nu vreau sa-mi deschid server de stunt, doar fac tutoriale. Oricum dupa 10-20 tuts cu stunt fac pe burned
  5. vreau cam 10-20 tuts cu stunt, iar apoi sa ma apuc de un gm burned sa fac tuts
  6. Titlul cu numele gamemode-ului și versiune lui. O descriere cât mai mare a gamemode-ului: Acest gamemode a fost inceput de la HPQ GAMEMODE, pentru a face tutoriale scripting. Am decis sa termin seria de pe gamemode b-hood si sa incep sa fac un gamemode de stunt! Poze și/sau video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPe5PC_9wc--rvYLS2q8zNA / zic ca dau la download: Creditele specificate (chiar dacă e un gamemod edit, postați creditele autorilor și celor care l-au editat): Edison, HPQ123, David Tuts. Link de descărcare: https://www36.zippyshare.com/v/rpTf1TXN/file.html Link catre virustotal.com cu arhiva scanată: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ea3ef07aa01e91515f60e422d6b3dcbd7a1e409f98af00678da14845bd018c13/detection Succes cu gm!
  7. Cauti in gamemode SendRconCommand(" si acolo o sa stergi unde scrie password vamzapacit sau cum era parola
  8. N-avem voie sa-l punem, il iei dintr-un alt gamemode. Ca merge..
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