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 Salut, am o mica problema. Am un stock GetLocation si o comanda simpla /address care ar trebui sa iti spuna locatia in care te afli. Din pacate mereu primesc SERVER: Unknown Command. Sper ca ma puteti ajuta.

stock GetLocation(Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
    enum e_ZoneData
     	e_ZoneName[32 char],
	new const g_arrZoneData[][e_ZoneData] =
		{!"The Big Ear", 	              {-410.00, 1403.30, -3.00, -137.90, 1681.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Aldea Malvada",                {-1372.10, 2498.50, 0.00, -1277.50, 2615.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Angel Pine",                   {-2324.90, -2584.20, -6.10, -1964.20, -2212.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Arco del Oeste",               {-901.10, 2221.80, 0.00, -592.00, 2571.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Avispa Country Club",          {-2646.40, -355.40, 0.00, -2270.00, -222.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Avispa Country Club",          {-2831.80, -430.20, -6.10, -2646.40, -222.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Avispa Country Club",          {-2361.50, -417.10, 0.00, -2270.00, -355.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Avispa Country Club",          {-2667.80, -302.10, -28.80, -2646.40, -262.30, 71.10}},
		{!"Avispa Country Club",          {-2470.00, -355.40, 0.00, -2270.00, -318.40, 46.10}},
		{!"Avispa Country Club",          {-2550.00, -355.40, 0.00, -2470.00, -318.40, 39.70}},
		{!"Back o Beyond",                {-1166.90, -2641.10, 0.00, -321.70, -1856.00, 200.00}},
		{!"Battery Point",                {-2741.00, 1268.40, -4.50, -2533.00, 1490.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Bayside",                      {-2741.00, 2175.10, 0.00, -2353.10, 2722.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Bayside Marina",               {-2353.10, 2275.70, 0.00, -2153.10, 2475.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Beacon Hill",                  {-399.60, -1075.50, -1.40, -319.00, -977.50, 198.50}},
		{!"Blackfield",                   {964.30, 1203.20, -89.00, 1197.30, 1403.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield",                   {964.30, 1403.20, -89.00, 1197.30, 1726.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield Chapel",            {1375.60, 596.30, -89.00, 1558.00, 823.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield Chapel",            {1325.60, 596.30, -89.00, 1375.60, 795.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield Intersection",      {1197.30, 1044.60, -89.00, 1277.00, 1163.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield Intersection",      {1166.50, 795.00, -89.00, 1375.60, 1044.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield Intersection",      {1277.00, 1044.60, -89.00, 1315.30, 1087.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Blackfield Intersection",      {1375.60, 823.20, -89.00, 1457.30, 919.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Blueberry",                    {104.50, -220.10, 2.30, 349.60, 152.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Blueberry",                    {19.60, -404.10, 3.80, 349.60, -220.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Blueberry Acres",              {-319.60, -220.10, 0.00, 104.50, 293.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Caligula's Palace",            {2087.30, 1543.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1703.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Caligula's Palace",            {2137.40, 1703.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1783.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Calton Heights",               {-2274.10, 744.10, -6.10, -1982.30, 1358.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Chinatown",                    {-2274.10, 578.30, -7.60, -2078.60, 744.10, 200.00}},
		{!"City Hall",                    {-2867.80, 277.40, -9.10, -2593.40, 458.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Come-A-Lot",                   {2087.30, 943.20, -89.00, 2623.10, 1203.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Commerce",                     {1323.90, -1842.20, -89.00, 1701.90, -1722.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Commerce",                     {1323.90, -1722.20, -89.00, 1440.90, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Commerce",                     {1370.80, -1577.50, -89.00, 1463.90, -1384.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Commerce",                     {1463.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 1667.90, -1430.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Commerce",                     {1583.50, -1722.20, -89.00, 1758.90, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Commerce",                     {1667.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 1812.60, -1430.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Conference Center",            {1046.10, -1804.20, -89.00, 1323.90, -1722.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Conference Center",            {1073.20, -1842.20, -89.00, 1323.90, -1804.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Cranberry Station",            {-2007.80, 56.30, 0.00, -1922.00, 224.70, 100.00}},
		{!"Creek",                        {2749.90, 1937.20, -89.00, 2921.60, 2669.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Dillimore",                    {580.70, -674.80, -9.50, 861.00, -404.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Doherty",                      {-2270.00, -324.10, -0.00, -1794.90, -222.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Doherty",                      {-2173.00, -222.50, -0.00, -1794.90, 265.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown",                     {-1982.30, 744.10, -6.10, -1871.70, 1274.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown",                     {-1871.70, 1176.40, -4.50, -1620.30, 1274.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown",                     {-1700.00, 744.20, -6.10, -1580.00, 1176.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown",                     {-1580.00, 744.20, -6.10, -1499.80, 1025.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown",                     {-2078.60, 578.30, -7.60, -1499.80, 744.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown",                     {-1993.20, 265.20, -9.10, -1794.90, 578.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1463.90, -1430.80, -89.00, 1724.70, -1290.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1724.70, -1430.80, -89.00, 1812.60, -1250.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1463.90, -1290.80, -89.00, 1724.70, -1150.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1370.80, -1384.90, -89.00, 1463.90, -1170.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1724.70, -1250.90, -89.00, 1812.60, -1150.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1370.80, -1170.80, -89.00, 1463.90, -1130.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1378.30, -1130.80, -89.00, 1463.90, -1026.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1391.00, -1026.30, -89.00, 1463.90, -926.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Downtown Los Santos",          {1507.50, -1385.20, 110.90, 1582.50, -1325.30, 335.90}},
		{!"East Beach",                   {2632.80, -1852.80, -89.00, 2959.30, -1668.10, 110.90}},
		{!"East Beach",                   {2632.80, -1668.10, -89.00, 2747.70, -1393.40, 110.90}},
		{!"East Beach",                   {2747.70, -1668.10, -89.00, 2959.30, -1498.60, 110.90}},
		{!"East Beach",                   {2747.70, -1498.60, -89.00, 2959.30, -1120.00, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2421.00, -1628.50, -89.00, 2632.80, -1454.30, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2222.50, -1628.50, -89.00, 2421.00, -1494.00, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2266.20, -1494.00, -89.00, 2381.60, -1372.00, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2381.60, -1494.00, -89.00, 2421.00, -1454.30, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2281.40, -1372.00, -89.00, 2381.60, -1135.00, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2381.60, -1454.30, -89.00, 2462.10, -1135.00, 110.90}},
		{!"East Los Santos",              {2462.10, -1454.30, -89.00, 2581.70, -1135.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Easter Basin",                 {-1794.90, 249.90, -9.10, -1242.90, 578.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Basin",                 {-1794.90, -50.00, -0.00, -1499.80, 249.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1499.80, -50.00, -0.00, -1242.90, 249.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1794.90, -730.10, -3.00, -1213.90, -50.00, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1213.90, -730.10, 0.00, -1132.80, -50.00, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1242.90, -50.00, 0.00, -1213.90, 578.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1213.90, -50.00, -4.50, -947.90, 578.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1315.40, -405.30, 15.40, -1264.40, -209.50, 25.40}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1354.30, -287.30, 15.40, -1315.40, -209.50, 25.40}},
		{!"Easter Bay Airport",           {-1490.30, -209.50, 15.40, -1264.40, -148.30, 25.40}},
		{!"Easter Bay Chemicals",         {-1132.80, -768.00, 0.00, -956.40, -578.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Easter Bay Chemicals",         {-1132.80, -787.30, 0.00, -956.40, -768.00, 200.00}},
		{!"El Castillo del Diablo",       {-464.50, 2217.60, 0.00, -208.50, 2580.30, 200.00}},
		{!"El Castillo del Diablo",       {-208.50, 2123.00, -7.60, 114.00, 2337.10, 200.00}},
		{!"El Castillo del Diablo",       {-208.50, 2337.10, 0.00, 8.40, 2487.10, 200.00}},
		{!"El Corona",                    {1812.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 1970.60, -1852.80, 110.90}},
		{!"El Corona",                    {1692.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 1812.60, -1842.20, 110.90}},
		{!"El Quebrados",                 {-1645.20, 2498.50, 0.00, -1372.10, 2777.80, 200.00}},
		{!"Esplanade East",               {-1620.30, 1176.50, -4.50, -1580.00, 1274.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Esplanade East",               {-1580.00, 1025.90, -6.10, -1499.80, 1274.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Esplanade East",               {-1499.80, 578.30, -79.60, -1339.80, 1274.20, 20.30}},
		{!"Esplanade North",              {-2533.00, 1358.90, -4.50, -1996.60, 1501.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Esplanade North",              {-1996.60, 1358.90, -4.50, -1524.20, 1592.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Esplanade North",              {-1982.30, 1274.20, -4.50, -1524.20, 1358.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Fallen Tree",                  {-792.20, -698.50, -5.30, -452.40, -380.00, 200.00}},
		{!"Fallow Bridge",                {434.30, 366.50, 0.00, 603.00, 555.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Fern Ridge",                   {508.10, -139.20, 0.00, 1306.60, 119.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Financial",                    {-1871.70, 744.10, -6.10, -1701.30, 1176.40, 300.00}},
		{!"Fisher's Lagoon",              {1916.90, -233.30, -100.00, 2131.70, 13.80, 200.00}},
		{!"Flint Intersection",           {-187.70, -1596.70, -89.00, 17.00, -1276.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Flint Range",                  {-594.10, -1648.50, 0.00, -187.70, -1276.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Fort Carson",                  {-376.20, 826.30, -3.00, 123.70, 1220.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Foster Valley",                {-2270.00, -430.20, -0.00, -2178.60, -324.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Foster Valley",                {-2178.60, -599.80, -0.00, -1794.90, -324.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Foster Valley",                {-2178.60, -1115.50, 0.00, -1794.90, -599.80, 200.00}},
		{!"Foster Valley",                {-2178.60, -1250.90, 0.00, -1794.90, -1115.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Frederick Bridge",             {2759.20, 296.50, 0.00, 2774.20, 594.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Gant Bridge",                  {-2741.40, 1659.60, -6.10, -2616.40, 2175.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Gant Bridge",                  {-2741.00, 1490.40, -6.10, -2616.40, 1659.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Ganton",                       {2222.50, -1852.80, -89.00, 2632.80, -1722.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Ganton",                       {2222.50, -1722.30, -89.00, 2632.80, -1628.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Garcia",                       {-2411.20, -222.50, -0.00, -2173.00, 265.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Garcia",                       {-2395.10, -222.50, -5.30, -2354.00, -204.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Garver Bridge",                {-1339.80, 828.10, -89.00, -1213.90, 1057.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Garver Bridge",                {-1213.90, 950.00, -89.00, -1087.90, 1178.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Garver Bridge",                {-1499.80, 696.40, -179.60, -1339.80, 925.30, 20.30}},
		{!"Glen Park",                    {1812.60, -1449.60, -89.00, 1996.90, -1350.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Glen Park",                    {1812.60, -1100.80, -89.00, 1994.30, -973.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Glen Park",                    {1812.60, -1350.70, -89.00, 2056.80, -1100.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Green Palms",                  {176.50, 1305.40, -3.00, 338.60, 1520.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Greenglass College",           {964.30, 1044.60, -89.00, 1197.30, 1203.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Greenglass College",           {964.30, 930.80, -89.00, 1166.50, 1044.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Hampton Barns",                {603.00, 264.30, 0.00, 761.90, 366.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Hankypanky Point",             {2576.90, 62.10, 0.00, 2759.20, 385.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Harry Gold Parkway",           {1777.30, 863.20, -89.00, 1817.30, 2342.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Hashbury",                     {-2593.40, -222.50, -0.00, -2411.20, 54.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Hilltop Farm",                 {967.30, -450.30, -3.00, 1176.70, -217.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Hunter Quarry",                {337.20, 710.80, -115.20, 860.50, 1031.70, 203.70}},
		{!"Idlewood",                     {1812.60, -1852.80, -89.00, 1971.60, -1742.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Idlewood",                     {1812.60, -1742.30, -89.00, 1951.60, -1602.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Idlewood",                     {1951.60, -1742.30, -89.00, 2124.60, -1602.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Idlewood",                     {1812.60, -1602.30, -89.00, 2124.60, -1449.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Idlewood",                     {2124.60, -1742.30, -89.00, 2222.50, -1494.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Idlewood",                     {1971.60, -1852.80, -89.00, 2222.50, -1742.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Jefferson",                    {1996.90, -1449.60, -89.00, 2056.80, -1350.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Jefferson",                    {2124.60, -1494.00, -89.00, 2266.20, -1449.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Jefferson",                    {2056.80, -1372.00, -89.00, 2281.40, -1210.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Jefferson",                    {2056.80, -1210.70, -89.00, 2185.30, -1126.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Jefferson",                    {2185.30, -1210.70, -89.00, 2281.40, -1154.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Jefferson",                    {2056.80, -1449.60, -89.00, 2266.20, -1372.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway East",          {2623.10, 943.20, -89.00, 2749.90, 1055.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway East",          {2685.10, 1055.90, -89.00, 2749.90, 2626.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway East",          {2536.40, 2442.50, -89.00, 2685.10, 2542.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway East",          {2625.10, 2202.70, -89.00, 2685.10, 2442.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {2498.20, 2542.50, -89.00, 2685.10, 2626.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {2237.40, 2542.50, -89.00, 2498.20, 2663.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {2121.40, 2508.20, -89.00, 2237.40, 2663.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {1938.80, 2508.20, -89.00, 2121.40, 2624.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {1534.50, 2433.20, -89.00, 1848.40, 2583.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {1848.40, 2478.40, -89.00, 1938.80, 2553.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {1704.50, 2342.80, -89.00, 1848.40, 2433.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway North",         {1377.30, 2433.20, -89.00, 1534.50, 2507.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway South",         {1457.30, 823.20, -89.00, 2377.30, 863.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway South",         {2377.30, 788.80, -89.00, 2537.30, 897.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway West",          {1197.30, 1163.30, -89.00, 1236.60, 2243.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Julius Thruway West",          {1236.60, 2142.80, -89.00, 1297.40, 2243.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Juniper Hill",                 {-2533.00, 578.30, -7.60, -2274.10, 968.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Juniper Hollow",               {-2533.00, 968.30, -6.10, -2274.10, 1358.90, 200.00}},
		{!"K.A.C.C. Military Fuels",      {2498.20, 2626.50, -89.00, 2749.90, 2861.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Kincaid Bridge",               {-1339.80, 599.20, -89.00, -1213.90, 828.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Kincaid Bridge",               {-1213.90, 721.10, -89.00, -1087.90, 950.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Kincaid Bridge",               {-1087.90, 855.30, -89.00, -961.90, 986.20, 110.90}},
		{!"King's",                       {-2329.30, 458.40, -7.60, -1993.20, 578.30, 200.00}},
		{!"King's",                       {-2411.20, 265.20, -9.10, -1993.20, 373.50, 200.00}},
		{!"King's",                       {-2253.50, 373.50, -9.10, -1993.20, 458.40, 200.00}},
		{!"LVA Freight Depot",            {1457.30, 863.20, -89.00, 1777.40, 1143.20, 110.90}},
		{!"LVA Freight Depot",            {1375.60, 919.40, -89.00, 1457.30, 1203.20, 110.90}},
		{!"LVA Freight Depot",            {1277.00, 1087.60, -89.00, 1375.60, 1203.20, 110.90}},
		{!"LVA Freight Depot",            {1315.30, 1044.60, -89.00, 1375.60, 1087.60, 110.90}},
		{!"LVA Freight Depot",            {1236.60, 1163.40, -89.00, 1277.00, 1203.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Barrancas",                {-926.10, 1398.70, -3.00, -719.20, 1634.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Las Brujas",                   {-365.10, 2123.00, -3.00, -208.50, 2217.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {1994.30, -1100.80, -89.00, 2056.80, -920.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {2056.80, -1126.30, -89.00, 2126.80, -920.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {2185.30, -1154.50, -89.00, 2281.40, -934.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {2126.80, -1126.30, -89.00, 2185.30, -934.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {2747.70, -1120.00, -89.00, 2959.30, -945.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {2632.70, -1135.00, -89.00, 2747.70, -945.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Colinas",                  {2281.40, -1135.00, -89.00, 2632.70, -945.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Payasadas",                {-354.30, 2580.30, 2.00, -133.60, 2816.80, 200.00}},
		{!"Las Venturas Airport",         {1236.60, 1203.20, -89.00, 1457.30, 1883.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Venturas Airport",         {1457.30, 1203.20, -89.00, 1777.30, 1883.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Venturas Airport",         {1457.30, 1143.20, -89.00, 1777.40, 1203.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Las Venturas Airport",         {1515.80, 1586.40, -12.50, 1729.90, 1714.50, 87.50}},
		{!"Last Dime Motel",              {1823.00, 596.30, -89.00, 1997.20, 823.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Leafy Hollow",                 {-1166.90, -1856.00, 0.00, -815.60, -1602.00, 200.00}},
		{!"Liberty City",                 {-1000.00, 400.00, 1300.00, -700.00, 600.00, 1400.00}},
		{!"Lil' Probe Inn",               {-90.20, 1286.80, -3.00, 153.80, 1554.10, 200.00}},
		{!"Linden Side",                  {2749.90, 943.20, -89.00, 2923.30, 1198.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Linden Station",               {2749.90, 1198.90, -89.00, 2923.30, 1548.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Linden Station",               {2811.20, 1229.50, -39.50, 2861.20, 1407.50, 60.40}},
		{!"Little Mexico",                {1701.90, -1842.20, -89.00, 1812.60, -1722.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Little Mexico",                {1758.90, -1722.20, -89.00, 1812.60, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Los Flores",                   {2581.70, -1454.30, -89.00, 2632.80, -1393.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Los Flores",                   {2581.70, -1393.40, -89.00, 2747.70, -1135.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Los Santos International",     {1249.60, -2394.30, -89.00, 1852.00, -2179.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Los Santos International",     {1852.00, -2394.30, -89.00, 2089.00, -2179.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Los Santos International",     {1382.70, -2730.80, -89.00, 2201.80, -2394.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Los Santos International",     {1974.60, -2394.30, -39.00, 2089.00, -2256.50, 60.90}},
		{!"Los Santos International",     {1400.90, -2669.20, -39.00, 2189.80, -2597.20, 60.90}},
		{!"Los Santos International",     {2051.60, -2597.20, -39.00, 2152.40, -2394.30, 60.90}},
		{!"Marina",                       {647.70, -1804.20, -89.00, 851.40, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Marina",                       {647.70, -1577.50, -89.00, 807.90, -1416.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Marina",                       {807.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 926.90, -1416.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Market",                       {787.40, -1416.20, -89.00, 1072.60, -1310.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Market",                       {952.60, -1310.20, -89.00, 1072.60, -1130.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Market",                       {1072.60, -1416.20, -89.00, 1370.80, -1130.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Market",                       {926.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 1370.80, -1416.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Market Station",               {787.40, -1410.90, -34.10, 866.00, -1310.20, 65.80}},
		{!"Martin Bridge",                {-222.10, 293.30, 0.00, -122.10, 476.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Missionary Hill",              {-2994.40, -811.20, 0.00, -2178.60, -430.20, 200.00}},
		{!"Montgomery",                   {1119.50, 119.50, -3.00, 1451.40, 493.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Montgomery",                   {1451.40, 347.40, -6.10, 1582.40, 420.80, 200.00}},
		{!"Montgomery Intersection",      {1546.60, 208.10, 0.00, 1745.80, 347.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Montgomery Intersection",      {1582.40, 347.40, 0.00, 1664.60, 401.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1414.00, -768.00, -89.00, 1667.60, -452.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1281.10, -452.40, -89.00, 1641.10, -290.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1269.10, -768.00, -89.00, 1414.00, -452.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1357.00, -926.90, -89.00, 1463.90, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1318.10, -910.10, -89.00, 1357.00, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1169.10, -910.10, -89.00, 1318.10, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {768.60, -954.60, -89.00, 952.60, -860.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {687.80, -860.60, -89.00, 911.80, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {737.50, -768.00, -89.00, 1142.20, -674.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {1096.40, -910.10, -89.00, 1169.10, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {952.60, -937.10, -89.00, 1096.40, -860.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {911.80, -860.60, -89.00, 1096.40, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland",                   {861.00, -674.80, -89.00, 1156.50, -600.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Mulholland Intersection",      {1463.90, -1150.80, -89.00, 1812.60, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"North Rock",                   {2285.30, -768.00, 0.00, 2770.50, -269.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2373.70, -2697.00, -89.00, 2809.20, -2330.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2201.80, -2418.30, -89.00, 2324.00, -2095.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2324.00, -2302.30, -89.00, 2703.50, -2145.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2089.00, -2394.30, -89.00, 2201.80, -2235.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2201.80, -2730.80, -89.00, 2324.00, -2418.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2703.50, -2302.30, -89.00, 2959.30, -2126.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Docks",                  {2324.00, -2145.10, -89.00, 2703.50, -2059.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Ocean Flats",                  {-2994.40, 277.40, -9.10, -2867.80, 458.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Ocean Flats",                  {-2994.40, -222.50, -0.00, -2593.40, 277.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Ocean Flats",                  {-2994.40, -430.20, -0.00, -2831.80, -222.50, 200.00}},
		{!"Octane Springs",               {338.60, 1228.50, 0.00, 664.30, 1655.00, 200.00}},
		{!"Old Venturas Strip",           {2162.30, 2012.10, -89.00, 2685.10, 2202.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Palisades",                    {-2994.40, 458.40, -6.10, -2741.00, 1339.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Palomino Creek",               {2160.20, -149.00, 0.00, 2576.90, 228.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Paradiso",                     {-2741.00, 793.40, -6.10, -2533.00, 1268.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Pershing Square",              {1440.90, -1722.20, -89.00, 1583.50, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Pilgrim",                      {2437.30, 1383.20, -89.00, 2624.40, 1783.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Pilgrim",                      {2624.40, 1383.20, -89.00, 2685.10, 1783.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Pilson Intersection",          {1098.30, 2243.20, -89.00, 1377.30, 2507.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Pirates in Men's Pants",       {1817.30, 1469.20, -89.00, 2027.40, 1703.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Playa del Seville",            {2703.50, -2126.90, -89.00, 2959.30, -1852.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Prickle Pine",                 {1534.50, 2583.20, -89.00, 1848.40, 2863.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Prickle Pine",                 {1117.40, 2507.20, -89.00, 1534.50, 2723.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Prickle Pine",                 {1848.40, 2553.40, -89.00, 1938.80, 2863.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Prickle Pine",                 {1938.80, 2624.20, -89.00, 2121.40, 2861.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Queens",                       {-2533.00, 458.40, 0.00, -2329.30, 578.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Queens",                       {-2593.40, 54.70, 0.00, -2411.20, 458.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Queens",                       {-2411.20, 373.50, 0.00, -2253.50, 458.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Randolph Industrial Estate",   {1558.00, 596.30, -89.00, 1823.00, 823.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands East",                {1817.30, 2011.80, -89.00, 2106.70, 2202.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands East",                {1817.30, 2202.70, -89.00, 2011.90, 2342.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands East",                {1848.40, 2342.80, -89.00, 2011.90, 2478.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands West",                {1236.60, 1883.10, -89.00, 1777.30, 2142.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands West",                {1297.40, 2142.80, -89.00, 1777.30, 2243.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands West",                {1377.30, 2243.20, -89.00, 1704.50, 2433.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Redsands West",                {1704.50, 2243.20, -89.00, 1777.30, 2342.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Regular Tom",                  {-405.70, 1712.80, -3.00, -276.70, 1892.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Richman",                      {647.50, -1118.20, -89.00, 787.40, -954.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {647.50, -954.60, -89.00, 768.60, -860.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {225.10, -1369.60, -89.00, 334.50, -1292.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {225.10, -1292.00, -89.00, 466.20, -1235.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {72.60, -1404.90, -89.00, 225.10, -1235.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {72.60, -1235.00, -89.00, 321.30, -1008.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {321.30, -1235.00, -89.00, 647.50, -1044.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {321.30, -1044.00, -89.00, 647.50, -860.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {321.30, -860.60, -89.00, 687.80, -768.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Richman",                      {321.30, -768.00, -89.00, 700.70, -674.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Robada Intersection",          {-1119.00, 1178.90, -89.00, -862.00, 1351.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Roca Escalante",               {2237.40, 2202.70, -89.00, 2536.40, 2542.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Roca Escalante",               {2536.40, 2202.70, -89.00, 2625.10, 2442.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Rockshore East",               {2537.30, 676.50, -89.00, 2902.30, 943.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Rockshore West",               {1997.20, 596.30, -89.00, 2377.30, 823.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Rockshore West",               {2377.30, 596.30, -89.00, 2537.30, 788.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {72.60, -1684.60, -89.00, 225.10, -1544.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {72.60, -1544.10, -89.00, 225.10, -1404.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {225.10, -1684.60, -89.00, 312.80, -1501.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {225.10, -1501.90, -89.00, 334.50, -1369.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {334.50, -1501.90, -89.00, 422.60, -1406.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {312.80, -1684.60, -89.00, 422.60, -1501.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {422.60, -1684.60, -89.00, 558.00, -1570.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {558.00, -1684.60, -89.00, 647.50, -1384.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {466.20, -1570.20, -89.00, 558.00, -1385.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {422.60, -1570.20, -89.00, 466.20, -1406.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {466.20, -1385.00, -89.00, 647.50, -1235.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Rodeo",                        {334.50, -1406.00, -89.00, 466.20, -1292.00, 110.90}},
		{!"Royal Casino",                 {2087.30, 1383.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1543.20, 110.90}},
		{!"San Andreas Sound",            {2450.30, 385.50, -100.00, 2759.20, 562.30, 200.00}},
		{!"Santa Flora",                  {-2741.00, 458.40, -7.60, -2533.00, 793.40, 200.00}},
		{!"Santa Maria Beach",            {342.60, -2173.20, -89.00, 647.70, -1684.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Santa Maria Beach",            {72.60, -2173.20, -89.00, 342.60, -1684.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Shady Cabin",                  {-1632.80, -2263.40, -3.00, -1601.30, -2231.70, 200.00}},
		{!"Shady Creeks",                 {-1820.60, -2643.60, -8.00, -1226.70, -1771.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Shady Creeks",                 {-2030.10, -2174.80, -6.10, -1820.60, -1771.60, 200.00}},
		{!"Sobell Rail Yards",            {2749.90, 1548.90, -89.00, 2923.30, 1937.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Spinybed",                     {2121.40, 2663.10, -89.00, 2498.20, 2861.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Starfish Casino",              {2437.30, 1783.20, -89.00, 2685.10, 2012.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Starfish Casino",              {2437.30, 1858.10, -39.00, 2495.00, 1970.80, 60.90}},
		{!"Starfish Casino",              {2162.30, 1883.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 2012.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Temple",                       {1252.30, -1130.80, -89.00, 1378.30, -1026.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Temple",                       {1252.30, -1026.30, -89.00, 1391.00, -926.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Temple",                       {1252.30, -926.90, -89.00, 1357.00, -910.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Temple",                       {952.60, -1130.80, -89.00, 1096.40, -937.10, 110.90}},
		{!"Temple",                       {1096.40, -1130.80, -89.00, 1252.30, -1026.30, 110.90}},
		{!"Temple",                       {1096.40, -1026.30, -89.00, 1252.30, -910.10, 110.90}},
		{!"The Camel's Toe",              {2087.30, 1203.20, -89.00, 2640.40, 1383.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Clown's Pocket",           {2162.30, 1783.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1883.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Emerald Isle",             {2011.90, 2202.70, -89.00, 2237.40, 2508.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Farm",                     {-1209.60, -1317.10, 114.90, -908.10, -787.30, 251.90}},
		{!"The Four Dragons Casino",      {1817.30, 863.20, -89.00, 2027.30, 1083.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The High Roller",              {1817.30, 1283.20, -89.00, 2027.30, 1469.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Mako Span",                {1664.60, 401.70, 0.00, 1785.10, 567.20, 200.00}},
		{!"The Panopticon",               {-947.90, -304.30, -1.10, -319.60, 327.00, 200.00}},
		{!"The Pink Swan",                {1817.30, 1083.20, -89.00, 2027.30, 1283.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Sherman Dam",              {-968.70, 1929.40, -3.00, -481.10, 2155.20, 200.00}},
		{!"The Strip",                    {2027.40, 863.20, -89.00, 2087.30, 1703.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Strip",                    {2106.70, 1863.20, -89.00, 2162.30, 2202.70, 110.90}},
		{!"The Strip",                    {2027.40, 1783.20, -89.00, 2162.30, 1863.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Strip",                    {2027.40, 1703.20, -89.00, 2137.40, 1783.20, 110.90}},
		{!"The Visage",                   {1817.30, 1863.20, -89.00, 2106.70, 2011.80, 110.90}},
		{!"The Visage",                   {1817.30, 1703.20, -89.00, 2027.40, 1863.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Unity Station",                {1692.60, -1971.80, -20.40, 1812.60, -1932.80, 79.50}},
		{!"Valle Ocultado",               {-936.60, 2611.40, 2.00, -715.90, 2847.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Verdant Bluffs",               {930.20, -2488.40, -89.00, 1249.60, -2006.70, 110.90}},
		{!"Verdant Bluffs",               {1073.20, -2006.70, -89.00, 1249.60, -1842.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Verdant Bluffs",               {1249.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 1692.60, -1842.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Verdant Meadows",              {37.00, 2337.10, -3.00, 435.90, 2677.90, 200.00}},
		{!"Verona Beach",                 {647.70, -2173.20, -89.00, 930.20, -1804.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Verona Beach",                 {930.20, -2006.70, -89.00, 1073.20, -1804.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Verona Beach",                 {851.40, -1804.20, -89.00, 1046.10, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Verona Beach",                 {1161.50, -1722.20, -89.00, 1323.90, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Verona Beach",                 {1046.10, -1722.20, -89.00, 1161.50, -1577.50, 110.90}},
		{!"Vinewood",                     {787.40, -1310.20, -89.00, 952.60, -1130.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Vinewood",                     {787.40, -1130.80, -89.00, 952.60, -954.60, 110.90}},
		{!"Vinewood",                     {647.50, -1227.20, -89.00, 787.40, -1118.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Vinewood",                     {647.70, -1416.20, -89.00, 787.40, -1227.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Whitewood Estates",            {883.30, 1726.20, -89.00, 1098.30, 2507.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Whitewood Estates",            {1098.30, 1726.20, -89.00, 1197.30, 2243.20, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {1970.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 2089.00, -1852.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {2089.00, -2235.80, -89.00, 2201.80, -1989.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {2089.00, -1989.90, -89.00, 2324.00, -1852.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {2201.80, -2095.00, -89.00, 2324.00, -1989.90, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {2541.70, -1941.40, -89.00, 2703.50, -1852.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {2324.00, -2059.20, -89.00, 2541.70, -1852.80, 110.90}},
		{!"Willowfield",                  {2541.70, -2059.20, -89.00, 2703.50, -1941.40, 110.90}},
		{!"Yellow Bell Station",          {1377.40, 2600.40, -21.90, 1492.40, 2687.30, 78.00}},
		{!"Los Santos",                   {44.60, -2892.90, -242.90, 2997.00, -768.00, 900.00}},
		{!"Las Venturas",                 {869.40, 596.30, -242.90, 2997.00, 2993.80, 900.00}},
		{!"Bone County",                  {-480.50, 596.30, -242.90, 869.40, 2993.80, 900.00}},
		{!"Tierra Robada",                {-2997.40, 1659.60, -242.90, -480.50, 2993.80, 900.00}},
		{!"Tierra Robada",                {-1213.90, 596.30, -242.90, -480.50, 1659.60, 900.00}},
		{!"San Fierro",                   {-2997.40, -1115.50, -242.90, -1213.90, 1659.60, 900.00}},
		{!"Red County",                   {-1213.90, -768.00, -242.90, 2997.00, 596.30, 900.00}},
		{!"Flint County",                 {-1213.90, -2892.90, -242.90, 44.60, -768.00, 900.00}},
		{!"Whetstone",                    {-2997.40, -2892.90, -242.90, -1213.90, -1115.50, 900.00}}
	    name[32] = "San Andreas";

	for (new i = 0; i != sizeof(g_arrZoneData); i ++) if ((fX >= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][0] && fX <= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][3]) && (fY >= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][1] && fY <= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][4]) && (fZ >= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][2] && fZ <= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][5])) {
		strunpack(name, g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneName]);

	return name;


Si comanda:

CMD:address(playerid, params[])

	GetPlayerPos(playerid, fX, fY, fZ);
	format(str, sizeof(str), "You're at %s.", GetLocation(fX, fY, fZ));
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, str);
	return 1;


Multumesc pentru atentie!

6 answers to this question

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  • 0
Posted (edited)
On 6/17/2022 at 12:11 PM, iSorin[] said:

Baga pluginul crashdetect pentru a vedea daca ai sau nu un OOB!

Am bagat, iar de fiecare data cand folosesc comanda, primesc asta in consola:

[debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)"
[debug]  Stack pointer (STK) is 0x22C06C, heap pointer (HEA) is 0x22D990
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 000169c0 in public cmd_address (playerid=0, params[]=@0022d908 "")
[debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe
[debug] #2 000169c0 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0022d908 "")


Edited by Xtrem_Maddox
flag -d3 adaugat
  • 0

Solutia rapida si urata e #pragma dynamic , cazul in care ai deja atunci mareste valoarea daca nu eventual poti incepe cu #pragma dynamic 10000 si maresti daca e nevoie

Solutia poate mai buna


  • 0
Posted (edited)


2 hours ago, Banditul said:

Solutia rapida si urata e #pragma dynamic , cazul in care ai deja atunci mareste valoarea daca nu eventual poti incepe cu #pragma dynamic 10000 si maresti daca e nevoie

Solutia poate mai buna



Multumesc frumos, a functionat, dar banuiesc ca are unele dezavantaje daca ai mentionat ca e ''urata'', nu-i asa?

Edited by Xtrem_Maddox
  • 0
24 minutes ago, Xtrem_Maddox said:



Multumesc frumos, a functionat, dar banuiesc ca are unele dezavantaje daca ai mentionat ca e ''urata'', nu-i asa?

Nu neaparat dar cum a mentionat si Woops in topicul pe care l-am mentionat, tine de optimizarea memoriei pe care variablele o folosesc s.a.md.. Ce face acel #pragma dynamic e iti mareste memoria alocata pentru scriptul tau astfel incat sa poate functiona (care uneori e posibil sa fie necesar si nu este neparat un lucru rau) dar intr-un fel iti ascunzi codul neoptimizat

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