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  1. Am rezolvat. Nu am facut array din skinDFF si skinTXD la enum-ul pentru skinuri... de la asta era.
  2. Salut! Am o problema de care nu m-am mai lovit pana acum, una care ma face foarte confuz. Am incercat sa fac un dynamic system pentru skinuri custom. Am facut o comanda prin care adaug skinurile si o functie care incarca skinurile la OnGameModeInit. Dupa efectuarea comenzii, skinurile sunt urcate fara probleme in baza de date, insa atunci cand dau restart la server, imi citeste prima litera din numele skinului de doua ori, ceea ce duce la eroarea urmatoare in consola: ^^ DESI in baza de date, dff-ul si txd-ul se numesc ballas3.dff si ballas3.txd, nu bballas3.dff si bballas3.txd Prin asta incarc skinurile pe server la OnGameModeInit: forward LoadCustomSkins(); public LoadCustomSkins() { static rows, fields, count; cache_get_data(rows, fields, SQL); if(rows) { for (new idx = 0; idx < rows; idx ++) { SkinInfo[idx][skinID] = cache_get_field_content_int(idx, "ID"); SkinInfo[idx][skinBaseID] = cache_get_field_content_int(idx, "BaseID"); SkinInfo[idx][skinSkinID] = cache_get_field_content_int(idx, "SkinID"); cache_get_field_content(idx, "DFF", SkinInfo[idx][skinDFF], SQL, 64); cache_get_field_content(idx, "TXD", SkinInfo[idx][skinTXD], SQL, 64); AddCharModel(SkinInfo[idx][skinBaseID], SkinInfo[idx][skinSkinID], SkinInfo[idx][skinDFF], SkinInfo[idx][skinTXD]); count++; } printf("%d custom skins loaded from database.", count); } return 1; }
  3. EDIT: Am rezolvat in final, se poate da T/C.
  4. Am modificat prin functia ta si am obtinut rezultatul pe care-l voiam in final. Multumesc frumos!
  5. Salut! Da, exact cum ai spus tu. Culoarea playerului sa ramana aceeasi, in timp ce culoarea de la restul stringului (incepand de la "says: ....") sa fie influentata de ProxDetector. Uite: https://pastebin.com/wUCPitfY
  6. Salut, banuiesc ca multi dintre voi sunteti familiarizati cu ProxDetector. As vrea sa stiu si eu cum pot sa fac urmatorul lucru intr-un chat: John says: Hello! Mai pe scurt, vreau ca NUMAI NUMELE jucatorului sa isi pastreze culoarea pe care o are, dar restul sa fie influentat de ProxDetector. De exemplu, sa zicem ca exemplul de mai sus s-a intamplat cand erai foarte aproape de player si el a spus "Hello!". Urmatorul exemplu se intampla atunci cand esti la cativa metri distanta de el: John says: Hello! Adica ProxDetectorul sa faca restul mai inchis la culoare, dar numele jucatorului sa ramana cu exact aceeasi culoare pe care o are jucatorul respectiv.
  7. Am aceeasi problema. Am pus \ in loc de / si e la fel si in includes, am verificat just in case. Am cautat 2 ore aseara rezolvare la problema asta si n-a mers nimic. Am incercat pana si cu -Z+ in Sublime, am facut update la YSI-Includes si la samp includes si nimic. As aprecia si eu putin ajutor cu asta daca poate ajuta cineva. Incearca si tu totusi ce am spus mai sus.
  8. Salut, as vrea sa stiu cum as putea sa fac o comanda in genul /giveweapon prin care sa pot da unui player aceeasi arma, dar cu nume diferit. De exemplu /giveweapon 0 60 (iar weaponid-ul 60 sa fie Desert Eagle in timp ce playerul primeste un mesaj gen "Ai primit un Beretta 92FS.") si /giveweapon 0 61 (iar weaponid-ul 61 sa fie TOT Desert Eagle in timp ce playerul primeste un mesaj gen "Ai primit un Smith & Wesson."). Mai pe scurt, fiecare nume custom sa aiba id-ul lui propriu. Daca nu este posibil prin /giveweapon, atunci o alternativa ar fi o comanda gen /customgun prin care sa-ti apara un dialog cu 2 optiuni: Beretta 92FS si Smith & Wesson, dar indiferent de arma pe care o alege playerul, acesta sa primeasca un Desert Eagle (weaponid 24). Daca se poate, as dori sa stiu si cum as putea face Smith & Wesson-ul sa aiba mai mult damage decat Beretta-ul. Aici este exact ceea ce vreau, dar habar n-am cum pot sa fac asta si as dori sa invat daca ma puteti ajuta.
  9. Am inteles. Multumesc de ajutor! Se poate da T/C.
  10. Multumesc frumos, a functionat, dar banuiesc ca are unele dezavantaje daca ai mentionat ca e ''urata'', nu-i asa?
  11. Am bagat, iar de fiecare data cand folosesc comanda, primesc asta in consola: [debug] Run time error 3: "Stack/heap collision (insufficient stack size)" [debug] Stack pointer (STK) is 0x22C06C, heap pointer (HEA) is 0x22D990 [debug] AMX backtrace: [debug] #0 000169c0 in public cmd_address (playerid=0, params[]=@0022d908 "") [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () from samp-server.exe [debug] #2 000169c0 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=0, cmdtext[]=@0022d908 "")
  12. Salut, am o mica problema. Am un stock GetLocation si o comanda simpla /address care ar trebui sa iti spuna locatia in care te afli. Din pacate mereu primesc SERVER: Unknown Command. Sper ca ma puteti ajuta. stock GetLocation(Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ) { enum e_ZoneData { e_ZoneName[32 char], Float:e_ZoneArea[6] }; new const g_arrZoneData[][e_ZoneData] = { {!"The Big Ear", {-410.00, 1403.30, -3.00, -137.90, 1681.20, 200.00}}, {!"Aldea Malvada", {-1372.10, 2498.50, 0.00, -1277.50, 2615.30, 200.00}}, {!"Angel Pine", {-2324.90, -2584.20, -6.10, -1964.20, -2212.10, 200.00}}, {!"Arco del Oeste", {-901.10, 2221.80, 0.00, -592.00, 2571.90, 200.00}}, {!"Avispa Country Club", {-2646.40, -355.40, 0.00, -2270.00, -222.50, 200.00}}, {!"Avispa Country Club", {-2831.80, -430.20, -6.10, -2646.40, -222.50, 200.00}}, {!"Avispa Country Club", {-2361.50, -417.10, 0.00, -2270.00, -355.40, 200.00}}, {!"Avispa Country Club", {-2667.80, -302.10, -28.80, -2646.40, -262.30, 71.10}}, {!"Avispa Country Club", {-2470.00, -355.40, 0.00, -2270.00, -318.40, 46.10}}, {!"Avispa Country Club", {-2550.00, -355.40, 0.00, -2470.00, -318.40, 39.70}}, {!"Back o Beyond", {-1166.90, -2641.10, 0.00, -321.70, -1856.00, 200.00}}, {!"Battery Point", {-2741.00, 1268.40, -4.50, -2533.00, 1490.40, 200.00}}, {!"Bayside", {-2741.00, 2175.10, 0.00, -2353.10, 2722.70, 200.00}}, {!"Bayside Marina", {-2353.10, 2275.70, 0.00, -2153.10, 2475.70, 200.00}}, {!"Beacon Hill", {-399.60, -1075.50, -1.40, -319.00, -977.50, 198.50}}, {!"Blackfield", {964.30, 1203.20, -89.00, 1197.30, 1403.20, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield", {964.30, 1403.20, -89.00, 1197.30, 1726.20, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield Chapel", {1375.60, 596.30, -89.00, 1558.00, 823.20, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield Chapel", {1325.60, 596.30, -89.00, 1375.60, 795.00, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield Intersection", {1197.30, 1044.60, -89.00, 1277.00, 1163.30, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield Intersection", {1166.50, 795.00, -89.00, 1375.60, 1044.60, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield Intersection", {1277.00, 1044.60, -89.00, 1315.30, 1087.60, 110.90}}, {!"Blackfield Intersection", {1375.60, 823.20, -89.00, 1457.30, 919.40, 110.90}}, {!"Blueberry", {104.50, -220.10, 2.30, 349.60, 152.20, 200.00}}, {!"Blueberry", {19.60, -404.10, 3.80, 349.60, -220.10, 200.00}}, {!"Blueberry Acres", {-319.60, -220.10, 0.00, 104.50, 293.30, 200.00}}, {!"Caligula's Palace", {2087.30, 1543.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1703.20, 110.90}}, {!"Caligula's Palace", {2137.40, 1703.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1783.20, 110.90}}, {!"Calton Heights", {-2274.10, 744.10, -6.10, -1982.30, 1358.90, 200.00}}, {!"Chinatown", {-2274.10, 578.30, -7.60, -2078.60, 744.10, 200.00}}, {!"City Hall", {-2867.80, 277.40, -9.10, -2593.40, 458.40, 200.00}}, {!"Come-A-Lot", {2087.30, 943.20, -89.00, 2623.10, 1203.20, 110.90}}, {!"Commerce", {1323.90, -1842.20, -89.00, 1701.90, -1722.20, 110.90}}, {!"Commerce", {1323.90, -1722.20, -89.00, 1440.90, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Commerce", {1370.80, -1577.50, -89.00, 1463.90, -1384.90, 110.90}}, {!"Commerce", {1463.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 1667.90, -1430.80, 110.90}}, {!"Commerce", {1583.50, -1722.20, -89.00, 1758.90, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Commerce", {1667.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 1812.60, -1430.80, 110.90}}, {!"Conference Center", {1046.10, -1804.20, -89.00, 1323.90, -1722.20, 110.90}}, {!"Conference Center", {1073.20, -1842.20, -89.00, 1323.90, -1804.20, 110.90}}, {!"Cranberry Station", {-2007.80, 56.30, 0.00, -1922.00, 224.70, 100.00}}, {!"Creek", {2749.90, 1937.20, -89.00, 2921.60, 2669.70, 110.90}}, {!"Dillimore", {580.70, -674.80, -9.50, 861.00, -404.70, 200.00}}, {!"Doherty", {-2270.00, -324.10, -0.00, -1794.90, -222.50, 200.00}}, {!"Doherty", {-2173.00, -222.50, -0.00, -1794.90, 265.20, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown", {-1982.30, 744.10, -6.10, -1871.70, 1274.20, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown", {-1871.70, 1176.40, -4.50, -1620.30, 1274.20, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown", {-1700.00, 744.20, -6.10, -1580.00, 1176.50, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown", {-1580.00, 744.20, -6.10, -1499.80, 1025.90, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown", {-2078.60, 578.30, -7.60, -1499.80, 744.20, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown", {-1993.20, 265.20, -9.10, -1794.90, 578.30, 200.00}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1463.90, -1430.80, -89.00, 1724.70, -1290.80, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1724.70, -1430.80, -89.00, 1812.60, -1250.90, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1463.90, -1290.80, -89.00, 1724.70, -1150.80, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1370.80, -1384.90, -89.00, 1463.90, -1170.80, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1724.70, -1250.90, -89.00, 1812.60, -1150.80, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1370.80, -1170.80, -89.00, 1463.90, -1130.80, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1378.30, -1130.80, -89.00, 1463.90, -1026.30, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1391.00, -1026.30, -89.00, 1463.90, -926.90, 110.90}}, {!"Downtown Los Santos", {1507.50, -1385.20, 110.90, 1582.50, -1325.30, 335.90}}, {!"East Beach", {2632.80, -1852.80, -89.00, 2959.30, -1668.10, 110.90}}, {!"East Beach", {2632.80, -1668.10, -89.00, 2747.70, -1393.40, 110.90}}, {!"East Beach", {2747.70, -1668.10, -89.00, 2959.30, -1498.60, 110.90}}, {!"East Beach", {2747.70, -1498.60, -89.00, 2959.30, -1120.00, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2421.00, -1628.50, -89.00, 2632.80, -1454.30, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2222.50, -1628.50, -89.00, 2421.00, -1494.00, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2266.20, -1494.00, -89.00, 2381.60, -1372.00, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2381.60, -1494.00, -89.00, 2421.00, -1454.30, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2281.40, -1372.00, -89.00, 2381.60, -1135.00, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2381.60, -1454.30, -89.00, 2462.10, -1135.00, 110.90}}, {!"East Los Santos", {2462.10, -1454.30, -89.00, 2581.70, -1135.00, 110.90}}, {!"Easter Basin", {-1794.90, 249.90, -9.10, -1242.90, 578.30, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Basin", {-1794.90, -50.00, -0.00, -1499.80, 249.90, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1499.80, -50.00, -0.00, -1242.90, 249.90, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1794.90, -730.10, -3.00, -1213.90, -50.00, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1213.90, -730.10, 0.00, -1132.80, -50.00, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1242.90, -50.00, 0.00, -1213.90, 578.30, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1213.90, -50.00, -4.50, -947.90, 578.30, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1315.40, -405.30, 15.40, -1264.40, -209.50, 25.40}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1354.30, -287.30, 15.40, -1315.40, -209.50, 25.40}}, {!"Easter Bay Airport", {-1490.30, -209.50, 15.40, -1264.40, -148.30, 25.40}}, {!"Easter Bay Chemicals", {-1132.80, -768.00, 0.00, -956.40, -578.10, 200.00}}, {!"Easter Bay Chemicals", {-1132.80, -787.30, 0.00, -956.40, -768.00, 200.00}}, {!"El Castillo del Diablo", {-464.50, 2217.60, 0.00, -208.50, 2580.30, 200.00}}, {!"El Castillo del Diablo", {-208.50, 2123.00, -7.60, 114.00, 2337.10, 200.00}}, {!"El Castillo del Diablo", {-208.50, 2337.10, 0.00, 8.40, 2487.10, 200.00}}, {!"El Corona", {1812.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 1970.60, -1852.80, 110.90}}, {!"El Corona", {1692.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 1812.60, -1842.20, 110.90}}, {!"El Quebrados", {-1645.20, 2498.50, 0.00, -1372.10, 2777.80, 200.00}}, {!"Esplanade East", {-1620.30, 1176.50, -4.50, -1580.00, 1274.20, 200.00}}, {!"Esplanade East", {-1580.00, 1025.90, -6.10, -1499.80, 1274.20, 200.00}}, {!"Esplanade East", {-1499.80, 578.30, -79.60, -1339.80, 1274.20, 20.30}}, {!"Esplanade North", {-2533.00, 1358.90, -4.50, -1996.60, 1501.20, 200.00}}, {!"Esplanade North", {-1996.60, 1358.90, -4.50, -1524.20, 1592.50, 200.00}}, {!"Esplanade North", {-1982.30, 1274.20, -4.50, -1524.20, 1358.90, 200.00}}, {!"Fallen Tree", {-792.20, -698.50, -5.30, -452.40, -380.00, 200.00}}, {!"Fallow Bridge", {434.30, 366.50, 0.00, 603.00, 555.60, 200.00}}, {!"Fern Ridge", {508.10, -139.20, 0.00, 1306.60, 119.50, 200.00}}, {!"Financial", {-1871.70, 744.10, -6.10, -1701.30, 1176.40, 300.00}}, {!"Fisher's Lagoon", {1916.90, -233.30, -100.00, 2131.70, 13.80, 200.00}}, {!"Flint Intersection", {-187.70, -1596.70, -89.00, 17.00, -1276.60, 110.90}}, {!"Flint Range", {-594.10, -1648.50, 0.00, -187.70, -1276.60, 200.00}}, {!"Fort Carson", {-376.20, 826.30, -3.00, 123.70, 1220.40, 200.00}}, {!"Foster Valley", {-2270.00, -430.20, -0.00, -2178.60, -324.10, 200.00}}, {!"Foster Valley", {-2178.60, -599.80, -0.00, -1794.90, -324.10, 200.00}}, {!"Foster Valley", {-2178.60, -1115.50, 0.00, -1794.90, -599.80, 200.00}}, {!"Foster Valley", {-2178.60, -1250.90, 0.00, -1794.90, -1115.50, 200.00}}, {!"Frederick Bridge", {2759.20, 296.50, 0.00, 2774.20, 594.70, 200.00}}, {!"Gant Bridge", {-2741.40, 1659.60, -6.10, -2616.40, 2175.10, 200.00}}, {!"Gant Bridge", {-2741.00, 1490.40, -6.10, -2616.40, 1659.60, 200.00}}, {!"Ganton", {2222.50, -1852.80, -89.00, 2632.80, -1722.30, 110.90}}, {!"Ganton", {2222.50, -1722.30, -89.00, 2632.80, -1628.50, 110.90}}, {!"Garcia", {-2411.20, -222.50, -0.00, -2173.00, 265.20, 200.00}}, {!"Garcia", {-2395.10, -222.50, -5.30, -2354.00, -204.70, 200.00}}, {!"Garver Bridge", {-1339.80, 828.10, -89.00, -1213.90, 1057.00, 110.90}}, {!"Garver Bridge", {-1213.90, 950.00, -89.00, -1087.90, 1178.90, 110.90}}, {!"Garver Bridge", {-1499.80, 696.40, -179.60, -1339.80, 925.30, 20.30}}, {!"Glen Park", {1812.60, -1449.60, -89.00, 1996.90, -1350.70, 110.90}}, {!"Glen Park", {1812.60, -1100.80, -89.00, 1994.30, -973.30, 110.90}}, {!"Glen Park", {1812.60, -1350.70, -89.00, 2056.80, -1100.80, 110.90}}, {!"Green Palms", {176.50, 1305.40, -3.00, 338.60, 1520.70, 200.00}}, {!"Greenglass College", {964.30, 1044.60, -89.00, 1197.30, 1203.20, 110.90}}, {!"Greenglass College", {964.30, 930.80, -89.00, 1166.50, 1044.60, 110.90}}, {!"Hampton Barns", {603.00, 264.30, 0.00, 761.90, 366.50, 200.00}}, {!"Hankypanky Point", {2576.90, 62.10, 0.00, 2759.20, 385.50, 200.00}}, {!"Harry Gold Parkway", {1777.30, 863.20, -89.00, 1817.30, 2342.80, 110.90}}, {!"Hashbury", {-2593.40, -222.50, -0.00, -2411.20, 54.70, 200.00}}, {!"Hilltop Farm", {967.30, -450.30, -3.00, 1176.70, -217.90, 200.00}}, {!"Hunter Quarry", {337.20, 710.80, -115.20, 860.50, 1031.70, 203.70}}, {!"Idlewood", {1812.60, -1852.80, -89.00, 1971.60, -1742.30, 110.90}}, {!"Idlewood", {1812.60, -1742.30, -89.00, 1951.60, -1602.30, 110.90}}, {!"Idlewood", {1951.60, -1742.30, -89.00, 2124.60, -1602.30, 110.90}}, {!"Idlewood", {1812.60, -1602.30, -89.00, 2124.60, -1449.60, 110.90}}, {!"Idlewood", {2124.60, -1742.30, -89.00, 2222.50, -1494.00, 110.90}}, {!"Idlewood", {1971.60, -1852.80, -89.00, 2222.50, -1742.30, 110.90}}, {!"Jefferson", {1996.90, -1449.60, -89.00, 2056.80, -1350.70, 110.90}}, {!"Jefferson", {2124.60, -1494.00, -89.00, 2266.20, -1449.60, 110.90}}, {!"Jefferson", {2056.80, -1372.00, -89.00, 2281.40, -1210.70, 110.90}}, {!"Jefferson", {2056.80, -1210.70, -89.00, 2185.30, -1126.30, 110.90}}, {!"Jefferson", {2185.30, -1210.70, -89.00, 2281.40, -1154.50, 110.90}}, {!"Jefferson", {2056.80, -1449.60, -89.00, 2266.20, -1372.00, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway East", {2623.10, 943.20, -89.00, 2749.90, 1055.90, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway East", {2685.10, 1055.90, -89.00, 2749.90, 2626.50, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway East", {2536.40, 2442.50, -89.00, 2685.10, 2542.50, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway East", {2625.10, 2202.70, -89.00, 2685.10, 2442.50, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {2498.20, 2542.50, -89.00, 2685.10, 2626.50, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {2237.40, 2542.50, -89.00, 2498.20, 2663.10, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {2121.40, 2508.20, -89.00, 2237.40, 2663.10, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {1938.80, 2508.20, -89.00, 2121.40, 2624.20, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {1534.50, 2433.20, -89.00, 1848.40, 2583.20, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {1848.40, 2478.40, -89.00, 1938.80, 2553.40, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {1704.50, 2342.80, -89.00, 1848.40, 2433.20, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway North", {1377.30, 2433.20, -89.00, 1534.50, 2507.20, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway South", {1457.30, 823.20, -89.00, 2377.30, 863.20, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway South", {2377.30, 788.80, -89.00, 2537.30, 897.90, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway West", {1197.30, 1163.30, -89.00, 1236.60, 2243.20, 110.90}}, {!"Julius Thruway West", {1236.60, 2142.80, -89.00, 1297.40, 2243.20, 110.90}}, {!"Juniper Hill", {-2533.00, 578.30, -7.60, -2274.10, 968.30, 200.00}}, {!"Juniper Hollow", {-2533.00, 968.30, -6.10, -2274.10, 1358.90, 200.00}}, {!"K.A.C.C. Military Fuels", {2498.20, 2626.50, -89.00, 2749.90, 2861.50, 110.90}}, {!"Kincaid Bridge", {-1339.80, 599.20, -89.00, -1213.90, 828.10, 110.90}}, {!"Kincaid Bridge", {-1213.90, 721.10, -89.00, -1087.90, 950.00, 110.90}}, {!"Kincaid Bridge", {-1087.90, 855.30, -89.00, -961.90, 986.20, 110.90}}, {!"King's", {-2329.30, 458.40, -7.60, -1993.20, 578.30, 200.00}}, {!"King's", {-2411.20, 265.20, -9.10, -1993.20, 373.50, 200.00}}, {!"King's", {-2253.50, 373.50, -9.10, -1993.20, 458.40, 200.00}}, {!"LVA Freight Depot", {1457.30, 863.20, -89.00, 1777.40, 1143.20, 110.90}}, {!"LVA Freight Depot", {1375.60, 919.40, -89.00, 1457.30, 1203.20, 110.90}}, {!"LVA Freight Depot", {1277.00, 1087.60, -89.00, 1375.60, 1203.20, 110.90}}, {!"LVA Freight Depot", {1315.30, 1044.60, -89.00, 1375.60, 1087.60, 110.90}}, {!"LVA Freight Depot", {1236.60, 1163.40, -89.00, 1277.00, 1203.20, 110.90}}, {!"Las Barrancas", {-926.10, 1398.70, -3.00, -719.20, 1634.60, 200.00}}, {!"Las Brujas", {-365.10, 2123.00, -3.00, -208.50, 2217.60, 200.00}}, {!"Las Colinas", {1994.30, -1100.80, -89.00, 2056.80, -920.80, 110.90}}, {!"Las Colinas", {2056.80, -1126.30, -89.00, 2126.80, -920.80, 110.90}}, {!"Las Colinas", {2185.30, -1154.50, -89.00, 2281.40, -934.40, 110.90}}, {!"Las Colinas", {2126.80, -1126.30, -89.00, 2185.30, -934.40, 110.90}}, {!"Las Colinas", {2747.70, -1120.00, -89.00, 2959.30, -945.00, 110.90}}, {!"Las Colinas", {2632.70, -1135.00, -89.00, 2747.70, -945.00, 110.90}}, {!"Las Colinas", {2281.40, -1135.00, -89.00, 2632.70, -945.00, 110.90}}, {!"Las Payasadas", {-354.30, 2580.30, 2.00, -133.60, 2816.80, 200.00}}, {!"Las Venturas Airport", {1236.60, 1203.20, -89.00, 1457.30, 1883.10, 110.90}}, {!"Las Venturas Airport", {1457.30, 1203.20, -89.00, 1777.30, 1883.10, 110.90}}, {!"Las Venturas Airport", {1457.30, 1143.20, -89.00, 1777.40, 1203.20, 110.90}}, {!"Las Venturas Airport", {1515.80, 1586.40, -12.50, 1729.90, 1714.50, 87.50}}, {!"Last Dime Motel", {1823.00, 596.30, -89.00, 1997.20, 823.20, 110.90}}, {!"Leafy Hollow", {-1166.90, -1856.00, 0.00, -815.60, -1602.00, 200.00}}, {!"Liberty City", {-1000.00, 400.00, 1300.00, -700.00, 600.00, 1400.00}}, {!"Lil' Probe Inn", {-90.20, 1286.80, -3.00, 153.80, 1554.10, 200.00}}, {!"Linden Side", {2749.90, 943.20, -89.00, 2923.30, 1198.90, 110.90}}, {!"Linden Station", {2749.90, 1198.90, -89.00, 2923.30, 1548.90, 110.90}}, {!"Linden Station", {2811.20, 1229.50, -39.50, 2861.20, 1407.50, 60.40}}, {!"Little Mexico", {1701.90, -1842.20, -89.00, 1812.60, -1722.20, 110.90}}, {!"Little Mexico", {1758.90, -1722.20, -89.00, 1812.60, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Los Flores", {2581.70, -1454.30, -89.00, 2632.80, -1393.40, 110.90}}, {!"Los Flores", {2581.70, -1393.40, -89.00, 2747.70, -1135.00, 110.90}}, {!"Los Santos International", {1249.60, -2394.30, -89.00, 1852.00, -2179.20, 110.90}}, {!"Los Santos International", {1852.00, -2394.30, -89.00, 2089.00, -2179.20, 110.90}}, {!"Los Santos International", {1382.70, -2730.80, -89.00, 2201.80, -2394.30, 110.90}}, {!"Los Santos International", {1974.60, -2394.30, -39.00, 2089.00, -2256.50, 60.90}}, {!"Los Santos International", {1400.90, -2669.20, -39.00, 2189.80, -2597.20, 60.90}}, {!"Los Santos International", {2051.60, -2597.20, -39.00, 2152.40, -2394.30, 60.90}}, {!"Marina", {647.70, -1804.20, -89.00, 851.40, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Marina", {647.70, -1577.50, -89.00, 807.90, -1416.20, 110.90}}, {!"Marina", {807.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 926.90, -1416.20, 110.90}}, {!"Market", {787.40, -1416.20, -89.00, 1072.60, -1310.20, 110.90}}, {!"Market", {952.60, -1310.20, -89.00, 1072.60, -1130.80, 110.90}}, {!"Market", {1072.60, -1416.20, -89.00, 1370.80, -1130.80, 110.90}}, {!"Market", {926.90, -1577.50, -89.00, 1370.80, -1416.20, 110.90}}, {!"Market Station", {787.40, -1410.90, -34.10, 866.00, -1310.20, 65.80}}, {!"Martin Bridge", {-222.10, 293.30, 0.00, -122.10, 476.40, 200.00}}, {!"Missionary Hill", {-2994.40, -811.20, 0.00, -2178.60, -430.20, 200.00}}, {!"Montgomery", {1119.50, 119.50, -3.00, 1451.40, 493.30, 200.00}}, {!"Montgomery", {1451.40, 347.40, -6.10, 1582.40, 420.80, 200.00}}, {!"Montgomery Intersection", {1546.60, 208.10, 0.00, 1745.80, 347.40, 200.00}}, {!"Montgomery Intersection", {1582.40, 347.40, 0.00, 1664.60, 401.70, 200.00}}, {!"Mulholland", {1414.00, -768.00, -89.00, 1667.60, -452.40, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {1281.10, -452.40, -89.00, 1641.10, -290.90, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {1269.10, -768.00, -89.00, 1414.00, -452.40, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {1357.00, -926.90, -89.00, 1463.90, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {1318.10, -910.10, -89.00, 1357.00, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {1169.10, -910.10, -89.00, 1318.10, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {768.60, -954.60, -89.00, 952.60, -860.60, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {687.80, -860.60, -89.00, 911.80, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {737.50, -768.00, -89.00, 1142.20, -674.80, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {1096.40, -910.10, -89.00, 1169.10, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {952.60, -937.10, -89.00, 1096.40, -860.60, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {911.80, -860.60, -89.00, 1096.40, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland", {861.00, -674.80, -89.00, 1156.50, -600.80, 110.90}}, {!"Mulholland Intersection", {1463.90, -1150.80, -89.00, 1812.60, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"North Rock", {2285.30, -768.00, 0.00, 2770.50, -269.70, 200.00}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2373.70, -2697.00, -89.00, 2809.20, -2330.40, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2201.80, -2418.30, -89.00, 2324.00, -2095.00, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2324.00, -2302.30, -89.00, 2703.50, -2145.10, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2089.00, -2394.30, -89.00, 2201.80, -2235.80, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2201.80, -2730.80, -89.00, 2324.00, -2418.30, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2703.50, -2302.30, -89.00, 2959.30, -2126.90, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Docks", {2324.00, -2145.10, -89.00, 2703.50, -2059.20, 110.90}}, {!"Ocean Flats", {-2994.40, 277.40, -9.10, -2867.80, 458.40, 200.00}}, {!"Ocean Flats", {-2994.40, -222.50, -0.00, -2593.40, 277.40, 200.00}}, {!"Ocean Flats", {-2994.40, -430.20, -0.00, -2831.80, -222.50, 200.00}}, {!"Octane Springs", {338.60, 1228.50, 0.00, 664.30, 1655.00, 200.00}}, {!"Old Venturas Strip", {2162.30, 2012.10, -89.00, 2685.10, 2202.70, 110.90}}, {!"Palisades", {-2994.40, 458.40, -6.10, -2741.00, 1339.60, 200.00}}, {!"Palomino Creek", {2160.20, -149.00, 0.00, 2576.90, 228.30, 200.00}}, {!"Paradiso", {-2741.00, 793.40, -6.10, -2533.00, 1268.40, 200.00}}, {!"Pershing Square", {1440.90, -1722.20, -89.00, 1583.50, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Pilgrim", {2437.30, 1383.20, -89.00, 2624.40, 1783.20, 110.90}}, {!"Pilgrim", {2624.40, 1383.20, -89.00, 2685.10, 1783.20, 110.90}}, {!"Pilson Intersection", {1098.30, 2243.20, -89.00, 1377.30, 2507.20, 110.90}}, {!"Pirates in Men's Pants", {1817.30, 1469.20, -89.00, 2027.40, 1703.20, 110.90}}, {!"Playa del Seville", {2703.50, -2126.90, -89.00, 2959.30, -1852.80, 110.90}}, {!"Prickle Pine", {1534.50, 2583.20, -89.00, 1848.40, 2863.20, 110.90}}, {!"Prickle Pine", {1117.40, 2507.20, -89.00, 1534.50, 2723.20, 110.90}}, {!"Prickle Pine", {1848.40, 2553.40, -89.00, 1938.80, 2863.20, 110.90}}, {!"Prickle Pine", {1938.80, 2624.20, -89.00, 2121.40, 2861.50, 110.90}}, {!"Queens", {-2533.00, 458.40, 0.00, -2329.30, 578.30, 200.00}}, {!"Queens", {-2593.40, 54.70, 0.00, -2411.20, 458.40, 200.00}}, {!"Queens", {-2411.20, 373.50, 0.00, -2253.50, 458.40, 200.00}}, {!"Randolph Industrial Estate", {1558.00, 596.30, -89.00, 1823.00, 823.20, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands East", {1817.30, 2011.80, -89.00, 2106.70, 2202.70, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands East", {1817.30, 2202.70, -89.00, 2011.90, 2342.80, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands East", {1848.40, 2342.80, -89.00, 2011.90, 2478.40, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands West", {1236.60, 1883.10, -89.00, 1777.30, 2142.80, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands West", {1297.40, 2142.80, -89.00, 1777.30, 2243.20, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands West", {1377.30, 2243.20, -89.00, 1704.50, 2433.20, 110.90}}, {!"Redsands West", {1704.50, 2243.20, -89.00, 1777.30, 2342.80, 110.90}}, {!"Regular Tom", {-405.70, 1712.80, -3.00, -276.70, 1892.70, 200.00}}, {!"Richman", {647.50, -1118.20, -89.00, 787.40, -954.60, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {647.50, -954.60, -89.00, 768.60, -860.60, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {225.10, -1369.60, -89.00, 334.50, -1292.00, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {225.10, -1292.00, -89.00, 466.20, -1235.00, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {72.60, -1404.90, -89.00, 225.10, -1235.00, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {72.60, -1235.00, -89.00, 321.30, -1008.10, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {321.30, -1235.00, -89.00, 647.50, -1044.00, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {321.30, -1044.00, -89.00, 647.50, -860.60, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {321.30, -860.60, -89.00, 687.80, -768.00, 110.90}}, {!"Richman", {321.30, -768.00, -89.00, 700.70, -674.80, 110.90}}, {!"Robada Intersection", {-1119.00, 1178.90, -89.00, -862.00, 1351.40, 110.90}}, {!"Roca Escalante", {2237.40, 2202.70, -89.00, 2536.40, 2542.50, 110.90}}, {!"Roca Escalante", {2536.40, 2202.70, -89.00, 2625.10, 2442.50, 110.90}}, {!"Rockshore East", {2537.30, 676.50, -89.00, 2902.30, 943.20, 110.90}}, {!"Rockshore West", {1997.20, 596.30, -89.00, 2377.30, 823.20, 110.90}}, {!"Rockshore West", {2377.30, 596.30, -89.00, 2537.30, 788.80, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {72.60, -1684.60, -89.00, 225.10, -1544.10, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {72.60, -1544.10, -89.00, 225.10, -1404.90, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {225.10, -1684.60, -89.00, 312.80, -1501.90, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {225.10, -1501.90, -89.00, 334.50, -1369.60, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {334.50, -1501.90, -89.00, 422.60, -1406.00, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {312.80, -1684.60, -89.00, 422.60, -1501.90, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {422.60, -1684.60, -89.00, 558.00, -1570.20, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {558.00, -1684.60, -89.00, 647.50, -1384.90, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {466.20, -1570.20, -89.00, 558.00, -1385.00, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {422.60, -1570.20, -89.00, 466.20, -1406.00, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {466.20, -1385.00, -89.00, 647.50, -1235.00, 110.90}}, {!"Rodeo", {334.50, -1406.00, -89.00, 466.20, -1292.00, 110.90}}, {!"Royal Casino", {2087.30, 1383.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1543.20, 110.90}}, {!"San Andreas Sound", {2450.30, 385.50, -100.00, 2759.20, 562.30, 200.00}}, {!"Santa Flora", {-2741.00, 458.40, -7.60, -2533.00, 793.40, 200.00}}, {!"Santa Maria Beach", {342.60, -2173.20, -89.00, 647.70, -1684.60, 110.90}}, {!"Santa Maria Beach", {72.60, -2173.20, -89.00, 342.60, -1684.60, 110.90}}, {!"Shady Cabin", {-1632.80, -2263.40, -3.00, -1601.30, -2231.70, 200.00}}, {!"Shady Creeks", {-1820.60, -2643.60, -8.00, -1226.70, -1771.60, 200.00}}, {!"Shady Creeks", {-2030.10, -2174.80, -6.10, -1820.60, -1771.60, 200.00}}, {!"Sobell Rail Yards", {2749.90, 1548.90, -89.00, 2923.30, 1937.20, 110.90}}, {!"Spinybed", {2121.40, 2663.10, -89.00, 2498.20, 2861.50, 110.90}}, {!"Starfish Casino", {2437.30, 1783.20, -89.00, 2685.10, 2012.10, 110.90}}, {!"Starfish Casino", {2437.30, 1858.10, -39.00, 2495.00, 1970.80, 60.90}}, {!"Starfish Casino", {2162.30, 1883.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 2012.10, 110.90}}, {!"Temple", {1252.30, -1130.80, -89.00, 1378.30, -1026.30, 110.90}}, {!"Temple", {1252.30, -1026.30, -89.00, 1391.00, -926.90, 110.90}}, {!"Temple", {1252.30, -926.90, -89.00, 1357.00, -910.10, 110.90}}, {!"Temple", {952.60, -1130.80, -89.00, 1096.40, -937.10, 110.90}}, {!"Temple", {1096.40, -1130.80, -89.00, 1252.30, -1026.30, 110.90}}, {!"Temple", {1096.40, -1026.30, -89.00, 1252.30, -910.10, 110.90}}, {!"The Camel's Toe", {2087.30, 1203.20, -89.00, 2640.40, 1383.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Clown's Pocket", {2162.30, 1783.20, -89.00, 2437.30, 1883.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Emerald Isle", {2011.90, 2202.70, -89.00, 2237.40, 2508.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Farm", {-1209.60, -1317.10, 114.90, -908.10, -787.30, 251.90}}, {!"The Four Dragons Casino", {1817.30, 863.20, -89.00, 2027.30, 1083.20, 110.90}}, {!"The High Roller", {1817.30, 1283.20, -89.00, 2027.30, 1469.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Mako Span", {1664.60, 401.70, 0.00, 1785.10, 567.20, 200.00}}, {!"The Panopticon", {-947.90, -304.30, -1.10, -319.60, 327.00, 200.00}}, {!"The Pink Swan", {1817.30, 1083.20, -89.00, 2027.30, 1283.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Sherman Dam", {-968.70, 1929.40, -3.00, -481.10, 2155.20, 200.00}}, {!"The Strip", {2027.40, 863.20, -89.00, 2087.30, 1703.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Strip", {2106.70, 1863.20, -89.00, 2162.30, 2202.70, 110.90}}, {!"The Strip", {2027.40, 1783.20, -89.00, 2162.30, 1863.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Strip", {2027.40, 1703.20, -89.00, 2137.40, 1783.20, 110.90}}, {!"The Visage", {1817.30, 1863.20, -89.00, 2106.70, 2011.80, 110.90}}, {!"The Visage", {1817.30, 1703.20, -89.00, 2027.40, 1863.20, 110.90}}, {!"Unity Station", {1692.60, -1971.80, -20.40, 1812.60, -1932.80, 79.50}}, {!"Valle Ocultado", {-936.60, 2611.40, 2.00, -715.90, 2847.90, 200.00}}, {!"Verdant Bluffs", {930.20, -2488.40, -89.00, 1249.60, -2006.70, 110.90}}, {!"Verdant Bluffs", {1073.20, -2006.70, -89.00, 1249.60, -1842.20, 110.90}}, {!"Verdant Bluffs", {1249.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 1692.60, -1842.20, 110.90}}, {!"Verdant Meadows", {37.00, 2337.10, -3.00, 435.90, 2677.90, 200.00}}, {!"Verona Beach", {647.70, -2173.20, -89.00, 930.20, -1804.20, 110.90}}, {!"Verona Beach", {930.20, -2006.70, -89.00, 1073.20, -1804.20, 110.90}}, {!"Verona Beach", {851.40, -1804.20, -89.00, 1046.10, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Verona Beach", {1161.50, -1722.20, -89.00, 1323.90, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Verona Beach", {1046.10, -1722.20, -89.00, 1161.50, -1577.50, 110.90}}, {!"Vinewood", {787.40, -1310.20, -89.00, 952.60, -1130.80, 110.90}}, {!"Vinewood", {787.40, -1130.80, -89.00, 952.60, -954.60, 110.90}}, {!"Vinewood", {647.50, -1227.20, -89.00, 787.40, -1118.20, 110.90}}, {!"Vinewood", {647.70, -1416.20, -89.00, 787.40, -1227.20, 110.90}}, {!"Whitewood Estates", {883.30, 1726.20, -89.00, 1098.30, 2507.20, 110.90}}, {!"Whitewood Estates", {1098.30, 1726.20, -89.00, 1197.30, 2243.20, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {1970.60, -2179.20, -89.00, 2089.00, -1852.80, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {2089.00, -2235.80, -89.00, 2201.80, -1989.90, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {2089.00, -1989.90, -89.00, 2324.00, -1852.80, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {2201.80, -2095.00, -89.00, 2324.00, -1989.90, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {2541.70, -1941.40, -89.00, 2703.50, -1852.80, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {2324.00, -2059.20, -89.00, 2541.70, -1852.80, 110.90}}, {!"Willowfield", {2541.70, -2059.20, -89.00, 2703.50, -1941.40, 110.90}}, {!"Yellow Bell Station", {1377.40, 2600.40, -21.90, 1492.40, 2687.30, 78.00}}, {!"Los Santos", {44.60, -2892.90, -242.90, 2997.00, -768.00, 900.00}}, {!"Las Venturas", {869.40, 596.30, -242.90, 2997.00, 2993.80, 900.00}}, {!"Bone County", {-480.50, 596.30, -242.90, 869.40, 2993.80, 900.00}}, {!"Tierra Robada", {-2997.40, 1659.60, -242.90, -480.50, 2993.80, 900.00}}, {!"Tierra Robada", {-1213.90, 596.30, -242.90, -480.50, 1659.60, 900.00}}, {!"San Fierro", {-2997.40, -1115.50, -242.90, -1213.90, 1659.60, 900.00}}, {!"Red County", {-1213.90, -768.00, -242.90, 2997.00, 596.30, 900.00}}, {!"Flint County", {-1213.90, -2892.90, -242.90, 44.60, -768.00, 900.00}}, {!"Whetstone", {-2997.40, -2892.90, -242.90, -1213.90, -1115.50, 900.00}} }; new name[32] = "San Andreas"; for (new i = 0; i != sizeof(g_arrZoneData); i ++) if ((fX >= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][0] && fX <= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][3]) && (fY >= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][1] && fY <= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][4]) && (fZ >= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][2] && fZ <= g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneArea][5])) { strunpack(name, g_arrZoneData[i][e_ZoneName]); break; } return name; } Si comanda: CMD:address(playerid, params[]) { new Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, str[128]; GetPlayerPos(playerid, fX, fY, fZ); format(str, sizeof(str), "You're at %s.", GetLocation(fX, fY, fZ)); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, str); return 1; } Multumesc pentru atentie!
  13. La asta ma gandeam si eu, doar ca nu stiu cum sa adaug acel obiect in lista de obiecte de la Fusez. Stie cineva cum? Asta e un exemplu asemanator cu ce vreau sa fac.
  14. Salut. O să explic cât se poate de scurt. Mi-am modelat singur o casă în Blender. Am exportat modelul, l-am adăugat în .pwn, e ready to use. Problema mea este următoarea: vreau să amplasez casa undeva, nu contează unde, doar că trebuie să mappez casa, adică să o pun eu cum trebuie. Asta înseamnă că trebuie s-o adaug într-un map editor, ca să o așez așa cum vreau. Cum fac lucrul acesta? Mai exact: cum adaug un obiect custom într-un map editor? JernejL's Map Editor nu îți dă voie să adaugi propriile tale obiecte, nu? Dar Fusez'? Mulțumesc.
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