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de curand miam facut si eu un server.sunt multumit de el tot.dar azi am dat de o problema NU imi merge /v =))))

iam spus unui baiat sa imi dea comanda /v am bagato in gm :if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/v", true) == 0)



    SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "Already drive a car. Out of the car and try again.");



    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, Vehicle_Dialog, 2, "Vehicles", "Bicycles\nBikes\nMonster trucks\nBoats\nHelicopters\nPlanes\nCars\nRC vehicles", "Select", "Cancel" );

return 1;


asa am facut tot dau f5 (compile)

imi da eroarea: error 017: undefined symbol "Vehicle_Dialog"

pls dk puteti sa ma ajutati...:D:d

youtube.com/secretofficial1 < - SECRET CHANNEL !

7 answers to this question

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Secret" post="67664" timestamp="1303314344"]

nu merge x(



Zh3r0 nu sti?

poate nu ai pus bine #define Vehicle_Dialog 9432 unde lai pus la inceputul GM sau la commanda



.akm imi da alta eroare :))

imi da eroarea:error 017: undefined symbol "red"

pe linia: SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "Already drive a car. Out of the car and try again."

ce sa fk ??

youtube.com/secretofficial1 < - SECRET CHANNEL !

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