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Eroare GameModes (Run time error 19) + 3 Warnuri




Am o problema la GameModes,

Cand deschid server cu samp-server.exe se deschide tot FS-uri, Plugin-urile, absolut tot si cand apare la sfarsit inainte de linia " Number of vehicle models: xxx " apare o linie in care imi zice ceva eroare

Asta zice: ( Script [gamemodes/RIZ.amx]: Run time error 19:  "File or function is not foun" )

I-am facut copilare in 0.3c si imi da 3 Warnuri


D:\Server SA-MP\RIZ Comunity Server SA-MP 3.2\pawno\include\CPLoader.inc(38) : warning 219: local variable "X" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\Server SA-MP\RIZ Comunity Server SA-MP 3.2\pawno\include\CPLoader.inc(38) : warning 219: local variable "Y" shadows a variable at a preceding level
D:\Server SA-MP\RIZ Comunity Server SA-MP 3.2\pawno\include\CPLoader.inc(38) : warning 219: local variable "Z" shadows a variable at a preceding level
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Warnings.

Poate fi aceia problema? Eu nu cred.

Deci de ce imi apare aia atunci cand pornesc serveru? Si cu warnurile cum fac?

Multumesc anticipat


F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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Pai da, ii in folderul gamemodes

Edit: si xxSPEEDYxx am facut asa cum ai zis tu si are aceleasi wranrui + o eroare


D:\Server SA-MP\RIZ Comunity Server SA-MP 3.2\gamemodes\RIZ.pwn(6226) : error 017: undefined symbol "Xs"

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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Am tot trecut la linia FS, si daca pun alt GM orice GM imi merge, nu mai apare eroarea aia,

Si al include/CPLoader.inc ce sa fac? Ca am sters face mai urat am modificat face mai urat?

Ce fac?:S

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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Pai da, ii in folderul gamemodes

Edit: si xxSPEEDYxx am facut asa cum ai zis tu si are aceleasi wranrui + o eroare


D:\Server SA-MP\RIZ Comunity Server SA-MP 3.2\gamemodes\RIZ.pwn(6226) : error 017: undefined symbol "Xs"
pai da trebuie sa pui in inainte de a schimba alea
new Xs, Ys, Zs;

si dupa aia va merge

Fara reclama in semnatura!

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filterscripts animati eBoost casca epsanimals gang Lotto ServerStats LuxAdmin neon vip Properties xStreamer Xstreamo YosVehCtrl


plugins xStreamer Whirlpool

F*ck everybody who want and who try to judge me for who I am, b*star*s !



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