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Salut am adugat un quest si cand adaug scriptul final imi da eraorea aia la pawno  ati vazut dupa ce anulez scriptul nu se mai opreste pawno folosesc gm bigzone


scriptul la care imi stopeaza pawno

if( GetPVarInt( playerid, "summer_quest_started" ) == 1 ) {
            if( check_objects( playerid ) < 20 ) {
                for( new sq = 0; sq < 20; sq++ ) {
                    if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Progress ][ sq ] == 0 ) {
                        if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 6.0, quest_daily_pos[ sq ][ 0 ], quest_daily_pos[ sq ][ 1 ], quest_daily_pos[ sq ][ 2 ] ) ) {
                            if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, summer_quest_vehicle[playerid])) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Nu esti in vehiculul tau de la quest!");
                            new str_quest[100];
                            if( gettime( ) < GetPVarInt( playerid, "questDeelay" ) ) {
                                format(str_quest, sizeof str_quest, "Poti livra in aceasta locatie peste %d secunde.", GetPVarInt( playerid, "questDeelay" ) - gettime( ) );
                                SCM( playerid, -1, str_quest );
                                return true;
                            else {
                                DeletePlayer3DTextLabel( playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Text ][ sq ] );
                                if(IsValidDynamicMapIcon( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Icon ][ sq ] )) DestroyDynamicMapIcon( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Icon ][ sq ] );
                                DestroyDynamicActor( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Object ][ sq ] );
                                PlayerInfo[playerid][pDaily_Quest_Progress][sq] = 1;
                                SetPVarInt( playerid, "questDeelay", gettime( ) + 30 );
                                GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~p~+1 progress", 4000, 1);
                                if( check_objects( playerid ) < 20 ) {
                                    SCM(playerid, -1, "Ai livrat o inghetata.");
                                    format( str_quest, sizeof str_quest, "Mai ai de livrat %d/20 obiecte pentru a primi premiul!", check_objects( playerid ) );
                                    SCM( playerid, -1, str_quest );
                                else {
                                    new bani = random( 1000000 ) + 2000000, rp = random ( 2 ) + 1, pp = 2;
                                    format( str_quest, sizeof str_quest, "["SPECIAL_QUEST_NAME"] {FFFFFF}%s a terminat questul si a primit premiul special.", GetName( playerid ) );
                                    SendClientMessageToAll( 0xcc3a62ff, str_quest );
                                    SCM( playerid, 0xcc3a62ff, "["SPECIAL_QUEST_NAME"] {FFFFFF}Ai livrat toate inghetatele si ai primit:");
                                    format( str_quest, sizeof str_quest, "- %s$, %d respect points si %d game points.", FormatNumber( bani ), rp, pp );
                                    SCM( playerid, -1, str_quest );
                                    GivePlayerCash( playerid, bani ); Update( playerid, pCashx );
                                    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pExp ] += rp; Update( playerid, pRP );
                                    PlayerInfo [ playerid ][ pPremiumPoints ] += pp; Update( playerid, pPremiumPointsx );
                                    stop_summer_quest( playerid );
                                    for(new x_3 = 0; x_3 < 20; x_3++) {
                                        if(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Progress ][ x_3 ] == 0) {
                                            DeletePlayer3DTextLabel( playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Text ][ x_3 ] );
                                            DestroyDynamicMapIcon( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Icon ][ x_3 ] );
                                            DestroyDynamicActor( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pDaily_Quest_Object ][ x_3 ] );
                                    DisableRemoteVehicleCollisions( playerid, 0 );
                                    SetPlayerPosEx( playerid, 357.5128,-1788.2792,5.2714 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, 0 );


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1 minute ago, AndreY1000000mmm said:

si o rezolvare un raspuns de ce nu il citeste ?

Descarca asta https://github.com/pawn-lang/compiler/releases varianta windows si pune in folderul pawno doar pawnc.dll si pawncc.exe, eu asa am rezolvat.

Apoi dupa ce ai bagat scriptul dai compile si-mi dai pe Facebook pentru ca ma ai, daca-ti zice la fel.

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