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Problema Time la paintball



Problema intalnita (descriere): Salutare, meciul la paint dureaza 05:00 minute cand se termina ramane la 00:01 nu inteleg de ce nu se termina meciul...
Ero(area / rile) / warning-(ul / urile): -
Liniile de cod / sursa / script-ul(obligatoriu): http://pastebin.com/12H3mhWe
Imagini / Video (optional): -
Ati incercat sa rezolvati singur?: Am incercat, nu imi pot da seama ce are :(

Edited by Style.
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public PrepareRoundPaintBall1()
    if(paintp[1] > 1)
        new string[128];
        if(paintrs[1] >= 1)
            foreach(Player, i)
                if(PlayerInfo[i][pPaintBallG] == 1)
                    PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PaintBallText[i]);
                    if(paintrs[1] > 9) format(string,sizeof(string),"PAINTBALL ROUND STARTS IN ~y~00:%d",paintrs[1]);
                    else format(string,sizeof(string),"PAINTBALL ROUND STARTS IN ~y~00:0%d",paintrs[1]);
                    PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PaintBallText[i], string);
        if(paintrs[1] == 2)
            paintrs[1] = 0;
            paintt[1] = 299;
            paintrun1 = SetTimer("PaintBallRun1", 1000, 1);
    else if(paintp[1] < 2)
        paintt[1] = 0;
        paintrs[1] = 0;
        PaintWinner[1] = 999;
        PaintBallWinnerKills[1] = 0;
        paintvoteg[1][0] = 0;
        paintvoteg[1][1] = 0;
        paintvoteg[1][2] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][0] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][1] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][2] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][3] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][4] = 0;
        mapvoted[1] = 0;
        gunvoted[1] = 0;
        foreach(Player, i)
            if(PlayerInfo[i][pPaintBallG] == 1)
                curatj[i] = 0;
                for (new idd2 = 0; idd2 != 5; ++idd2) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 1001);
                PlayerInfo[i][pPaintBallKills] = 0;
                PlayerInfo[i][pPaintBallVoted] = 0;
                PlayerInfo[i][pPaintBallVoted2] = 0;
                SetPlayerArmourEx(i, 0);
                PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PaintBallText[i]);
                PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PaintBallText[i], "~g~WAITING FOR MORE PLAYERS TO JOIN...");
                GameTextForPlayer(i, "~y~NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS TO START...", 5000, 5);
    return 1;
public PaintBallRun1()
    if(paintp[1] > 1)
          new string[128];
          if(paintt[1] >= 1)
            if(paintt[1] == 300)
                new maxim,weapon,maximm,map;
                for(new g = 0; g < 3; g++) if(paintvoteg[1][g] > maxim) { maxim = paintvoteg[1][g]; weapon = g;}
                if(gunvoted[1] > 0)
                    if(weapon == 0) paintg[1] = 1;
                    if(weapon == 1) paintg[1] = 2;
                    if(weapon == 2) paintg[1] = 3;
                for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) if(paintvotem[1][m] > maximm) { maximm = paintvotem[1][m]; map = m;}
                if(mapvoted[1] > 0)
                    if(map == 0) paintm[1] = 1;
                    if(map == 1) paintm[1] = 2;
                    if(map == 2) paintm[1] = 3;
                    if(map == 3) paintm[1] = 4;
                    if(map == 4) paintm[1] = 5;
                foreach(Player, i)
                     if(PlayerInfo[pPaintBallG] == 1)
                        SetPlayerHealthEx(i, 100);
            foreach(Player, i)
                 if(PlayerInfo[pPaintBallG] == 1)
                       new stringg[64];
                       PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PaintBallText);
                    new minutes = floatround(paintt[1]/60),
                          seconds = floatround(paintt[1] - minutes*60);
                       else format(stringg,sizeof(stringg),"0%d:0%d",minutes,seconds);
                       format(string,sizeof(string),"PAINTBALL ROUND ENDS IN ~b~%s",stringg);
                    PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PaintBallText, string);
        if(paintt[1] <= 2)
            if(PaintWinner[1] != 0)
                 foreach(Player, i)
                      if(PlayerInfo[pPaintBallG] == 1)
                          format(string,sizeof(string),"Round over! Winner: %s - %d kills.",GetPName(PaintWinner[1]),PaintBallWinnerKills[1]);
                        SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
                        SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Use /votegun to vote for a gun. Use /votemap to vote for a map.");
                        SetPlayerArmourEx(i, 0);
                        PlayerInfo[pPaintBallKills] = 0;
                        PlayerInfo[pPaintBallVoted] = 0;
                        PlayerInfo[pPaintBallVoted2] = 0;
                        for (new idd2 = 0; idd2 != 5; ++idd2) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 1001);
                        curatj = 0;
                paintt[1] = 0;
                paintrs[1] = 31;
                preparepaint1 = SetTimer("PrepareRoundPaintBall1", 1000, 1);
                paintg[1] = 1;
                PaintWinner[1] = 999;
                PaintBallWinnerKills[1] = 0;
                paintvoteg[1][0] = 0;
                paintvoteg[1][1] = 0;
                paintvoteg[1][2] = 0;
                paintvotem[1][0] = 0;
                paintvotem[1][1] = 0;
                paintvotem[1][2] = 0;
                paintvotem[1][3] = 0;
                paintvotem[1][4] = 0;
                mapvoted[1] = 0;
                gunvoted[1] = 0;
    else if(paintp[1] < 2)
        paintt[1] = 0;
          paintrs[1] = 0;
          PaintWinner[1] = 999;
        PaintBallWinnerKills[1] = 0;
        paintvoteg[1][0] = 0;
        paintvoteg[1][1] = 0;
        paintvoteg[1][2] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][0] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][1] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][2] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][3] = 0;
        paintvotem[1][4] = 0;
        mapvoted[1] = 0;
        gunvoted[1] = 0;
          foreach(Player, i)
            if(PlayerInfo[pPaintBallG] == 1)
                for (new idd2 = 0; idd2 != 5; ++idd2) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 1001);
                SetPlayerArmourEx(i, 0);
                PlayerInfo[pPaintBallKills] = 0;
                PlayerInfo[pPaintBallVoted] = 0;
                PlayerInfo[pPaintBallVoted2] = 0;
                curatj = 0;
                PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PaintBallText);
                PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PaintBallText, "~g~WAITING FOR MORE PLAYERS TO JOIN...");
                   GameTextForPlayer(i, "~y~NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS TO START...", 5000, 5);
    return 1;

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