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Problema order/attack -> merge doar la Ballas/Grove la AzTECas si Vagos nu.



Buna ziua..am o problema si nu stiu cum sa o rezolv ...deci order si attack merge doar la grove/ballas si la aztecas si vagos nu ..uitati aici niste linii


CMD:order(playerid, params[])
    if(PlayerData[playerid][pGunLicense] >= 1)
		    new amount;
			if(sscanf(params, "d",amount))
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, SYNTAX_MESSAGE"/order [item]");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Order 1: Deagle (Materiale: 300)");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Order 2: AK47 (Materiale: 400)");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Order 3: M4A1 (Materiale: 400)");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Order 4: MP5 (Materiale: 350)");
				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Order 5: Rifle (Materiale: 500)");
			else if(IsPlayerConnectedEx(playerid))
			    if(groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][1] >= 5000)
			        if(GetPlayerCash(playerid) >= 2000)
					    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 100.0, groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gGroupInteriorPos][0], groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gGroupInteriorPos][1], groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gGroupInteriorPos][2]))
							if(amount == 1)
								GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 24, 150);
								PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][0] = 24;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][1] -= 300;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][0] += 1000;
								SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Ai cumparat un Deagle cu 1.000$. 300 de materiale au fost retrase din seiful factiunii.");
							else if(amount == 2)
								GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30, 200);
								PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][1] = 30;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][1] -= 400;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][0] += 1250;
								SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Ai cumparat un AK47 cu 1.250$. 400 de materiale au fost retrase din seiful factiunii.");
							else if(amount == 3)
								GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 200);
								PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][2] = 31;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][1] -= 400;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][0] += 1500;
								SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Ai cumparat un M4A1 cu 1.500$. 400 de materiale au fost retrase din seiful factiunii.");
							else if(amount == 4)
								GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 29, 90);
								PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][3] = 29;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][1] -= 350;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][0] += 1750;
								SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Ai cumparat un MP5 cu 1.750$. 350 de materiale au fost retrase din seiful factiunii.");
							else if(amount == 5)
								GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 33, 25);
								PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][4] = 33;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][1] -= 500;
								groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gSafe][0] += 2000;
								SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE,"Ai cumparat un Riffle cu 2.000$. 500 de materiale au fost retrase din seiful factiunii.");
								SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"Invalid order id.");
					else return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Nu ai destui bani.");
				else return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Nu poti cumpara arme deoarece factiunea ta nu are suficiente materiale.");
		if(PlayerData[playerid][pGroup] == 5)
		    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 35.0, 773.8241,-49.5217,1000.5859))
				GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 34, 9999);
		        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 23, 9999);
		        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 4, 9999);
		    	PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][0] = 34;
			    PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][1] = 23;
			    PlayerData[playerid][pWeapons][2] = 4;
	    SCM(playerid, COLOR_TEAL, "You don't have the gun license");
	return 1;

CMD:attack(playerid) return cmd_war(playerid);
CMD:war(playerid) {
	if(!IsGangster(playerid)) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_ER,"You can't use this command.");
	if(PlayerData[playerid][pGroupRank] < 5) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_ER,"You can't use this command.(Rank 5+)");
	if(groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gDelay] > 0) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_ER,"You can attack after %s minutes.", CalculeazaTimp(groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gDelay]));
	new turf; for(new i = 0; i < TotalTurfs; i++) if(IsPlayerInTurf(playerid, i) == 1) { turf = i; break; }
	if(!turf) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_ER,"You need to be in a turf.");
	if(TurfData[turf][turf_warid] != 0) return SCM(playerid,-1,"This turf is already under attack.");
	if(TurfData[turf][tOwned] == PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]) return SCM(playerid,-1,"You can't attack your own turf.");
	if(groupVariables[PlayerData[playerid][pGroup]][gInWar]) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Your faction is already in a war!");
	if(groupVariables[TurfData[turf][tOwned]][gInWar]) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "This faction is already in a war !");
	TurfData[turf][turf_att] = PlayerData[playerid][pGroup];
	TurfData[turf][turf_def] = TurfData[turf][tOwned];
	TurfData[turf][turf_time] = 600;
	groupVariables[TurfData[turf][turf_att]][gScore] = 0; groupVariables[TurfData[turf][turf_att]][gInWar] = 1;
	groupVariables[TurfData[turf][turf_def]][gScore] = 0; groupVariables[TurfData[turf][turf_def]][gInWar] = 1;
	mysql_format(handle,result,sizeof(result),"INSERT INTO `log_wars` (`war_turf`, `war_attacker`, `war_defender`, `war_starttime`) VALUES(%d,%d,%d,%d)", TurfData[turf][tID], TurfData[turf][turf_att], TurfData[turf][turf_def], gettime());
	new Cache: _war = mysql_query(handle, result);

	TurfData[turf][turf_warid] = cache_insert_id();
	szQueryOutput[0] = 0;
	format(szQueryOutput, sizeof(szQueryOutput),"[WAR]: {FFFFFF}Faction {%06x}%s{FFFFFF} declared a war ("BB"%s #%d{FFFFFF}) against {%06x}%s{FFFFFF}!",
		groupVariables[TurfData[turf][turf_att]][gColor] >>> 8,
		groupVariables[TurfData[turf][turf_def]][gColor] >>> 8,

	szSmallString[0] = 0;
	foreach(Player, i)
		if(PlayerData[i][pGroup] == TurfData[turf][turf_att] || PlayerData[i][pGroup] == TurfData[turf][turf_def])
			format(szSmallString, sizeof(szSmallString), "War time: ~y~%s ~w~", CalculeazaTimp(TurfData[turf][turf_time]));
			TextDrawSetString(tTimer[i], szSmallString);
			TextDrawShowForPlayer(i, tTimer[i]);

			PlayerData[i][pWarScore] = 0;
			PlayerData[i][pWarDeaths] = 0;
			PlayerData[i][pWarCombo] = 0;

			GangZoneFlashForPlayer(i, TurfData[turf][tGameID], COLOR_FLASH);
			if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) == 0) SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, TurfData[turf][turf_warid]);
			mysql_format(handle,result,sizeof(result),"INSERT INTO `log_warplayers` (`war_warid`, `war_userid`, `war_group`) VALUES(%d,%d,%d)", TurfData[turf][turf_warid], PlayerData[i][pInternalID], PlayerData[i][pGroup]);
			mysql_tquery(handle, result);		
	for(new x = 0; x < systemVariables[vehicleCounts][0]; x++)
		if(vehicleVariables[x][vVehicleGroup] == TurfData[turf][turf_att] || vehicleVariables[x][vVehicleGroup] == TurfData[turf][turf_def])
	return 1;

Nu stiu cum sa rezolv..ajutati-ma va rog..mersi!

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