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Cerere Tutorial


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Ea variaza in functie de sistemul tau de case

uite un exemplu:

CMD:createhouse(playerid, params[])
	if(AutoData[playerid][pAdmin] < 5) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE74C3CFF, "AdminOnly");
	new interior, price;
	if(sscanf(params, "ii", price, interior)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE74C3CFF, Usage"/createhouse <pret> <id interior>");
    if(!( <= interior <= sizeof(HouseInteriors)-1)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE74C3CFF, "Interior ID you entered does not exist.");
	new id = Iter_Free(Houses);
	if(id == -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xE74C3CFF, "You can't create more houses.");
	SetPVarInt(playerid, "HousePickupCooldown", tickcount()+1000);
	format(HouseData[id][Name], MAX_HOUSE_NAME, "De vanzare");
	format(HouseData[id][Owner], MAX_PLAYER_NAME, "-");
	format(HouseData[id][Password], MAX_HOUSE_PASSWORD, "-");
	GetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseData[id][houseX], HouseData[id][houseY], HouseData[id][houseZ]);
	HouseData[id][Price] = price;
	HouseData[id][Interior] = interior;
	HouseData[id][LockMode] = LOCK_MODE_NOLOCK;
	HouseData[id][SafeMoney] = ;
	HouseData[id][LastEntered] = ;
    HouseData[id][Save] = true;

    new label[200];
    format(label, sizeof(label), "{FFFFFF}House for Sale\n{FFFFFF}House ID: {7f0a49}%d\n{FFFFFF}Price: {7f0a49}%s{097920}$\n{FFFFFF}[/buyhouse] for buy this house!", id, convertNumber(price));
	HouseData[id][HouseLabel] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(label, 0xFFFFFFFF, HouseData[id][houseX], HouseData[id][houseY], HouseData[id][houseZ]+0.35, 15.0, .testlos = 1);
	HouseData[id][HousePickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(19523, 1, HouseData[id][houseX], HouseData[id][houseY], HouseData[id][houseZ]);
	HouseData[id][HouseIcon] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(HouseData[id][houseX], HouseData[id][houseY], HouseData[id][houseZ], 31, );

	new query[256];
	mysql_format(SQLHandle, query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `houses` SET `ID`='%d', `HouseX`='%f', `HouseY`='%f', `HouseZ`='%f', `HousePrice`='%d', `HouseInterior`='%d'", id, HouseData[id][houseX], HouseData[id][houseY], HouseData[id][houseZ], price, interior);
	mysql_tquery(SQLHandle, query, "", "");
	Iter_Add(Houses, id);
	return 1;



Servicii Scripting de calitate:


Future Project: ExpertGame


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