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problema tutorial

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if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pTutorial] == 0) {
		timer Tutorial[3000](playerid) {
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "Bine ai venit pe server-ul Fresh");
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "o sa iti prezint cateva informatii iar dupa o sa facem tutorialul fizic");
		timer Tutorial2[3000](playerid) {
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "Acesta este spawn-ul normal, poti schimba asta prin /spawnchange");
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "In acest moment server-ul este in dezvoltare de catre ImDariusHere");
			timer Tutorial3[3000](playerid) {
				InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1157.029418, -1764.939941, 17.661890, 1169.504028, -1746.363647, 23.562469, 3000);
				InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1154.333862, -1768.953491, 16.387060, 1166.808471, -1750.377197, 22.287639, 3000);
		timer Tutorial3[3000](playerid)	{
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "De aici iti iei o bicicleta");
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "Pentru a naviga pe server chiar daca nu ai masina/motocicleta");
			timer Tutorial4[3000](playerid) {
				InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1149.249267, -1749.108276, 15.387428, 1150.847412, -1759.611328, 15.252326, 3000);
				InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1145.992919, -1752.565551, 13.824240, 1146.751586, -1757.241577, 13.637288, 3000);	
		timer Tutorial5[3000](playerid) {
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "aici este Los Santos Police Departament renumit ca 'lspd' ");
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "Sectia politistilor mai pe scurt");
			timer Tutorial6[3000](playerid) {
				InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 1544.809814, -1669.524658, 18.592250, 1527.586547, -1658.476440, 22.951721, 3000);
				InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 1548.925903, -1672.165283, 17.550369, 1531.702636, -1661.117065, 21.909839, 3000);
		timer Tutorial7[3000](playerid) {
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "aici este locul de pescuit, un job numit ca Fisherman ");
			SCM(playerid, COLOR_TUTORIAL, "Aici dupa ce ai vandut pestele prins primesti bani si Job Points");
			timer Tutorial8[3000](playerid) {
				InterpolateCameraPos(playerid, 2380.203857, 550.563110, 9.063492, 2371.197021, 553.830993, 10.754978, 3000);
				InterpolateCameraLookAt(playerid, 2381.717529, 546.543518, 6.503816, 2375.595458, 551.936218, 9.318786, 3000);

am incercat si eu sa fac asa cu timere si lam pus la OnPlayerSpawn


C:\Users\dariu\OneDrive\Desktop\fresh gm\gamemodes\gm.pwn(820) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\dariu\OneDrive\Desktop\fresh gm\gamemodes\gm.pwn(820) : error 017: undefined symbol "Tutorial_yT@"
C:\Users\dariu\OneDrive\Desktop\fresh gm\gamemodes\gm.pwn(820) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found "return"
C:\Users\dariu\OneDrive\Desktop\fresh gm\gamemodes\gm.pwn(820) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line


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