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salutare mi sa creeat un bug ... dar nu inteleg din ce motiv:| ma poate ajuta va rog cineva...? bugul este la topul de la gang , numi arata NICIUN GANG nimic...

ShowTopGang( playerid, gang_points[ ], what[ ])
	#pragma unused what
	new Speed = GetTickCount(), DialString[3_000], String[2][256], Query[2][256],
		DBResult:Result1, gColor[12] = "{00BBF6}", oColor[12] = "{AEFF00}";
    Database = db_open( "GangSystem.db" );
	format( Query[ 0 ], 256, "SELECT `gangname` FROM `gangs` ORDER BY (`%s` * 1) DESC limit %d", gang_points, limit);
	Result1 = db_query( Database, Query[ 0 ] );
	format( DialString, sizeof DialString, "%sMore info about our {FF0000}Gang System {AEFF00}find on: {FF0000}/ghelp\n",oColor);
	for( new Qr; Qr < db_num_rows( Result1 ); Qr ++ )
		db_get_field( Result1, 0, String[ 0 ], 256 );
		format( Query[ 1 ], 256, "SELECT `%s` FROM `gangs` WHERE `gangname` = '%s'", gang_points, String[ 0 ] );
		new DBResult:Result2 = db_query( Database, Query[ 1 ] );
		db_get_field( Result2, 0, String[ 1 ], 256 );
		format( DialString, sizeof DialString, "%s\n{AFAFAF}%d.{FF0000} %s {AFAFAF}GPoints: %s%s", DialString, Qr + 1, String[0], gColor, FormatNumber(strval(String[1])));
		db_next_row( Result1 );
		db_free_result( Result2 );
	db_free_result( Result1 );
	format( DialString, sizeof DialString, "%s\n\n{AEFF00}Top list generated in {FF0000}%d{AEFF00}ms.", DialString, GetTickCount( ) - Speed );
	ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, 123, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Top Gangs", DialString, "Ok", "" );
	return ( 1 );

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	print("[ERROR] - Unable to establish a connection with the world...");
	return 1;


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am totul...:| dar cred ca mi sa f**** tot pt ca am incercat un deamx pe el si acuma numi mai da nici ala cu "bud unable to check for update" ce pot sa fac?

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	print("[ERROR] - Unable to establish a connection with the world...");
	return 1;


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am incercat , degeaba:) mam uitat mai cu atent prin gm si am pus eu ceva gresit :D deaceea nu merge in fine...am alta problema:| si asta chiar nu o inteleg dece...nu functioneaza "IsPlayerGangMember" la gangul Staff functioneaza , la gangul Thug nu :| dc? de la ce poate fi ?

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
	print("[ERROR] - Unable to establish a connection with the world...");
	return 1;


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