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Problema CRASH



Am si eu o problema , imi da crash la server in timp ce playerii se joaca , iar in crashdetect imi da urmatoarele erori:

[12:20:37]: --- Crashdetect v3.6.8 loaded
[12:21:51]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerDeath():
[12:21:51]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[12:21:51]: Additional information:
[12:21:51]:   Array max index is 499 but accessing an element at 65535
[12:21:51]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[12:21:51]:   public OnPlayerDeath()
[12:35:12]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnDialogResponse():
[12:35:12]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[12:35:12]: Additional information:
[12:35:12]:   Array max index is 95 but accessing an element at 255
[12:35:12]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[12:35:12]:   public OnPlayerLogin()
[12:35:12]:   public OnDialogResponse()
[12:37:58]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[12:37:58]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[12:37:58]: Additional information:
[12:37:58]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 429
[12:37:58]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[12:37:58]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[12:48:21]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerDeath():
[12:48:21]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[12:48:21]: Additional information:
[12:48:21]:   Array max index is 499 but accessing an element at 65535
[12:48:21]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[12:48:21]:   public OnPlayerDeath()
Si cand imi da crash imi da ceva legat de samp_mysql_num_rows(); :
Server crash caused by native samp_mysql_num_rows() called at address 0x3340 in 'gamemodes/addict.amx'Server crash caused by native samp_mysql_num_rows() called at address 0x3340 in 'gamemodes/addict.amx'
Va rog sa ma ajutati , imi face asta de cand l-am pus pe linux , in calculator merge fara probleme. Acum la 13:08 mia dat crash:
[13:04:25]: --- Crashdetect v3.6.8 loaded
[13:05:20]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[13:05:20]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[13:05:20]: Additional information:
[13:05:20]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 527
[13:05:20]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[13:05:20]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[13:06:22]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[13:06:22]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[13:06:22]: Additional information:
[13:06:22]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 527
[13:06:22]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[13:06:22]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[13:06:39]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[13:06:39]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[13:06:39]: Additional information:
[13:06:39]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 527
[13:06:39]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[13:06:39]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[13:08:20]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: During execution of OnVehicleDeath():
[13:08:20]: Script[gamemodes/addict.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[13:08:20]: Additional information:
[13:08:20]:   Array max index is 332 but accessing an element at 527
[13:08:20]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[13:08:20]: The server has crashed due to an unknown error

My projects:

RPG Server: 0.1%(485 lines)

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5 answers to this question

Recommended Posts

1.Compileaza scripturile cu cele mai noi includeri.

2.Adauga toate plugin-urile necesare (sscanf, nativechecker, regex, audio, streamer).

3.Incearca sa adaugi urmatoarea linie in gamemode:

[pawn]main() { }[/pawn]

Sunt multe cauze care pot provoca aceste erori.Incearca sa faci update la plugin-uri.

Vezi sa nu fie de la codul scriptat in gamemode.

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Ti-am spus, fa un debugging ( vezi pagina asta, daca nu stii ce-i ala: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Debugging ) la callback-urile alea doua si o sa-ti dai seama care-s vectorii cu probleme, ca acolo va fi locul in care se va opri serverul.

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