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problema event /hunted



Inca odata fac apel la voi , am in GM eventul " Hunting Event " , insa am observat ca nu porneste singur automat in game . Daca aveti voi idee cum l-as putea seta sa porneasca din 30 in 30 minute si playerii sa dea doar /enterhunt ar fi super ...


Recomand acest server Romanesc bY woozie aka. weedluver aka. undertaker !!

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imi cer scuze ptr. 2xpost , uite asta este :

forward StartNewHuntGame();

public StartNewHuntGame()


SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}==================={009999} Vaneaza & Ucide{FFFFFF} ======================");

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FF9900}[Vaneaza & Ucide]{FFFFFF} Eventul va incepe in cateva secunde!");

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}[{FF6600}Vaneaza & Ucide{FFFFFF}] Eventul va incepe in cateva secunde!");

StartHunt2 = SetTimer("StartNewHuntGame2", 60000, 0);


forward StartNewHuntGame2();

public StartNewHuntGame2()


new str[128];

new rand;

new x = 1;

new count;

for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++)




if(InHuntGame) count++;



if(count < 2)


SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FF9900}[Vaneaza & Ucide] {FFFFFF}Eventul nu poate incepe deoarece sunt mai putini de {FF9900}2 playeri inscrisi!");

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FF9900}[Vaneaza & Ucide] {FFFFFF}Un nou event va incepe in {FF9900}10 minute!");

StartHunt = SetTimer("StartNewHuntGame", 600000, 0);

return 1;




rand = random(MAX_PLAYERS);

if(InHuntGame[rand] && IsPlayerConnected(rand)) x = 0;

else x = 1;


HuntReward = MinHuntValue+random(MaxHuntValue-MinHuntValue);

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}============= {FF9900}Vaneaza & Ucide {FFFFFF}=============");

format(str, sizeof(str), "Playerul %s (ID: %d) trebuie ucis ! Recompensa: %d",PlayerName(rand), rand, HuntReward);


SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}Ai la dispozitie 15 minute pentru a il omora!");

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}Nu aveti voie sa faceti {FF9900}DRIVE-BY!");

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}Foloseste {FF9900}/hunted {FFFFFF}pentru a vedea unde se afla victima!");

SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFD700AA,"{FFFFFF}============= {FF9900}Vaneaza & Ucide {FFFFFF}=============");

SendClientMessage(rand, 0xFFD700AA, "Ai fost ales ca tinta la Vaneaza & Ucide !");

SetPlayerHealth(rand, 100);

SetPlayerArmour(rand, 100);



GivePlayerWeapon(rand, 31, 10000);

GivePlayerWeapon(rand, 29, 10000);

GivePlayerWeapon(rand, 27, 10000);

GivePlayerWeapon(rand, 24, 10000);

GivePlayerWeapon(rand, 4, 1);

GivePlayerWeapon(rand, 9, 1);

HuntedPlayer = rand;

IsHunted[rand] = 1;

EndHunt = SetTimer("EndHuntGame", 900000, 0);

return 1;



Recomand acest server Romanesc bY woozie aka. weedluver aka. undertaker !!

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Aratane functia [pawn] EndHunt = SetTimer("EndHuntGame", 900000, 0);[/pawn]

Man nu ma pricep deloc uite ti-am trimis un PM cu gm.pwn , credema ca nu ma pricep deloc , daca ai timp si vrei sa te uiti tu peste el as fi tare recunoscator . Mersi frumos.


Recomand acest server Romanesc bY woozie aka. weedluver aka. undertaker !!

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da man am vazut insa tot nu porneste ....

Uite man am observat ca trebuie sa dau eu /starthunt si pe urma incepe dupa 30 secunde , insa eu vreau sa inceapa automat singur din 30 in 30 minute.........


Recomand acest server Romanesc bY woozie aka. weedluver aka. undertaker !!

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