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Everything posted by Rimmon

  1. pui sus in script [pawn]#include <dini>[/pawn]
  2. Ce cploader visezi mha? pune sus in script #include <dini>
  3. Pai faza e ca am creerul gol nu am idei o sa continui serverul si mai original poate si niste mape
  4. ce server ai RP sau Stunt? Daca e stunt descarca un admin sistem iti recomand Lux admin sau ladmin Iar pentru RP invata scripting si fati sistem de register/login
  5. Pentru ca ai pus sus #include <ZCMD> ia pune asa #include <a_samp> #include <zcmd> new gate1; public OnGameModeInit() { gate1 = CreateObject(969,1392.80004883,1183.69995117,9.69999981,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000, 20.0); //Creating the object return 1; } CMD:open(playerid,params[]) {//opening bracket if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20, 1392.80004883, 1183.69995117, 4.69999981))//Checking if the player in the range of the gate {//opening bracket MoveObject(gate1, 1392.80004883, 1183.69995117, 9.69999981, 10);// Opening the gate SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEF994300, "The gate has opened."); //Sending a message that gate opened }//closing bracket return 1; }//closing bracket CMD:close(playerid,params[]) {//opening bracket if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 20, 1392.80004883, 1183.69995117, 9.69999981))//Checking if the player in the range of the gate {//opening bracket MoveObject(gate1, 1392.80004883, 1183.69995117, 9.69999981, 10);// Moving the gate SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEF994300, "The gate has closed.");//Sending a message to the one used the command }//closing bracket return 1; }//closing bracket
  6. Rimmon

    Chat problem

    Pentru ca asa e DKR
  7. Este si in map editor de duplicat este pe banda de sus Duplicate
  8. Dai admin din rcon si nu mai umbli in scriptfiles la useri ;)
  9. cauta [pawn]new gCopPlayerSpawns[/pawn] si [pawn]new gMedPlayerSpawns[/pawn] Si stergele
  10. /coins si nici /mycoins nu apar pentru ca nu leam pus Mapele nu va e greu sa vi le faceti eu asa cred eu am pus ce era necesar si scris in regulament nu scrie nicaieri ca trebuie sa postez tot Mapele nu leam postat pentru ca le folosesc la serverul meu si vip level 4 se da doar cu set vip ..adica se cumpara cu bani adevarati 1-3 se ia cu coins
  11. ) Am pus mult coins pentru ca nu stiu sa fac cu ore da o sa scad
  12. 1)Nu nu are fs totul e incorporat 2)Scriptfiles-ul e pus 3)SScanf le gasesti
  13. Toate sunt facute de mine Eu am luat doar stilul sa arate mai frumos nu am dat copy/paste
  14. Nici mie numi merge linkul Si ce daa mai este un tut ca asta??macar el a postat si a si explicat ;)
  15. Massari Ia si posteaza calumea da o nota o sugestie Un bug ceva nu numai emoticon
  16. Rimmon


    Gata am rezolvat Nu mai postati
  17. Rimmon


    Incearca asa CMD:car(playerid,params[]) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red, "Already drive a car. Out of the car and try again."); } else if(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][Level] >= 0) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], tmp3[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); tmp3 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendUsage(playerid,"/car [Modelid/Name] [colour1] [colour2]"); new car, colour1, colour2, string[128]; if(!IsNumeric(tmp)) car = GetVehicleModelIDFromName(tmp); else car = strval(tmp); if(car < 400 || car > 611) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "ERROR: Invalid Vehicle Model"); if(!strlen(tmp2)) colour1 = random(126); else colour1 = strval(tmp2); if(!strlen(tmp3)) colour2 = random(126); else colour2 = strval(tmp3); if(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][pCar] != -1 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) ) CarDeleter(PlayerInfo[ playerid ][pCar]); new LVehicleID,Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z, Float:Angle,int1; GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z); GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,Angle); int1 = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); LVehicleID = AddStaticVehicleEx(car, X+3,Y,Z, Angle, colour1, colour2, 60); PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, LVehicleID, 0); LinkVehicleToInterior(LVehicleID,int1); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][pCar] = LVehicleID; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s spawned a \"%s\" (Model:%d) colour (%d, %d), at %0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f", pName(playerid), VehicleNames[car-400], car, colour1, colour2, X, Y, Z); SaveToFile("CarSpawns",string); format(string, sizeof(string), "~w~~h~Vehicle Spawned! ~b~~h~Model: ~r~~h~%s", VehicleNames[car-400], car, colour1, colour2); return Info(playerid,string); return 1; }
  18. Romania Stunt Time este un server de Stunt+Dm+Fun Nu lucrez la el de mult NU Vreau sa aud ca e Copiat/Editat sau altele ESTE AL MEU Uitati postez poze de la server de cand lam inceput http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,21825.0.html Gm Are 203 KB gm Are Vip System Admin Sistem Stunt Sistem Speed Bost Buy Vip Coins System Totul inclus In Acest gm doar Speed Bost nu e facut de mine mai jos o sa va prezint niste poze Login Skin Class Selection [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=052B_4F9E5542&jpg StatS [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=56A4_4F9E5621&jpg CMDS [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=4384_4F9E5621&jpg CMDS Page 2 [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=4C53_4F9E564C&jpg Teles [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=F347_4F9E564C&jpg Buy Vip [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=6675_4F9E56FE&jpg Buy Vip Preturi [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=5656_4F9E56FE&jpg Admin cmds [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=9B29_4F9E5723&jpg Announce [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=C911_4F9E5723&jpg /StartStunt [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=857A_4F9E578D&jpg Castig [img width=500 height=375]http://pgc-zone.tk/image/image.php?id=EBE0_4F9E578D&jpg Download GM http://www.solidfiles.com/d/9ad76cc703/ Download Color.inc http://www.solidfiles.com/d/ca13f67b4e/ ca,conturile sa se salveze faceti un folder in scriptfiles cu numele Users ATENTIE NU SCHIMBATI CREDITELE
  19. Poate pt ca nu tiai dat level de admin )
  20. Rimmon


    Nu in strcat se pune %s %d %i si celelalte daca vrei sa folosesti %s si altele foloseste format
  21. Rimmon

    Intrebare .

    [pawn]new number1 = 25 , number2 = 20 , numberresult = 2520;[/pawn] uite asa
  22. adresa e sa-mp.ro nu sa:mp.ro Dar e destul de misto 4/5
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