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Everything posted by dreamer

  1. dreamer


    Asa deci ala e DIALOG ! Si trebuie sa faci asa : sus #define DIALOG_HOLD 2233 [pawn]public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/hobj", true)) { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HOLD, 2, "Holding object", "Obiect 1\nObiect 2\nObiect 3\nObiect 4\nObiect 5\nObiect 6 \nObiect 7 \nObiect 8\nObiect 9 \nObiect 10\nObiect 11\nNext", "Select", "Close"); return 1; } return 1; } [/pawn] Dupa: [pawn] public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { if(dialogid==DIALOG_HOLD) { if(response) { if(listitem==0) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==1) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==2) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==3) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==4) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==5) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==6) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==7) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==8) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==9) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==10) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==11)//NEXT { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HOLD2, 2, "Holding object", "Obiect 1\nObiect 2\nObiect 3\nObiect 4\nObiect 5\nObiect 6 \nObiect 7 \nObiect 8\nObiect 9 \nObiect 10\nObiect 11\nInapoi", "Select", "Close"); } return 1; } if(dialogid==DIALOG_HOLD2) { if(response) { if(listitem==0) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==1) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==2) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==3) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==4) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==5) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==6) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==7) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==8) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==9) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==10) { //Set Player atached bla bla bla....... } if(listitem==11)//BACK { ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_HOLD, 2, "Holding object", "Obiect 1\nObiect 2\nObiect 3\nObiect 4\nObiect 5\nObiect 6 \nObiect 7 \nObiect 8\nObiect 9 \nObiect 10\nObiect 11\nInapoi", "Select", "Close"); } } return 1; } return 1; }[/pawn]
  2. Bun pentru incepatori :-j Eu iti dau 4|5 pentru munca :)
  3. dreamer


    "Menu" din asta : (Menu 1) Sau "Menu" din asta: (Menu 2) ???? Pentru ca 1 este dialog si 2 este Menu
  4. ON: Vezi :-> AICI, AICI OFF: Prea mult NFS:-j
  5. http://www.sa-mp.ro/forum/index.php/topic,14523.msg88649.html#msg88649 la fel ca la mine Schimba hostul :)
  6. "strtok" e definit de doua ori cauta vezi pe unde mai ai strtok(const string[], &index) si sterge`l dupa la a 2-a cauta [pawn]new result[/pawn] Si pune aici functia
  7. Ma deci: Idee originala = 10/10 Pozitie (pe harta) 1/10 Deci nota finala = 6/10 ( Parerea mea ) )
  8. Posteaza toata functia(comanda)
  9. dreamer


    Ce sistem de admin ai ?
  10. dreamer

    Help :D

    AM rezolvat am sters textdraw-ul ) LOCK ) Multumesc Tuturor de ajutor In special Nicolas
  11. dreamer

    Help :D

    Am incarcat aia cu print si se opreste la print("Print 15: Okay"); [10:44:31] Filter Scripts [10:44:31] --------------- [10:44:31] Loading filter script 'obiecte.amx'... [10:44:31] ---------------------------------- [10:44:31] Mapele au fost incarcate cu succes [10:44:31] Romania Play Ground [10:44:31] ---------------------------------- [10:44:31] Loading filter script 'rRace.amx'... [10:44:31] Loading filter script 'tuningcarv1.1.amx'... [10:44:31] -------------------------------------- [10:44:31] Transfender,Wheel Arch Angels and Lowrider vehicles supported [10:44:31] Car tuning menu v.1.1 [10:44:31] Coded by Lucas_Bertone aks Rsts [10:44:31] Cleaned up a bit by kaisersouse 4/11/2008 [10:44:31] -------------------------------------- [10:44:31] Loaded 3 filter scripts. [10:44:31] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777 [10:44:31] Print 1: Okay [10:44:31] Print 2: Okay [10:44:31] Print 3: Okay [10:44:31] Print 4: Okay [10:44:31] Print 5: Okay [10:44:31] Print 6: Okay [10:44:31] Print 7: Okay [10:44:31] Print 8: Okay [10:44:31] Print 9: Okay [10:44:31] Print 10: Okay [10:44:31] Print 11: Okay [10:44:31] Print 12: Okay [10:44:31] Print 13: Okay [10:44:31] Print 14: Okay [10:44:31] Print 15: Okay Am pus print dupa fiecare textdraw si se opreste la print 15 si dupa print 15 este : [pawn] print("Print 15: Okay"); Text = TextDrawCreate(496.000000, 100.000000, ""); TextDrawFont(Text, 1); TextDrawBackgroundColor(Text, 0xFFFFFFAA); TextDrawLetterSize(Text, 0.429999, 1.400000); TextDrawSetOutline(Text, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(Text, 1); TextDrawSetShadow(Text, 0);[/pawn] Edit: Am scos textdrawul "Text" Si tot la fel face Edit#2: Am mai scos un textdraw "RPGDO" si acuma merge :| Daca bag textdrw-ul "Text" nu mai merge :(
  12. dreamer

    Help :D

    Da am pus in gamemodes grandlarc.amx si in server.cfg la gamemodes0 grandlarc 1 EDIT: GM-ul meu dupa compilare Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
  13. dreamer

    Help :D

    Am incercat, cu altul merge... Am luat srv gol cu grandlanceti si a pornit
  14. dreamer

    Help :D

    Nu este de la asta, nu am umblat de loc in "scriptfiles" ,am totul ) PS asta este la mine in PC pe Windows XP Am incercat si pe host, si nu merge :(
  15. dreamer

    Help :D

    Salut Am o problema mica Nu stiu ce am facut la server de nu se mai deschide In server_log.txt imi apare asa : ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3c R2, (C)2005-2011 SA-MP Team [23:25:06] [23:25:06] Server Plugins [23:25:06] -------------- [23:25:06] Loading plugin: streamer.dll [23:25:06] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded *** [23:25:06] Loaded. [23:25:06] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.dll [23:25:06] [23:25:06] ================== [23:25:06] [23:25:06] Whirlpool loaded [23:25:06] [23:25:06] ================== [23:25:06] [23:25:06] Loaded. [23:25:06] Loading plugin: audio.dll [23:25:06] *** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded *** [23:25:06] Loaded. [23:25:06] Loaded 3 plugins. [23:25:07] [23:25:07] Ban list [23:25:07] -------- [23:25:07] Loaded: samp.ban [23:25:07] [23:25:07] [23:25:07] Filter Scripts [23:25:07] --------------- [23:25:07] Loading filter script 'obiecte.amx'... [23:25:07] ---------------------------------- [23:25:07] Mapele au fost incarcate cu succes [23:25:07] Romania Play Ground [23:25:07] ---------------------------------- [23:25:07] Loading filter script 'LuxAdmin.amx'... [23:25:07] ___________________________________________________ [23:25:07] [23:25:07] L.A.S v1.6 Beta [23:25:07] --------------- [23:25:07] LuX Administration System [23:25:07] ___________________________________________________ [23:25:07] -> Loading... [23:25:07] -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded! [23:25:07] [23:25:07] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations: [23:25:07] AutoLogin: [Enabled!] ReadCmds: [Enabled!] [23:25:07] AntiSwear: [Enabled!] AntiSpam: [Enabled!] [23:25:07] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Enabled!] [23:25:07] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled] [23:25:07] AdminCmdMsgs: [Disabled] Anti Ads: [Enabled!] [23:25:07] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Disabled] [23:25:07] Forbid Weaps: [Enabled!] AdmSkins: [Enabled!] [23:25:07] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [12] [23:25:07] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [1000ms] [23:25:07] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4] [23:25:07] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214] [23:25:07] -> Loaded Successfully! [23:25:07] Date: 20/8/2011 - Time: 23:25:7 [23:25:07] ___________________________________________________ [23:25:07] Loading filter script 'rRace.amx'... [23:25:07] Loaded 3 filter scripts. [23:25:07] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777 Il deschis si de inchide Ps nici o eroare in GM sau warining... am Plugin-urile...
  16. dreamer

    Key binds

    GetPlayerKeys SetVehicleParamsEx GetVehicleParamsEx Nu ati mai auzit de GooGle?
  17. Deci cu ban e mai greu ) dar poti sa faci cu kick Ceva gen : La public OnPlayerConect [pawn] new playerName[25];GetPlayerName(playerid,playerName,25); if( strfind( playerName, "[RSS]", true ) != -1 ) { Kick(playerid); }[/pawn] PS Inlocuiesti RSS ) cu tagul care il vrei tu :)
  18. Sectiune gresita Reported PS nu ai Plugin-uri sau Script files ;)
  19. Ai JunkBuster ? De la ala poate sa fie Inlocuieste include-ul
  20. LA : [pawn]public OnGameModeInit()[/pawn] Pui: [pawn] for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if(!IsAPlane(model) && !IsABoat(model)) SetVehicleNumberPlate(i, "NUMAR"); if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { OnPlayerConnect(i); } } //restul[/pawn] *Inlocuiesti "NUMAR" cu numarul care vrei sa apara *Poti sa pui culori 0.3c *Eu am asa : SetVehicleNumberPlate(i, "{0049FF}R{F3FF02}P{F81414}G"); Dupa mai jos [pawn]stock IsAPlane(model) { switch(model) { case 593,592,577,563,553,548,520,519,513,512,511, 497,488,487,476,469,460,447,425,417,493,484,453: return 1; default: return 0; } return 0; } stock IsABoat(model) { switch(model) { case 472,473,595,493,430,453,484,446,452,454: return 1; default: return 0; } return 0; }[/pawn] PS merge decat pe 0.3c ;)
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