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Everything posted by Paul.eboy

  1. public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { forceFinishRace(playerid); if ( Admin[playerid] ) OnlineAdmins--; if (LoggedIn[playerid] == 1) { new year,month,day; getdate(year, month, day); new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour, minute, second); new strdate[30]; format(strdate, sizeof(strdate),"%d/%d/%d %02d:%02d",day,month,year,hour,minute); new name[256],Ip[24];GetPlayerIp(playerid,Ip,24); GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); strins(name,"users/",0); new cash = GetPlayerMoney(playerid); new score = GetPlayerScore(playerid); //new query[256]; //format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE players SET money='%d', score='%d', is_online=0, last_activity='%s' WHERE LOWER(name)=LOWER('%s')", cash, score, strdate, name); //score, money, admin_level, togteles, togdms, godmode, jails, kicks, bans dini_Set(name,"IP",Ip); dini_Set(name,"LastOn",strdate); dini_IntSet(name,"score",score); dini_IntSet(name,"money",cash); dini_IntSet(name,"admin_level",Admin[playerid]); dini_IntSet(name,"Skin",PlayerSkin[playerid]); dini_IntSet(name,"togteles",Telemsg[playerid]); dini_IntSet(name,"togdms",Togdms[playerid]); dini_IntSet(name,"godmode",Godmode[playerid]); } PlayerRaceOR[playerid] = 0; PlayerJoinedOR[playerid] = 0; PlayerRaceDrift[playerid] = 0; PlayerJoinedDrift[playerid] = 0; PlayerRaceMon[playerid] = 0; PlayerJoinedMon[playerid] = 0; PlayerRaceDrag[playerid] = 0; PlayerJoinedDrag[playerid] = 0; PlayerRaceLV[playerid] = 0; PlayerJoinedLV[playerid] = 0; PlayerJoinedRace[playerid] = 0; PlayerRaceCount[playerid] = 0; raceJoined[playerid] = 0; Jails[playerid] = 0; Kicks[playerid] = 0; Bans[playerid] = 0; MarkX[playerid] = 0; MarkY[playerid] = 0; MarkZ[playerid] = 0; MarkA[playerid] = 0; DMMini[playerid] = 0; MarkI[playerid] = 0; SpecBy[playerid] = 0; Cashpickup[playerid] = 0; PlayerBeingSpeced[playerid] = 0; Lastmsg1[playerid] = 0; Lastmsg2[playerid] = 0; Lastmsg3[playerid] = 0; DMArena[playerid] = 0; Ramp[playerid] = 0; Drift1Race[playerid] = 0; Drift2Race[playerid] = 0; Drift3Race[playerid] = 0; Race1Arena[playerid] = 0; Race2Arena[playerid] = 0; togpms[playerid] = 0; Mute[playerid] = 0; Jail[playerid] = 0; LoggedIn[playerid] = 0; Admin[playerid] = 0; God[playerid] = 0; doAnimation[playerid] = 0; Godmode[playerid] = 0; Telemsg[playerid] = 0; Togdms[playerid] = 0; Freeze[playerid] = 0; PlayerSkin[playerid]=(-1); SetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, 20000.0000,-20000.0000,20000.0000,-20000.0000); // Bounderies Off new string[128]; switch(reason) { case 0: format(string, 128, "%s(%d) {94F28F}has left the server [ REASON: {FFFFFF}Crash {94F28F}]", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), playerid); case 1: format(string, 128, "%s(%d) {94F28F}has left the server [ REASON: {FFFFFF}Leaving {94F28F}]", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), playerid); case 2: format(string, 128, "%s(%d) {94F28F}has left the server [ REASON: {FFFFFF}Kick/Ban {94F28F}]", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), playerid); } SendClientMessageToAll(white, string); return 1; } uitati OnPlayerDisconnect Are comanda asta vreo problema?...adica,eu am impresia ca la onplayerdisconnect imi cam da crash serverul(se stinge)
  2. scrie pe google "/v filerscript" si iti apar. daca nu,cumpara unul
  3. pai,daca pun ban acolo,si imi dau ban pe server,cand intru cu alte nick-uri,imi zice ca's banat.chiar daca mi-am dat reset la modem
  4. if(strcmp(cmd, "/ban", true) == 0) { new reason[256]; if (Admin[playerid] < 4 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "You are not an admin with the required level."); tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ORANGE, "USAGE: /ban [playerid] [reason]"); giveplayerid = ReturnUser(tmp); if(giveplayerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s is not an active player.", tmp); SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, string); return 1; } GetPlayerName(giveplayerid, giveplayer, sizeof(giveplayer)); GetPlayerName(playerid, sendername, sizeof(sendername)); new length = strlen(cmdtext); while ((idx < length) && (cmdtext[idx] <= ' ')) { idx++; } new offset = idx; while ((idx < length) && ((idx - offset) < (sizeof(reason) - 1))) { reason[idx - offset] = cmdtext[idx]; idx++; } reason[idx - offset] = EOS; if(!strlen(reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, ORANGE, "USAGE: /ban [playerid] [reason]"); else { new sstring[256]; new ip[128]; new name[50]; GetPlayerName(giveplayerid,name,50); strins(name,"users/",0); dini_IntSet(name,"Banned",1); dini_Set(name,"BanReason",reason); SendClientMessage(giveplayerid, -1, "Go on our site for unban: {FF0000}http://cls.irc.su"); Kick(giveplayerid); format(string,sizeof(string),"*** BAN: %s has been banned by Admin %s (%s)",giveplayer,sendername,reason); printf(string); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_SYSTEM,string); TogglePlayerControllable(giveplayerid,0); BanLog(string); GetPlayerIp(giveplayerid,ip,128); format(sstring, sizeof(sstring),"Player's IP: %s",ip); SendClientMessageToAdmins(COLOR_SYSTEM,sstring,1); } return 1; } Uitati-va putin la "Kick(giveplayerid);" desi e /ban,acolo e Kick(giveplayerid);.. poate da crash de la asta? Daca pun Bangiveplayerid);cand dau ban cuiva,da ban pe clasa IP.. (sau ceva de genul)
  5. pe mn m-a ajuat farse,si a mers...cu mici erori,da le'a fixat:| dar acum,e crashul asta,si nu'l pot lasa asa,ca pierd playeri de pe server..ma poti ajuta,te rog? prin tw? ...te rog...
  6. faza e ca nu ma prea pricep..de aia caut pe cineva sa ma ajute dar,ar fi mai usor,sa fac mysql? adica,toate erorile astea's ca am scos mysql din gm (tot cineva ma ajutat) si,sunt sigur ca daca fac versiune pe mysql,scap de toate erorile,dar nu ma pricep.... ma poti ajuta macar in privinta asta? te rog..stiu ca pt. scipteri nu dureaza mult
  7. ok,ms,zice ca,cum ar fi new chargeTeleport = 0; // charge for a normal teleport new chargeRace = 0; // charge for a race //new RacesOn = 1; // 0 to turn off races new chargeDM = 800; // charge for a normal teleport new OnlineAdmins = 0; new LVStarted = 0; new LVApp = 0; new LVFinish = 1; new DRAGStarted = 0; new DRAGApp = 0; new DRAGFinish = 1; new DRIFTStarted = 0; new DRIFTApp = 0; new DRIFTFinish = 1; new MONStarted = 0; new MONApp = 0; new MONFinish = 1; new mon1, mon2, mon3, mon4, mon5, mon6; new ORStarted = 0; new ORApp = 0; new ORFinish = 1; new Menu:animmenu; new Float:MarkX[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:MarkY[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:MarkZ[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Float:MarkA[MAX_PLAYERS]; new MarkI[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Jails[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Kicks[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Bans[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerSkin[MAX_PLAYERS]; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// new rofl; new PlayerML[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerRaceLV[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerRaceDrag[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerRaceDrift[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerRaceMon[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerRaceOR[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerJoinedLV[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerJoinedDrag[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerJoinedDrift[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerJoinedMon[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerJoinedOR[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerJoinedRace[MAX_PLAYERS]; new raceJoined[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerRaceCount[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0; new God[MAX_PLAYERS]; new doAnimation[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Godmode[MAX_PLAYERS]; new SpecBy[MAX_PLAYERS]; new PlayerBeingSpeced[MAX_PLAYERS]; new togpms[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Lastmsg1[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Lastmsg2[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Lastmsg3[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Telemsg[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Togdms[MAX_PLAYERS]; new LoggedIn[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Cashpickup[MAX_PLAYERS]; new sbetty[256]; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][pInfo]; new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new Peds[218][1] = { new realtime; new timeshift; new ghour,gminute,gsecond; new shifthour; new Jail[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Freeze[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Admin[MAX_PLAYERS]; new player[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new giveplayer[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new Drift1Race[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Drift2Race[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Drift3Race[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Race1Arena[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Race2Arena[MAX_PLAYERS]; new DMArena[MAX_PLAYERS]; new DMMini[MAX_PLAYERS]; new DMOff, deagle, shotgun, sawnoff, spaz, uzi, mp5, ak, m4, tec9, pistol, sniper1, sniper2, rocketlaunch, knife; new hay1, hay2, hay3, hay4, hay5, hay6, hay7, hay8, hay9, hay10, hay11, hay12, hay13, hay14, hay15; new Ramp[MAX_PLAYERS]; new ramp; new ramp2; new Mute[MAX_PLAYERS]; new BoughtVeh[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CCm4; new CCak47; new CCsniper; new View[MAX_PLAYERS]; new Connected[MAX_PLAYERS]; new CarLock; new KillScore[MAX_PLAYERS]; new DeathScore[MAX_PLAYERS]; new ViewCmds[MAX_PLAYERS]; new WeapKillString[256]; new Cash1, Cash2, Cash3, Cash4, Cash5, Cash6, Cash7, Cash8, Cash9, Cash10; new CTD; new CTD2; new CTD3; new ping; zice de astea...is prea multe,si poate da crash?
  8. pai,cineva de pe .com,zicea sa sterg din "new" alea..ca imi ia multa memorie. macar la asta,ma poti ajuta? pls...
  9. pai,ma poti ajuta in legatura cu asta?eu nu ma priep,pana acum,m-a ajutat altcineva,dar e ocupat acum,si nu mai vrea sa ma ajute. te rog...
  10. pai,aveam release 13,si am primit release 18 Am sters tot meniul de teleportari (cu tot cu teleportari),si am adaugat pe release 13,pt. ca release 18 e pe mysql,si nu stiu cum sa'l fac,am postat si pe sa-mp.com si pe sa-mp.ro,dar nimeni nu ma ajuta... ma ajuti tu zhero? te rog,sau daca e cineva,va rog,ajutor
  11. uitati serverlog de la server,cand ia crash Crash no.1 [12/04/2011 17:42:46] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /lv [12/04/2011 17:42:46] OnPlayerCommandText for Super_Tayson, he typed command /drag [12/04/2011 17:42:47] OnPlayerCommandText for Super_Tayson, he typed command /ls [12/04/2011 17:42:54] [chat] [sonny]: stfu betty [12/04/2011 17:42:54] OnPlayerCommandText for Super_Tayson, he typed command /teles [12/04/2011 17:43:00] [chat] [sonny]: ok,bety [12/04/2011 17:43:03] [chat] [sonny]: ok,betty [12/04/2011 17:43:07] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /drag [12/04/2011 17:43:09] [part] Super_Sonic has left the server (0:1) [12/04/2011 17:43:15] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /drag [12/04/2011 17:43:15] OnPlayerCommandText for Super_Tayson, he typed command /cmds [12/04/2011 17:43:19] [chat] [sonny]: lol [12/04/2011 17:43:31] OnPlayerCommandText for Super_Tayson, he typed command /rules [12/04/2011 17:43:32] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /teles [12/04/2011 17:43:39] OnPlayerCommandText for Super_Tayson, he typed command /release [12/04/2011 17:43:40] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /teles [12/04/2011 17:43:43] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /va [12/04/2011 17:43:46] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /va [12/04/2011 17:43:46] [part] Super_Tayson has left the server (4:1) [12/04/2011 17:44:30] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /teles [12/04/2011 17:44:40] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /teles [12/04/2011 17:45:35] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /reloadobjects [12/04/2011 17:46:54] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 17:46:54] [join] Mack_Berd has joined the server (0: [12/04/2011 17:46:59] OnPlayerCommandText for sonny, he typed command /carmeny [12/04/2011 17:47:31] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 17:47:31] [join] Gradov_Vlad has joined the server (4: [12/04/2011 17:47:38] [part] Gradov_Vlad has left the server (4:2) Crash no.2 [12/04/2011 15:29:46] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /sfa [12/04/2011 15:29:50] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /sfa [12/04/2011 15:29:56] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ap3 [12/04/2011 15:29:57] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /car [12/04/2011 15:29:59] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /cars [12/04/2011 15:30:00] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /cmds [12/04/2011 15:30:36] [death] Jake_Force died 255 [12/04/2011 15:30:40] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /sfa [12/04/2011 15:31:39] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /bb [12/04/2011 15:31:50] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /wazza [12/04/2011 15:32:03] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /underwatter [12/04/2011 15:32:06] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:32:07] [join] Daniel has joined the server (3: [12/04/2011 15:32:07] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /underwater [12/04/2011 15:32:26] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /wazza [12/04/2011 15:32:35] [part] Daniel has left the server (3:0) [12/04/2011 15:32:45] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /ap2 [12/04/2011 15:33:11] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /wazza [12/04/2011 15:33:47] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ap4 [12/04/2011 15:33:50] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ap1 [12/04/2011 15:34:17] [death] nitzansm died 255 [12/04/2011 15:34:23] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ap1 [12/04/2011 15:36:09] [death] nitzansm died 255 [12/04/2011 15:36:13] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ap1 [12/04/2011 15:37:18] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:37:24] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:37:30] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:37:31] [join] Timothy_Benschop has joined the server (3: [12/04/2011 15:37:47] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:37:47] [join] Flexy_Junior has joined the server (4: [12/04/2011 15:38:03] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:38:03] [join] Kemal. has joined the server (5: [12/04/2011 15:38:06] OnPlayerCommandText for Timothy_Benschop, he typed command /cmds [12/04/2011 15:38:07] OnPlayerCommandText for Flexy_Junior, he typed command /goto 3 [12/04/2011 15:38:17] OnPlayerCommandText for Timothy_Benschop, he typed command /veh [12/04/2011 15:38:23] [part] Flexy_Junior has left the server (4:1) [12/04/2011 15:38:27] [part] Timothy_Benschop has left the server (3:1) [12/04/2011 15:38:56] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /cars [12/04/2011 15:39:11] [chat] [nitzansm]: all do /cars pls [12/04/2011 15:39:56] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:39:57] [join] m4t10 has joined the server (3: [12/04/2011 15:39:58] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /para [12/04/2011 15:40:02] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /cars [12/04/2011 15:40:09] [chat] [CoCa_CoLa]: server shit [12/04/2011 15:40:11] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /cars [12/04/2011 15:40:16] [part] CoCa_CoLa has left the server (2:1) [12/04/2011 15:40:20] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /carsmenu [12/04/2011 15:41:44] OnPlayerCommandText for Jake_Force, he typed command /sa [12/04/2011 15:41:47] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ra [12/04/2011 15:42:00] [death] m4t10 died 255 [12/04/2011 15:42:28] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /ar [12/04/2011 15:42:33] OnPlayerCommandText for m4t10, he typed command /ra [12/04/2011 15:42:46] OnPlayerCommandText for m4t10, he typed command /ar [12/04/2011 15:43:39] OnPlayerCommandText for m4t10, he typed command /ar [12/04/2011 15:44:28] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /sa [12/04/2011 15:44:39] OnPlayerCommandText for m4t10, he typed command /camds [12/04/2011 15:44:54] OnPlayerCommandText for m4t10, he typed command /lv [12/04/2011 15:45:01] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:45:02] [join] Kerem has joined the server (2: [12/04/2011 15:45:04] OnPlayerCommandText for nitzansm, he typed command /sa [12/04/2011 15:45:05] Incoming connection: [12/04/2011 15:45:06] [part] Kerem has left the server (2:2) Va puteti da seama din ce cauza pica? Fac apel la scripteri va rog,ajutor
  12. erea de la %d cum zice stuntman. ms stuntman again.... Tc..
  13. M-a rezolvat stuntman,merci oricum. puteti da tc :)
  14. Salut. Am cumparat acum ceva timp un gamemode (stunt),si l-am hostat. merge serverul cam cateva ore,si imi da crash (se inchide). care ar putea fi problema?.... Nu imi da erori la compile,nici macar warninguri. Serverul il puteti vedea la semnatura mea,in caz de va puteti da seama in-game.
  15. Cand bag asta if(strcmp(cmd, "/respawnvehicles", true) == 0) { if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 5) { for(new i=0;i<MAX_VEHICLES;i++) { if(IsVehicleOccupied(i) == 0) { SetVehicleToRespawn(i); } } format(string, sizeof(string), "[INFO:] Unoccupied vehicles respawned by %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_ADMINCMD, string); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW2, "Your not an administrator."); } return 1; } imi da eroare asta E:\games\sa-mp\cls\CLSREL~1.5FI\GAMEMO~1\jasons13.pwn(8454) : error 010: invalid function or declaration E:\games\sa-mp\cls\CLSREL~1.5FI\GAMEMO~1\jasons13.pwn(8456) : error 010: invalid function or declaration E:\games\sa-mp\cls\CLSREL~1.5FI\GAMEMO~1\jasons13.pwn(8458) : error 010: invalid function or declaration E:\games\sa-mp\cls\CLSREL~1.5FI\GAMEMO~1\jasons13.pwn(8460) : error 010: invalid function or declaration E:\games\sa-mp\cls\CLSREL~1.5FI\GAMEMO~1\jasons13.pwn(8468) : error 010: invalid function or declaration E:\games\sa-mp\cls\CLSREL~1.5FI\GAMEMO~1\jasons13.pwn(8472) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 6 Errors. de ce?:D
  16. Paul.eboy


    cum adica sa faci ma server? sa-l hostezi? sau? daca da,e cam greu cu netu de la rtc..adica,cu IP-ul
  17. nimic despre OnPlayerText
  18. Ce trebuie sa schimb/ce fs trebuie sa adaug,ca,cand cineva scrie in chat,sa-mi arate si playerid? de ex: Paul.eboy[id-10]-salut!
  19. Salut,stiti cumva de ce nu se salveaza banurile/scorul si banii de pe server? Adica,omor pe cineva,am scor 1,fac bani 20.000$ si imi da adminul ban Cand intru,nu sunt banat,si nu mai am nici scor,nici bani (faza cu banul,e doar pentru test,pe serverul meu)
  20. salut,e vreo problema daca adaug 2 streamere de obiecte pe acelasi server,in acelasi timp? o sa am probleme cu incarcarea obiectelor?
  21. compileaza fs-ul cu obiecte cu versiuea de sa-mp pe care o folosesti
  22. e pus,e pus si "users" ...in scriptfiles
  23. Salut,de ce cand intru pe severul meu (hostat VPS),si incerc sa ma loghez,dupa ce scriu parola,serverul primeste crash?..adica,pur si simplu se opreste. asta e pe host (cp),dar la mine in pc,merge,nu imi da nici o eroare. oare ce lipseste pe host?....
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