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About DjDiskJoker

  • Birthday 07/22/1996

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  1. Daca e facut de tine bravo ! P.S.: Ce imi place la acest topic este ca toti care au dat Reply au warn . )
  2. Probabil ca serverul este pe o versiune anume si tu ai alt client . Ex : Serverul e pe 0.3e si tu ai clientul 0.3d .
  3. DjDiskJoker

    Taxi Co.

    Nu e cine stie ce ... 3/5
  4. E super mapa , am pus-o pe serverul meu . P.S. : Eu nu am vazut parc cu parchet pe jos . )
  5. Acesta nu e modul lui PowerPPC de pe sa-mp.com ? Pentru ca si eu am acest mod si de la el l-am luat . :wink:
  6. Frumos pentru prima ta mapa ! ;)
  7. Bagati-o pe un server , in poze nu se vad bine obiectele , in joc se vede mai bine . ;)
  8. [glow=orange,2,300]Water Explosion LS[/glow] Dupa cum spune si titlul aceasta mapa este despre o explozie pe autostrada LS . Poze : [pawn]CreateObject(1228, 1359.7052001953, -942.13049316406, 33.615711212158, 0, 0, 354); CreateObject(1251, 1346.0266113281, -939.99591064453, 34.022285461426, 0, 0, 348); CreateObject(1228, 1360.0858154297, -939.8408203125, 33.615711212158, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1360.3969726563, -937.76239013672, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1360.748046875, -935.67810058594, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1361.0728759766, -933.82525634766, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1362.8243408203, -933.38562011719, 33.615711212158, 0, 0, 261.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1365.1469726563, -933.62481689453, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1367.2707519531, -933.90228271484, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1369.1547851563, -934.14154052734, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1371.2642822266, -934.46569824219, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1373.3721923828, -934.77502441406, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1375.3874511719, -935.03198242188, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1377.4089355469, -935.33770751953, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1379.5021972656, -935.60766601563, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1381.7147216797, -935.91485595703, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1383.8022460938, -936.09191894531, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1361.0380859375, -943.35998535156, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1362.9658203125, -943.61761474609, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1364.9621582031, -943.88446044922, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1366.9892578125, -944.14337158203, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1369.0491943359, -944.39392089844, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1371.1209716797, -944.71661376953, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1373.3568115234, -944.94744873047, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1375.5671386719, -945.24047851563, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1377.7720947266, -945.56652832031, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1379.7429199219, -945.84088134766, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1381.5242919922, -946.05480957031, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1384.8521728516, -946.12939453125, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1383.484375, -946.37731933594, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1228, 1385.0523681641, -944.18035888672, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1385.3663330078, -942.16760253906, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1385.7095947266, -940.04388427734, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1386.0279541016, -937.93688964844, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 353.99597167969); CreateObject(1228, 1385.6252441406, -936.29760742188, 33.608627319336, 0, 0, 261.99096679688); CreateObject(1251, 1397.8538818359, -938.63684082031, 33.780521392822, 0, 0, 352); CreateObject(1251, 1367.1611328125, -919.28192138672, 33.228046417236, 0, 0, 262); CreateObject(1251, 1376.4357910156, -962.85876464844, 33.089561462402, 0, 0, 261.99645996094); CreateObject(1282, 1382.8037109375, -963.39770507813, 33.929016113281, 0, 0, 82); CreateObject(1282, 1361.677734375, -918.24621582031, 34.004173278809, 0, 0, 262); CreateObject(8875, 1382.3372802734, -938.55889892578, 39.283004760742, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1322, 1360.1292724609, -918.48303222656, 34.8740234375, 0, 0, 88); CreateObject(3263, 1361.5607910156, -933.46704101563, 33.1875, 0, 0, 182); CreateObject(3264, 1370.0579833984, -944.26434326172, 33.1875, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(2975, 1361.4567871094, -941.11071777344, 33.194583892822, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1348, 1361.6864013672, -938.48742675781, 33.897109985352, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3175, 1382.3304443359, -943.52569580078, 33.1875, 0, 0, 32); CreateObject(3091, 1387.6340332031, -939.22912597656, 33.832542419434, 0, 0, 80); CreateObject(3091, 1358.6306152344, -940.24609375, 33.839626312256, 0, 0, 263.99694824219); CreateObject(1238, 1392.8754882813, -941.93438720703, 33.723094940186, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1391.3065185547, -941.69769287109, 33.628036499023, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1389.5694580078, -941.55078125, 33.523670196533, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1388.5894775391, -940.73919677734, 33.505680084229, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1388.4278564453, -939.39422607422, 33.505680084229, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1388.9156494141, -937.8388671875, 33.505680084229, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1351.4195556641, -937.19891357422, 33.800666809082, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1353.2077636719, -937.73492431641, 33.636180877686, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1355.7469482422, -938.12329101563, 33.512763977051, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1357.8662109375, -938.81677246094, 33.512763977051, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1358.4069824219, -940.11218261719, 33.512763977051, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1238, 1357.6566162109, -941.63189697266, 33.512763977051, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1308, 1364.1369628906, -934.22033691406, 33.1875, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(1554, 1375.2545166016, -939.82263183594, 33.1875, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3057, 1378.6888427734, -937.53942871094, 33.573505401611, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(6964, 1372.2293701172, -942.27722167969, 33.1875, 0, 0, 0); CreateObject(3529, 1378.6298828125, -943.7685546875, 36.389984130859, 0, 0, 0); [/pawn] Astept comentarii si greseli ! :wink: Copyright DjDiskJoker
  9. Salut ! Stie cineva cum sa editez un include si sa mearga pe server cum l-am editat eu ? Ca am un GameMode si doar jumate din server e pe GM si restul in Include-uri. Va rog ajutatima si spunetimi cum sa il fac . :(
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