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Everything posted by jupanu

  1. jupanu


    esti bunn la scripting de vrei sa ma ajuti )
  2. jupanu


    ba taci din gura nici un teleport nu stii sa faci si faci prosturi degeaba punete sa iti bagi sys de adm in gm sa te vedem ) ce iti iese )) daca iti apare o eroare nu mai faci nimik asa ca taci
  3. jupanu


    merge tot inafara de alea de la ladmin si alea erau cele mai importante
  4. jupanu


    Am bagat system de admin in GM si si in fscriptfiles este ladmin si nu salveaza conturile in ladmin/user si nu ciuteste \ladmin\config absolut nimik si conturile acum se salveaza in scriptfiles .dudb in locc sa se salveaze .sav stiti cumva ce are? ce am gresit aici unde se facc conturile in /ladmin/users/? //----------------------------------------------------- new Registre[128]; new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; if(!udb_Exists(PlayerName2(playerid))) { GetPlayerName(playerid,name,MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(Registre,sizeof(Registre),"{0049FF}Welcome {FFFF00}%s!\n\n{FA0000}Please register to continue!",name); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,128,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register",Registre,"Register","Ban"); } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 1; format(file,sizeof(file),"/ladmin/users/%s.sav",udb_encode(PlayerName)); new tmp2[256]; tmp2 = dini_Get(file,"ip"); if( (!strcmp(tmp3,tmp2,true)) && (ServerInfo[AutoLogin] == 1) ) { LoginPlayer(playerid); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] > 0) { format(string,sizeof(string),"{00CEFC}ACCOUNT: {00FF19}You have been automatically logged in. {FFFFFF}({00CEFC}Level {FC0303}%d{FFFFFF})", PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] ); SendClientMessage(playerid,green,string); } else SendClientMessage(playerid,green,"{00CEFC}ACCOUNT: {00FF19}You have been automatically logged in."); } else SendClientMessage(playerid, green, "{00CEFC}ACCOUNT: {00FF19}This nickname is registed {FC0303}, {00FF19}you can now login by typing {FC0303}/login {FFFFFF}[{00CEFC}password{FFFFFF}]"); }
  5. jupanu


    daca e host de la kog asta nu ins ca nu se vede la internet eu am avut de la el si se vedea
  6. jupanu


    da pentru ca am sters din greseala pwn
  7. jupanu


    .pwn(13) : error 021: symbol already defined: "var0" .pwn(13) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero .pwn(15) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) .pwn(15) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) .pwn(13) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "var0" .pwn(13) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "var0" .pwn(13 -- 17) : warning 225: unreachable code .pwn(27) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) .pwn(27) : warning 215: expression has no effect .pwn(28) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) .pwn(28) : warning 215: expression has no effect .pwn(34) : warning 213: tag mismatch .pwn(38) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype .pwn(40) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) .pwn(47) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1) .pwn(48) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3) .pwn(68) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) .pwn(68) : warning 215: expression has no effect .pwn(70) : error 022: must be lvalue (non-constant) .pwn(70) : warning 215: expression has no effect .pwn(74) : warning 213: tag mismatch .pwn(85) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "glob1068" Fs-ul este mai joss: http://pastebin.com/yjAsZc6a
  8. jupanu

    putin ajutor

    Ms farse si stuntman :grin:
  9. jupanu

    putin ajutor

    C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(84) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok" C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(84) : error 010: invalid function or declaration C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(1322) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(17900) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(17910) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(18023) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(18043) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(18050) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(18132) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(18133) : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok" C:\DOCUME~1\G3@N!N!\Desktop\STUNTE~1\GAMEMO~1\lvdm.pwn(18144) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small linia 84: #undef strtok linia 18132:strtok(const stringstrtok[], &index) linia 18133:{ new length = strlen(stringstrtok); while ((index < length) && (stringstrtok[index] <= ' ')) { index++; } new offset = index, result[20]; while ((index < length) && (stringstrtok[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[index - offset] = stringstrtok[index]; index++; } result[index - offset] = EOS; linia 18144: return result; }
  10. jupanu


    vorba lu stuntman nu e cine stie ce;) 2|5
  11. e cam naspa cu culorile alea 2|5
  12. (17901) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small (17911) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small (18024) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small (18044) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small (18051) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small (18112) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small public LoadTimes(playerid,timemode,tmp[]) { new temprace[256], idx; format(temprace,sizeof(temprace),"%s.yr",tmp); if(strlen(tmp)) { if(!fexist(temprace)) { format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"Race \'%s\' doesn't exist!",tmp); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_YELLOW,ystring); return 1; } else { new File:f, templine[256], TBuilder[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], TempLapper[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], TempLap; idx=0; f = fopen(temprace, io_read); fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine)); // Read header-line if(templine[0] == 'Y') //Checking if the racefile is v0.2+ { new fileversion; strtok(templine,idx); // read off YRACE fileversion = strval(strtok(templine,idx)); // read off the file version if(fileversion > RACEFILE_VERSION) // Check if the race is made with a newer version of the racefile format { format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"Race \'%s\' is created with a newer version of YRACE, unable to load.",tmp); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,ystring); return 1; } linia 17901: TBuilder=strtok(templine,idx); // read off RACEBUILDER fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine)); // read off best race times if(timemode ==1) fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine)); // read off best lap times idx=0; if(timemode == 0) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s by %s - Best race times:",tmp,TBuilder); else if(timemode == 1) format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%s by %s - Best laps:",tmp,TBuilder); else return 1; SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,ystring); for(new i=0;i<5;i++) { linia 17911: TempLapper=strtok(templine,idx); TempLap=strval(strtok(templine,idx)); if(TempLap == 0) { format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%d. None yet",i+1); i=6; } else format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"%d. %s - %s",i+1,BeHuman(TempLap),TempLapper); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,ystring); } return 1; } else { format(ystring,sizeof(ystring),"Race \'%s\' doesn't contain any time data.",tmp); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,ystring); return 1; } } } return 0; } new CBuilder[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], CFile[256], CRaceName[256]; public LoadRace(tmp[]) { new race_name[256],templine[256]; format(CRaceName,sizeof(CRaceName), "%s",tmp); format(race_name,sizeof(race_name), "%s.yr",tmp); if(!fexist(race_name)) return -1; // File doesn't exist CFile=race_name; LCurrentCheckpoint=-1; RLenght=0; RLenght=0; new File:f, i; f = fopen(race_name, io_read); fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine)); if(templine[0] == 'Y') //Checking if the racefile is v0.2+ { new fileversion; strtok(templine,i); // read off YRACE fileversion = strval(strtok(templine,i)); // read off the file version if(fileversion > RACEFILE_VERSION) return -2; // Check if the race is made with a newer version of the racefile format linia 18024: CBuilder=strtok(templine,i); // read off RACEBUILDER ORacemode = strval(strtok(templine,i)); // read off racemode ORacelaps = strval(strtok(templine,i)); // read off amount of laps if(fileversion > 1) { Airrace = strval(strtok(templine,i)); // read off airrace CPsize = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); // read off CP size } else // v1 file format, set to default { Airrace = 0; CPsize = 8.0; } OAirrace = Airrace; OCPsize = CPsize; Racemode=ORacemode; Racelaps=ORacelaps; //Allows changing the modes, but disables highscores if they've been changed. fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine)); // read off best race times i=0; for(new j=0;j<5;j++) { linia 18044: TopRacers[j]=strtok(templine,i); TopRacerTimes[j]=strval(strtok(templine,i)); } fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine)); // read off best lap times i=0; for(new j=0;j<5;j++) { TopLappers[j]=strtok(templine,i); TopLapTimes[j]=strval(strtok(templine,i)); } } else //Otherwise add the lines as checkpoints, the file is made with v0.1 (or older) version of the script. { LCurrentCheckpoint++; RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][0] = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][1] = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][2] = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); Racemode=0; ORacemode=0; Racelaps=0; ORacelaps=0; //Enables converting old files to new versions CPsize = 8.0; Airrace = 0; // v2 additions OCPsize = CPsize; OAirrace = Airrace; // v2 additions CBuilder="UNKNOWN"; for(new j;j<5;j++) { TopLappers[j]="A"; TopLapTimes[j]=0; TopRacers[j]="A"; TopRacerTimes[j]=0; } } while(fread(f,templine,sizeof(templine),false)) { LCurrentCheckpoint++; i=0; RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][0] = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][1] = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][2] = floatstr(strtok(templine,i)); if(LCurrentCheckpoint >= 1) { RLenght+=Distance(RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][0],RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][1], RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][2],RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint-1][0], RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint-1][1],RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint-1][2]); } } LLenght = RLenght + Distance(RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][0],RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][1], RaceCheckpoints[LCurrentCheckpoint][2],RaceCheckpoints[0][0],RaceCheckpoints[0][1], RaceCheckpoints[0][2]); fclose(f); return 1; }
  13. jupanu


    da le am enum P_ENUM_DATA { P_Info, P_ReactPoints }; new P_DATA [ MAX_PLAYERS ][ P_ENUM_DATA ],
  14. jupanu


    am reusit sa il fac mersi oricum stuntman
  15. frumoasa mapa bv 5|5 ;)
  16. nu trebuia sa il postezi deoarece ai sa ei mape obj pentru srv cel nou meniuri etc si o sa iti para rau pentru ca ai dat acel srv ca o sa aiba toti acele mape pararea mea stiu srv mai bine ca oricine si pe vampir il stiu si stie sa scripteze ai un 10|10 de la mine ;)
  17. nici 0|5 nu meriti ce e asta e txtdraw?
  18. jupanu


    asta nu e mapa de 5|5 sa fim seriosi asta e mapa de 3|5
  19. jupanu


    poti face comanda de o linie COMMAND:money(playerid, params[]) return GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 100000);
  20. frumos dar nu mi se pare cine stye ce ;)
  21. jupanu


    mersi merge ;)
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