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Everything posted by [DeatH]

  1. Cum atasez obiecte pe un player? adica sa fac o comanda.. gen /scut si sa iti apara un suc in mana... comanda e "AttachObjectToPlayer( objectid, playerid, 1.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 2 );" dar cum aflu coordonatele ?:|
  2. incearca : if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { new string[1024]; strcat[] = "This is a Team Death Match gamemode where you can kill players to receive money and points."; strcat1[] = "You can take over turfs with your team. Type /turfhelp for more info."; strcat2[] = "You can purchase weapons in the ammunation that you will have every time you spawn."; strcat3[] = string,"See a rulebreaker? Use /report <id> <reason>. And see your teams stats: /teamstats (teamid)."; strcat4[] = string,"You can see the server rules under /rules. Type ! [message] to talk in teamchat."; strcat5[] = string,"You not visited our site? Visit now: www.grove4life.smffy.com"; strcat6[] = string,"Buy a VIP Account Today! For access lot of new features!"; strcat7[] = string,"Type /cmds for a full list of commands."; format(string,sizeof(string),"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",strcat,strcat1,strcat2,strcat3,strcat4,strcat5,strcat6,strcat7); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,JFS_OWNA,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"[LS]Gang-War Help:",string,"Select","Cancel"; return 1; } Eu asa le fac pe toate si imi merg perfect.
  3. Cum pot face ca hitmanii, cand fac o crima sa nu primeasca wanted ?
  4. cum sterg intrarea( teleportul de la usa, sau ce e el..) de la alhamba ? pentru ca vreau sa fac un bizz da ma enerveaza intrarea ..
  5. hmm.. am pus sub onplayerconnect if( !IsPlayerNPC(playerid) ) { //OnplayerConnect return 1; } degeaba.. imi intra npc`u pe server si dupa cateva secunde iese zice "(Mark)[Numenpc..] has left the server." ce fac ?:D
  6. eu am un server hostat la b-zone, linux si nu merge, am pus tot tot si cand il deschid nu mai citeste GM-ul ... am vazut acolo, daca se intampla asa treubie sa instalez net framework 3.5, la astia cum fac ? )
  7. Nu stiu dc mi se pare mie dar pare a fi edit la COD5 nu stiu sigur nu, eu lam facut. alte pareri ?? :)
  8. Un mod DM facut de mine... Team's: - Terrorists Team - U.S Army Team - New Perle (City) Civilian's - Cotter (City) Civilian's Comenzi: -/kill -/myscore -/team -/plantbomb -/detonate -/kick, /ban - Rcon admin Weapon's: -Terrorists: Molotow, Micro SMG, AK-47 si ultimul are Bazooka ( 5 rachete ) -U.S Army: Grenade, Combat Shotgun, M4 si ultimul are Bazooka ( 5 rachete ) -NewPerle Civilian's: 9mm, Shotgun, M4 -Cotter Civilian's: 9mm, Shotgun, M4 Este in desert, am facut eu orasele, tot ... Poze: http://img13.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=samp019lr.png Download: Daca isi face cineva server non.stop cu modul asta sa ma anunte :x
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