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Everything posted by JDM

  1. Salut! Caut o comunitate serioasa fără pretenții care are nevoie de un scripter, PM în privat pe site
  2. Faza e ca modulul ala nu exista, si n-am primit pana acum eroarea asta de cateva luni de cand lucrez pe gm si am primit-o fix acum
  3. C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\AntiAirBreak.inc(82) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\AntiAirBreak.inc(99) : warning 213: tag mismatch from0.pwn(1441) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_SERVER" from0.pwn(1442) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_SERVER" from0.pwn(1561) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE" from0.pwn(1576) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_SERVER" from0.pwn(1577) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_SERVER" ../gamemodes/rouletta.pwn(99) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_SERVER" ../gamemodes/rouletta.pwn(108) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_MONEY" ../gamemodes/rouletta.pwn(111) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_MONEY" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4134) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4137) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4196) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4201) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4202) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4215) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4218) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4221) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4226) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YELLOW" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4227) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YELLOW" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4228) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YELLOW" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4229) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YELLOW" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4230) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_YELLOW" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4231) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTGOLD" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4233) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4234) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4235) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" C:\Users\40723\Desktop\gmm\pawno\include\booter.inc(4236) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" Compilation aborted.
  4. am facut si asta, si imi da multe erori cu culori
  5. Salut, am aceasta eroare la compilare: from0.pwn(32) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "..\modules\colorss.pwn" Compilation aborted. Pawn compiler 3.10.4 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase Am incercat si alte versiuni de pawn mai vechi si mai noi.. am incercat si cu sublime si cu pawno sa compilez, acelasi rahat... Cand am dat ultima data compilare, era clean, acum nu stiu ce poate sa aiba Modulu nu-l are in folder.. acesta s-a compilat clean fara nicio eroare pana astazi Ma poate ajuta cineva?...
  6. Incearca sa-l compilezi cu pawno, dar cu versiunea de 3.10.10 cea mai noua, uite link https://github.com/pawn-lang/compiler/releases
  7. S-ar putea sa-l am eu, daca mai ai nevoie, Sheek47#3326
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