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Miki Romania

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Everything posted by Miki Romania

  1. incerc si revin dupa cu raspuns. brb
  2. Nu pot sa pornesc sv pe vps. am incercat toate metodele si nu merge.
  3. Salut! Am si eu nevoie de ajutor. Imi da aceasta eroare si nu stiu ce sa fac: "error 017: undefined symbol "GetDistanceBetweenPoints"" Iar acesta este codul new rand, Float:Ppoz[3], distance; rand = random(sizeof(PizzaJob)); GetPlayerPos(playerid, Ppoz[0], Ppoz[1], Ppoz[2]); distance = floatround(GetDistanceBetweenPoints(Ppoz[0], Ppoz[1], Ppoz[2], PizzaJob[rand][0], PizzaJob[rand][1], PizzaJob[rand][2]), floatround_round);
  4. Salut.Am facut un text draw care arata timpul dar nu se updateaza,ce sa fac function settime() { new string[256]; new year,month,day,hours,minutes,seconds; getdate(year, month, day), gettime(hours, minutes, seconds); format(string, sizeof string, "%s%d.%s%d.%s%d",((day < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), day, ((month < 10) ? ("0") : ("")), month, (year < 10) ? ("0") : (""), year); TextDrawSetString(DATA, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "%02d:%02d", hours+1, minutes); TextDrawSetString(TIMP, string); SetWorldTime(hours); TextDrawShowForAll(TIMP); TextDrawShowForAll(DATA); return 1; } https://imgur.com/sXXBGNl
  5. Help, cand dau compile imi da eroarea asta "error 040: duplicate "case" label (value 5)" Asta e linia: Si astea sunt dialog-urile de le am:
  6. Ba stiu ca is prost da cum fac sa dispara sageata asta? Sunt la inceput! sunt si prost :))))
  7. Deci am vrut si eu sa imi deschid un server de samp, dar nu imi porneste pluginul mysql.Folosesc versiunea R39-6.Xampp-ul este pornit.
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