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Everything posted by Kira.

  1. te rog sa explici mai detaliat
  2. Salut!Acesta este al 2 lea meu logo . Sper sa va placa ! poza : https://imgur.com/a/yhOWKSX //Global TextDraws: new Text:TDEditor_TD[8]; TDEditor_TD[0] = TextDrawCreate(564.500000, 420.533264, "FASTEN"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[0], 0.471999, 1.867555); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[0], 2); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[0], 16777215); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[0], 3); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[0], -1); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[0], 255); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[0], 3); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[0], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[0], 3); TDEditor_TD[1] = TextDrawCreate(528.599975, 415.866851, "box"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[1], 0.008000, 2.405999); TextDrawTextSize(TDEditor_TD[1], 599.000000, 0.000000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[1], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[1], -16711936); TextDrawUseBox(TDEditor_TD[1], 1); TextDrawBoxColor(TDEditor_TD[1], -65281); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[1], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[1], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[1], -1); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[1], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[1], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[1], 0); TDEditor_TD[2] = TextDrawCreate(522.698852, 409.600250, "box"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[2], 0.000000, -0.349998); TextDrawTextSize(TDEditor_TD[2], 523.397583, 0.000000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[2], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[2], -1); TextDrawUseBox(TDEditor_TD[2], 1); TextDrawBoxColor(TDEditor_TD[2], 255); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[2], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[2], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[2], 255); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[2], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[2], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[2], 0); TDEditor_TD[3] = TextDrawCreate(603.579101, 409.600250, "box"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[3], 0.000000, -0.349998); TextDrawTextSize(TDEditor_TD[3], 605.579101, 0.000000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[3], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[3], -1); TextDrawUseBox(TDEditor_TD[3], 1); TextDrawBoxColor(TDEditor_TD[3], 255); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[3], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[3], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[3], 255); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[3], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[3], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[3], 0); TDEditor_TD[4] = TextDrawCreate(604.878784, 446.602508, "box"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[4], 0.000000, -0.349998); TextDrawTextSize(TDEditor_TD[4], 606.878784, 0.000000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[4], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[4], -1); TextDrawUseBox(TDEditor_TD[4], 1); TextDrawBoxColor(TDEditor_TD[4], 255); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[4], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[4], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[4], 255); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[4], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[4], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[4], 0); TDEditor_TD[5] = TextDrawCreate(522.798828, 445.702453, "box"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[5], 0.000000, -0.349998); TextDrawTextSize(TDEditor_TD[5], 523.497558, 0.000000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[5], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[5], -1); TextDrawUseBox(TDEditor_TD[5], 1); TextDrawBoxColor(TDEditor_TD[5], 255); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[5], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[5], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[5], -1); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[5], 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[5], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[5], 0); TDEditor_TD[6] = TextDrawCreate(580.500000, 399.066680, "V1.7"); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[6], 0.400000, 1.600000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[6], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[6], -1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[6], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[6], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[6], 255); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[6], 0); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[6], 1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[6], 0); TDEditor_TD[7] = TextDrawCreate(578.500000, 361.577911, ""); TextDrawLetterSize(TDEditor_TD[7], 0.000000, 0.000000); TextDrawTextSize(TDEditor_TD[7], 90.000000, 90.000000); TextDrawAlignment(TDEditor_TD[7], 1); TextDrawColor(TDEditor_TD[7], -1); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[7], 0); TextDrawSetOutline(TDEditor_TD[7], 0); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TDEditor_TD[7], 0); TextDrawFont(TDEditor_TD[7], 5); TextDrawSetProportional(TDEditor_TD[7], 0); TextDrawSetShadow(TDEditor_TD[7], 0); TextDrawSetPreviewModel(TDEditor_TD[7], 3); TextDrawSetPreviewRot(TDEditor_TD[7], 0.000000, 0.000000, -46.000000, 1.000000); //Total textdraws exported: 8 (8 global textdraws / 0 player textdraws) ~ 29/7/2020 ~ 2:59:43 TDEditor V1.17 BY ADRI1
  3. +1 , acm altii : si cand postezi sistem de vip?
  4. up , este bine ca oamenii inca se mai gandesc la cei care sunt noi si ii ajuta gratis
  5. mi se pare un gm bigzone la prima vedere dar felicitari! +1 pentru munca depusa , am vazut joburile unice. Imi place ca ai adaugat factiunea uber si sistemul de pet . Este un bigzone cu apucaturi de gm smk de 2020
  6. este de la pluginuri ori nu le ai pus correct ori nu le ai pus pe toate.(daca nici asa nu merge updateaza le )
  7. iti apare atunci cand te loghezi ?
  8. in caz de nu este o problema la "scripting" sau legata de samp nu te pot ajuta , poate fi de la windows . La unele windows-uri cand le instalezi nu se ma instaleaza anume chestii considerand ca ele sunt neimportante.Incearca sa reinstalezi windowul iarasi
  9. Salut!Incearca sa cauti #define SQL_HOST si astea dar cred ca in zadar , probabil gm ul nu detine o baza de date , este nonmysql
  10. incearca sa reinstalezi gm-ul , poate fi de la baza de date nu sunt sigur
  11. iti recomand zeex daca vrei sa il compilezi repede
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