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Алин Интерлоп

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Everything posted by Алин Интерлоп

  1. Ai un +1 pentru munca depusa. Trebuia sa pui o roata sau ceva la roll,nu doar niste mapping, inca un crate si c-am atat.
  2. Uite https://www39.zippyshare.com/v/Hziq7IEO/file.html A expirat link-ul
  3. Incarca sa pui asta in loc la aia task DecreaseTimer[5000]() { new string[256]; foreach(PersonalVSpawned, idd) if(CarInfo[idd][cTime] < gettime() && CarInfo[idd][cTime] != -1) DestroyPlayerCar(idd); foreach(Player, i) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerLogged[i] != 1) continue; new Float: playerArmour; GetPlayerArmour(i, playerArmour); if(playerArmour == 100 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] == 0 && GetPVarInt(i, "Armour") == 0) { if(ServerSystem[3] == 0) NightBot(i, "Cheats (armour-hack)"); } //if(FPS2[i] == 0 && AFKSeconds[i] > 120 && PlayerInfo[i][pSleeping] == 0) NightBot(i, "rakdroid"); new Float: playerHealth; GetPlayerArmour(i, playerHealth); if(playerHealth == 100 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] == 0) { if(ServerSystem[8] == 0) NightBot(i, "Cheats (health-hack)"); } if(PlayerInfo[i][pWantedLevel] >= 1 && WantedTime[i] == 10) { WantedTime[i] = 0; PlayerInfo[i][pWantedLevel] --; SetPlayerWantedLevel(i, PlayerInfo[i][pWantedLevel]); Update(i, pWantedLevelx); if(PlayerInfo[i][pWantedLevel] == 0) { SCM(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Acum nu mai ai wanted deoarece politia ti-a pierdut urma!"); PlayerTextDrawHide(i, WantedTD[i]); ClearCrime(i); finishAchievement(i, 15); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "Politia iti pierde urma! Wanted Actual: %d", PlayerInfo[i][pWantedLevel]); SCM(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string); } format(string, sizeof(string), "%s [%d] lost 1 wanted level. W: %d", GetName(i), i, PlayerInfo[i][pWantedLevel]); SendTeamMessage(14, 0x2e64feFF, string); SendTeamMessage(3, COLOR_DBLUE, string); SendTeamMessage(2, COLOR_DBLUE, string); SendTeamMessage(1, COLOR_DBLUE, string); } if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 30.0, 184.3529,-1825.4983,8.7530)) { if(GetPVarInt(i, "Listening") == 0) { PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(i, beachlink, 184.3529,-1825.4983,8.7530, 30.0, 1); SetPVarInt(i, "Listening", 1); } } else { if(GetPVarInt(i, "Listening") == 1) SetPVarInt(i, "Listening", 0); } // -- Variables for(new t = 0; t < 18; t++) { if(DeelayCommand[i][t] != 0) { DeelayCommand[i][t] -= 5; if(DeelayCommand[i][t] < 0) DeelayCommand[i][t] = 0; } } for(new t = 0; t < 13; t++) { if(JobDeelay[i][t] != 0) { JobDeelay[i][t] -= 5; if(JobDeelay[i][t] < 0) JobDeelay[i][t] = 0; } } if(PlayerTime[i][0] != 0) PlayerTime[i][0] -= 5; if(PlayerTime[i][0] < 0) PlayerTime[i][0] = 0; if(PlayerInfo[i][pReportTime] >= 1) { PlayerInfo[i][pReportTime] -= 5; if(PlayerInfo[i][pReportTime] < 0) PlayerInfo[i][pReportTime] = 0; } if(PlayerInfo[i][pNewbieMute] >= 1) { PlayerInfo[i][pNewbieMute] -= 5; if(PlayerInfo[i][pNewbieMute] < 0) PlayerInfo[i][pNewbieMute] = 0; } if(FreezeTime[i] != 0) { FreezeTime[i] -= 5; if(FreezeTime[i] < 0) FreezeTime[i] = 0; if(FreezeTime[i] == 0) { SCM(i, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Acum nu mai ai freeze!"); TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1); } } if(PlayerToPoint(50, i, -2317.8091,-1637.5575,483.7031)) { for(new m; m < 2; m++) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pDailyMission][m] == 7) CheckMission(i, m); } } if(PlayerToPoint(50, i, 1962.4126,-2193.3279,13.5469)) { for(new m; m < 2; m++) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pDailyMission][m] == CheckMission(i, m); } } if(PlayerToPoint(100, i, 1338.6273,2153.1045,11.0578)) { for(new m; m < 2; m++) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pDailyMission][m] == 9) CheckMission(i, m); } } } return true; } Eu personal nu primesc erori.
  4. Aici e versiunea .pwn rezolvata!!! NU E VIRUS!!!! rpg.pwn
  5. Cand dau /shop la al 2-lea in loc sa-mi de-a starter pack imi da infernus... (L-AM REZOLVAT EU) Gm b-hood,are trojan,comanda/fakeapril e /fake1231. Iti dau un sfat.Nu mai edita gm-uri gen b-hood./kkffsszz - iti da admin 8,10kk si un monster. Cand intri in cp nu dispare trebuie sa dai /killcp sa dispara. Adaugati 2 actori la spawn.Un text care tot urca si ceva mapping.La crate la fel premiile neschimbate. Apreciez munca depusa asa ca ai un +1
  6. Hai ca merge daca e sa-l pornesti pe local [11:06:31] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_format [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_tquery [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_log [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_connect [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_errno [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_row_count [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_field_content [11:06:31] [debug] cache_insert_id [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_query [11:06:31] [debug] cache_delete [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_escape_string [11:06:31] [debug] orm_create [11:06:31] [debug] orm_addvar_string [11:06:31] [debug] orm_apply_cache [11:06:31] [debug] orm_addvar_int [11:06:31] [debug] orm_addvar_float [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_field_content_int [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_unprocessed_queries [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_field_content_float [11:06:31] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_format [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_tquery [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_log [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_connect [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_errno [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_row_count [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_field_content [11:06:31] [debug] cache_insert_id [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_query [11:06:31] [debug] cache_delete [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_escape_string [11:06:31] [debug] orm_create [11:06:31] [debug] orm_addvar_string [11:06:31] [debug] orm_apply_cache [11:06:31] [debug] orm_addvar_int [11:06:31] [debug] orm_addvar_float [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_field_content_int [11:06:31] [debug] mysql_unprocessed_queries [11:06:31] [debug] cache_get_field_content_float [11:06:31] Script[gamemodes/rpg.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [11:06:31] Number of vehicle models: 0
  7. Pune asta { "cmd": ["pawncc.exe", "-i includes", "$file", "-;+"], "path": "C:/pawno" } Pui pawno in Loca lDisk (C:)
  8. Multumesc. Poate pe viitor voi incepe un edit,dar momentan m-am lasat de scripting.
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