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  1. Adel

    paint burned

     if(PaintType[i] != 0 && PlayersOnPaint(PaintType[i]-1) >= 2) { new pp = PaintType[i]-1; if(pp < 2) { format(string, sizeof(string), "Paintball time: %s~n~Current map: %s~n~Stats: %d kills, %d deaths.~n~Total score: %d~n~Best player: %s (kills: %d)~n~%d players in paintball.", CalculeazaTimp2(PaintTime[pp]), MapName(pp), PKills[i], PDeaths[i], PKills[i]-PDeaths[i], GetName(PaintballWinner[pp]), PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]], PlayersOnPaint(pp));  } else {  new masadenume[32]; GetWeaponNameEx(GetPlayerWeapon(i), masadenume, sizeof(masadenume)); format(string, sizeof(string), "Paintball time: %s~n~Current map: %s~n~Stats: %d kills, %d deaths.~n~Total score: %d~n~Level %d, Weapon: %s~n~Best player: %s (kills: %d)~n~%d players in paintball.", CalculeazaTimp2(PaintTime[pp]), MapName(pp), PKills[i], PDeaths[i], PKills[i]-PDeaths[i], GetPaintLevel(i), masadenume, GetName(PaintballWinner[pp]), PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]], PlayersOnPaint(pp)); } if(PaintTime[pp] == 0 && PaintballWinner[pp] != -1) { for(new m = 0; m < 5; m++) SendDeathMessageToPlayer(i, 1001, 1001, 200); format(string, sizeof(string), "Statistica ta in aceasta runda: %d ucideri si %d decese.", PKills[i], PDeaths[i]); SCM(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string); format(swinner, 256, "* %s a castigat runda cu %d ucideri.", GetName(PaintballWinner[pp]), PKills[PaintballWinner[pp]]); PKills[i] = 0, PDeaths[i] = 0; ResetWeapons(i); ResetPlayerWeapons(i) PaintballWinnerScore[pp] = 0; SendPaintMessage(PaintType[i], COLOR_YELLOW, swinner); PaintballWinner[pp] = -1; ResetPlayerWeapons(i) } if(PaintTime[pp] != 0 && PaintText[pp] == 0) { PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, PaintTD, string); PlayerTextDrawShow(i, PaintTD); } else { PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD); } } else PlayerTextDrawHide(i, PaintTD); 
  2. Adel

    paint burned

    Incearcă ResetPlayerWeapons(i);
  3. Adel


    Adel2 > Scripter Hard-Play#2586
  4. Adel


    Arata codul, poate că nu esti in acea factiune sau la verificare acolo ai pus 0.
  5. Adel


    Caută bine in gm sigur are ceva comenzi ascunse, se poate face gen /deletegmserver etc si ti-l sterge automat de pe Host.Trebuie să ai cunoștinte în Scripting sâ faci o comandă de genul.
  6. Salut, ai facut tu un update ceva ai bagat ceva în plus/ai scos ceva încearcă să readaugi ce ai bagat sau să stergi ceea ce ai băgat si o să vezi că îti va functiona.
  7. fa update la streamer . Ia include streamer.inc si inlocuiestel cu cel care e in >pawno>includes
  8. nuj ce are @Banditul [11:10:44] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamicObject [11:10:44] [debug] MoveDynamicObject [11:10:44] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup [11:10:44] [debug] Streamer_SetFloatData [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon [11:10:44] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial [11:10:44] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterialText [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon [11:10:44] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText [11:10:44] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamicObject [11:10:44] [debug] MoveDynamicObject [11:10:44] [debug] GetDynamicObjectPos [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamicObject [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamic3DTextLabel [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamicPickup [11:10:44] [debug] Streamer_SetFloatData [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamicPickup [11:10:44] [debug] CreateDynamicMapIcon [11:10:44] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterial [11:10:44] [debug] SetDynamicObjectMaterialText [11:10:44] [debug] DestroyDynamicMapIcon [11:10:44] [debug] UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText [11:10:44] Script[gamemodes/gamemodedela0byadel.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found" [11:10:44] Number of vehicle models: 0
  9. Dc las posta fară acordul lui:). Întreabăl înainte sa dai com. Baftă.
  10. Username: Adel2 Nume gamemode: Gamemode de la 0 cu sistem de login / register pe textdraw. Creator (sau editor): Antif1x Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc: Hidden Content Link Virustotal: Hidden Content https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/f21e15e24629ca3a99bad469829f2b65f7dec326efdac213357b27c291d0f881/detection Link download: Hidden Content http://www.mediafire.com/file/b8x4b2a4fnqa719/gmbyantif1x.rar/file Alte precizări: Subscribe pe youtube la AntiF1x, pwp
  11. Adel

    GameMode RPG

    *Nu sunt acasa,Ajung diseară dami ad pe discord Adel2#2586 să nu facem aici prea mult spam*
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