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Everything posted by buNNy

  1. buNNy


    pai am facut cum ai zis
  2. Cum a zis si colegul meu, sa postezi la sectiunea corespunzatoare!
  3. Rezolvi erorile singur!(Daca sunt) mavro.pwn
  4. buNNy


    la showquiztds ?
  5. buNNy


    si unde trebuie pus ? TextDrawSetSelectable();
  6. buNNy


    da men trebuia sa fac doar aia cu TextDrawSetSelectable(); Ca celelalte sunt bine, doar ca leam pus eu gresit
  7. buNNy


    am pus SendClien... ca sa vad de test
  8. buNNy


    Gen nu fac nimic daca apas pe ele...Incan nu m-i s-a mai intamplat....
  9. buNNy


    De ce nu merge pe server sa selectez td?
  10. pune PlayerInfo in loc de pInfo Dar stiam ca gm bigzone are o functie gen InsertCar Cauta in gm InsertCar si pune aici functia
  11. Deci la uni jucatori cand pleaca cu vehiculul le dispare dintr-o data.Va rog ajutatima.
  12. buNNy

    2 Erori

    function addcodes(playerid, coinspoint) { new FastString1[128],FastString2[128],FastString3[128],FastString4[128], var100[1024], string[1024], string2[1024]; new Rstr[] = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; format(FastString1, 6, "%s", Rstr[random(sizeof(Rstr))]); format(FastString2, 6, "%s", Rstr[random(sizeof(Rstr))]); format(FastString3, 6, "%s", Rstr[random(sizeof(Rstr))]); format(FastString4, 6, "%s", Rstr[random(sizeof(Rstr))]); if(strlen(FastString1) !=5) return 1; if(strlen(FastString2) !=5) return 1; if(strlen(FastString3) !=5) return 1; if(strlen(FastString4) !=5) return 1; if(strfind(FastString1, " ", true) != -1) return 1; if(strfind(FastString2, " ", true) != -1) return 1; if(strfind(FastString3, " ", true) != -1) return 1; if(strfind(FastString4, " ", true) != -1) return 1; format(string, sizeof(string), "%s-%s-%s-%s", FastString1,FastString2,FastString3,FastString4); if(suntcodes(string)) return 1; mysql_format(SQL, var100, sizeof(var100), "INSERT INTO `luckycodes` (`code`) VALUES ('%s')",string); mysql_tquery(SQL,var100,"",""); format(string2, sizeof(string2), "{008080}(Lucky codes){FFFFFF} Codul generat de tine este: %s-%s-%s-%s.", FastString1,FastString2,FastString3,FastString4); SCM(playerid,0xA60404FF, string2); return 1; }
  13. buNNy

    2 Erori

    Nu pot sa inteleg, de ce nu merge?
  14. buNNy

    2 Erori

    C:\Users\vlogs\Desktop\PlayedTIMES.COM\gamemodes\GM.pwn(11793) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "getcarid" C:\Users\vlogs\Desktop\PlayedTIMES.COM\gamemodes\GM.pwn(11827) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition PRIMA>>> A doua>>>
  15. YCMD:v(playerid, params[], help) return ShowPlayerVehicle(playerid);
  16. [17:23:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [17:23:00] [debug] Accessing element at negative index -400 [17:23:00] [debug] AMX backtrace: [17:23:00] [debug] #0 0014a628 in ?? (0) from GM.amx [17:23:00] [debug] #1 00143e98 in public @_yCv (0, 60232712, 0) from GM.amx [17:23:00] [debug] #2 00143e44 in public @yC_v (0, 60232712, 0, 0) from GM.amx [17:23:00] [debug] #3 native CallRemoteFunction () from samp-server.exe [17:23:00] [debug] #4 00036ecc in ?? (0, 60232700, 0) from GM.amx [17:23:00] [debug] #5 00036710 in ?? (0, 60232700) from GM.amx [17:23:00] [debug] #6 000290dc in public OnPlayerCommandText (0, 60232700) from GM.amx
  17. buNNy

    Panel Error

    man, acum imi da eroarea asta
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