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  1. if(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid) != 1189) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "Nu poti folosii aceasta comanda cand esti in miscare.");
  2. Daca ai gm BigZone InsertCar ai acolo coordonatele PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLocX][idcar] = x PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLocY][idcar] = y PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLocZ][idcar] = z s.a.m.d si modifici si la gRandomDS
  3. in loc de playerVariables pune PlayerInfo si adauga asta in gm daca nu o ai function UpdateVar( playerid, varname[ ], varnameingame ) { if(playerid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return 1; gString[ 0 ] = (EOS); mysql_format( SQL, gString, sizeof gString, "UPDATE `users` SET `%s` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d'", varname, varnameingame, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pSQLID ] ); mysql_tquery( SQL, gString, "", "" ); return 1; }
  4. DarkWind


    ai putea zici si gm, zic si eu...
  5. sigur stie sa faca din vorbe te va ajuta https://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=598933
  6. vezi in systems.inc garage_system.inc si in gm, trebuie sa fie.
  7. Cand cumperi 'motor' trebuie sa il bagi si in baza de date.. updateaza sa intre si in baza de date. mysql_format(SQL, string, sizeof(string),"UPDATE `cars` SET `cNewEngine` = '%d' WHERE `ID` = '%d'",PlayerInfo[id][pCar][v]); mysql_tquery(SQL, string, "", ""); cred ca asa ai tu in gm, nu stim cum ai tu in baza de date...
  8. DarkWind


    Nu ai urmat pasi de la tutorial corect.... Trebuie sa faci un folder Execute Compiler in el bagi: iar "pathul" din sublime text este: { "cmd": ["pawncc", "$file_name", "-;+", "-v2", "-d3","-Z+", "-\\)+"], "path": "C:/Users/numepc/Desktop/Execute Compiler/Ind" }
  9. sterge [0] de langa playerid, ti-a dat pheonix mura-n gura.
  10. cauta in gamemode la houseload parca asa era la burned.
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