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  1. [16:43:56] Failed (plugins/mysql.so: ELF load command past end of file) [16:43:56] Failed (plugins/mysql_static.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) [16:43:56] Failed (plugins/profiler.so: file too short)
  2. ma gandesc sa nu fie problema de la plugine eu am tot incercat diverse metode cei de la host imi da raspuns la tiket sa caut tehnician.
  3. Am nevoie de un scripter sa ma ajute sa urc un GM pe Host pentru ca eu am incercat sa il urc de multe metode si imi da erori. ma gandesc ca poate gresesc eu un pas. ori gresesc la date in GM sql_host etc, ori server.cfg, ori Pluginele nu merg bine.
  4. Started server on 12312312412:7777 with maxplayers: 50 lanmode is OFF.samp03svr: amx/amx.c:803: expand: Assertion `sc<64' failed./home/gsp_503/213213124141:7777/startup.sh: line 3: 14280 Aborted ./samp03svr stie cineva ce are hostul asta de face asa?
  5. era din cauza la crashdetect ma dat update si la crashdetect si la sscanf vad ca merge am uitat de crashdetect sa actualizez, multumesc frumos se poate da T/C
  6. am explicat prost, defapt eu vroiam sa modific pentru ca aveam probleme atunci cand scrii /set automat iti seteaza rank 0 in factiune. Se poate da am rezolvat T/C
  7. Stie cineva cum scot chestiile alea cu SPAWN si << >> cum trebuie sa caut in pawno ??
  8. [21:59:02] [debug] Run time error 20: "Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)" stie cineva de ce apare asa am aici server.logserver_log.txt
  9. Am o problema cu, comanda asta, cand dai /set din prima seteaza rank la factiune cuiva pe 0 CMD:set(playerid, params[]) { new id, item[25], ammount; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4)return SCM(playerid, -1, AdminOnly); //if(PinLogged[playerid] == 0)return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Trebuie sa introduci pin-ul mai intai.(/pin)");// daca nu folositi gm-ul de la mine este obligatoriu sa schimbati acest rand if(sscanf(params, "us[250]i", id, item, ammount)) { SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"Syntaxl: /set <id> <item> <ammount> "); SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Avabile Items: Group, Rank, Money, BankMoney, PlayedHours, PremiumPoints, PremiumAccount, FP"); } if(id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)return SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "ID sau nume incorect !"); if(strcmp(item, "Rank", true) == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[id][pMember] != 0) { PlayerInfo[id][pRank] = ammount; new str[256]; mysql_format(SQL,str,sizeof(str),"UPDATE users SET `Rank`='%d' WHERE `name`='%s'",PlayerInfo[id][pRank],PlayerInfo[id][pNormalName]); mysql_tquery(SQL,str,"",""); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s rank-ul in factiune la rank %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); SCM(id, -1, "Your rank in this faction has been changed."); } } else if(strcmp(item,"Group",true) == 0) { new name[25], name2[25], string[128], string2[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); GetPlayerName(id, name2, sizeof(name2)); new ftext[50]; if(ammount == 12 || ammount == 7) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Invalid faction ID"); if(ammount == 0)return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Foloseste /auninvite"); if(ammount == 1) { ftext = "Los Santos Police Departament"; } //Police Force else if(ammount == 2) { ftext = "Federal Bureau Of Investigation"; } //FBI else if(ammount == 3) { ftext = "National Guard"; } //National Guard else if(ammount == 4) { ftext = "Los Aztecas"; } //Los Aztecas else if(ammount == 5) { ftext = "Grove Street"; } //Grove Street else if(ammount == 6) { ftext = "Los Vagos"; } //Los Vagos else if(ammount == 8) { ftext = "Las Venturas Police Departament"; } //LVPD else if(ammount == 9) { ftext = "News Reporter"; } //News Reporter else if(ammount == 10) { ftext = "Ballas"; } //Ballas else if(ammount == 11) { ftext = "Hitman Agency"; } //The Agency else if(ammount == 13) { ftext = "Taxi Los Santos"; } //Los Santos Taxi else if(ammount == 14) { ftext = "Las Venturas Paramedic Departament"; } //Paramedic else if(ammount == 15) { ftext = "The Rifa"; } //Rifa else if(ammount == 16) { ftext = "The Russian Mafia"; } // The russian else if(ammount == 17) { ftext = "Taxi LV"; } // Taxi LV format(string, sizeof(string),"Administratorul %s te-a adaugat ca membru in factiunea %s",name,ftext); format(string2, sizeof(string2),"AdmWarning: %s l-a adaugat ca membru pe %s in factiunea %s",name, name2, ftext); PlayerInfo[id][pMember] = ammount; new str[356]; format(str, sizeof(str),"UPDATE users SET `Member`='%d' WHERE `name`='%s'",PlayerInfo[id][pMember],PlayerInfo[id][pRank],PlayerInfo[id][pNormalName]); mysql_query(SQL, str); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string2, 4); SCM(id, COLOR_DBLUE, string); } else if(strcmp(item, "Money", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[id][pCash] = ammount; GivePlayerCash(id, ammount); Update(id, pCashx); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s bani in mana la suma de %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); SCM(id, -1, "You recived some money."); } else if(strcmp(item, "PremiumPoints", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[id][pPremiumPoints] = ammount; Update(id,pPremiumPointsx); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s punctele premium la %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); SCM(id, -1, "Your recived some premium points."); } else if(strcmp(item, "BankMoney", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[id][pAccount] = ammount; Update(id, pBank); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s bani in banca la suma de %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); SCM(id, -1, "Your recived some money in bank."); } else if(strcmp(item, "PlayedHours", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[id][pConnectTime] = ammount; Update(id,pConnectTimex); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s orele jucate la %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); SCM(id, -1, "Your played hours has been changed."); } else if(strcmp(item, "PremiumAccount", true) == 0) { if(ammount < 0 || ammount > 1)SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "1 = Cont premium | 0 = Fara cont premium"); PlayerInfo[id][pPremiumAccount] = ammount; Update(id, pPremiumAccountx); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s rank-ul in factiune la rank %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); if(ammount == 0)return SCM(id, -1, "Your premium account has been removed."); if(ammount == 1)return SCM(id, -1, "You recived a premium account ."); } else if(strcmp(item, "FP", true) == 0) { PlayerInfo[id][pFpunish] = ammount; Update(id,pFpunishx); new IDName[25], AdminName[25]; GetPlayerName(id, IDName, sizeof(IDName)); GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName)); new text[128]; format(text, sizeof(text), "AdmWarning: %s i-a setat lui %s Faction Punish-ul la %d.", AdminName, IDName, ammount); ABroadCast(COLOR_ORANGE, text, 4); SCM(id, -1, "Your FP has been changed."); } else { SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Avabile Items: Group, Rank, Money, BankMoney, PlayedHours, PremiumPoints, PremiumAccount, FP"); } return 1;
  10. Problema asta este de la Pluginul streamer cauta alt GM si ia din el de la Plugin streamer.dll si streamer.so si punele iar si o sa mearga, exact acum am rezolvat problema asta asa la mine.
  11. Problema asta este de la Pluginul streamer cauta alt GM si ia din el de la Plugin streamer.dll si streamer.so si punele iar si o sa mearga, exact acum am rezolvat problema asta asa la mine.
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