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Everything posted by FuNNkY123

  1. Descriere produs: Vand cont Blue Bugged.Preţ: Nu am un pret stabilit, astept oferte in privat.Alte detalii: http://imgur.com/Mvq7A6J
  2. Salut, astazi v-am facut un meniu pentru Banca. Timp de lucru: 10-15 minute Poze: http://imgur.com/FOZ7r7T Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/gsCw9NeK +1 daca ti-a placut, multumesc!
  3. Salut, incearca asa: CMD:members(playerid, params[]) { if(gLogged[playerid] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "You are not logged in."); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] + PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "You are not member of a faction."); new stringg[256], pName2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], pRankul, pLastLog[128], fString[64]; mysql_format(handle, stringg, sizeof(stringg), "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `Member` = '%d' ORDER BY `Rank` DESC", PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember]); new Cache: result12 = mysql_query(handle, stringg); gString[128] = (EOS); for(new i, j = cache_get_row_count(); i!=j; ++i) { cache_get_field_content(i,"AName",pName2); format(Selected[Numele],24,pName2); pRankul=cache_get_field_content_int(i,"Rank"); cache_get_field_content(i,"LastLogin",pLastLog); format(fString,sizeof(fString),"Members of {%s}%s{FFFFFF}(%d members)",FactionColor2[PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember]],FactionName[PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember]],FactionMembers(i)); new conected = GetPlayerID(Selected[Numele]); if(conected = INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { format(gString,sizeof(gString),"%s - Rank: %d - {00BC00}online \n",pName2,pRankul); } else { format(gString , sizeof(gString),"%s - Rank: %d - {FF0000}offline - {FFFFFF}Ultimul Login %s \n",pName2,pRankul,pLastLog); } } cache_delete(result12); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_MEMBERS,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,fString,gString,"Select","Cancel"); return 1; }
  4. Este facut de mine, iti garantez ;).. Da, intradevar, m-am inspirat din altele, cand o sa-mi vina vre-o idee de unu' unic din toate punctele de vedere o sa-l fac si o sa-l postez
  5. Salut, astazi am creat un speedometer pentru voi. ;) Link pastebin: http://pastebin.com/xGgUV3eF Poze: http://imgur.com/Dmi6dvk Timp de lucru: 6/7 minute O sa revin cu mai multe creatii. +1 daca ti-a placut, multumesc!
  6. Comanda este asa: Pe ZCMD: CMD:engine(playerid, params[]) { //continut comanda }Pe ini: if(strcmp(cmd, "/engine", true) == 0) { //continut comanda }Tu iei decat continut-ul la comanda si-l pui. ;) +1 daca ti-am fost de ajutor.
  7. Pai, cauti in GM(ctrl+f): public OnPlayerKeyStateChange Daca nu ai, adaugi tu asta: public OnPlayerKeyStateChange { //aici pui bind-ul return 0; }Dupa, ca sa faci un bind, trebuie sa faci asa: Pui asta: if (newkeys & KEY_LOOK_BEHIND) { //aici pui tot ce contine comanda /engine inafar de prima si ultima paranteza }Aici ai o lista cu bind-uri https://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Keys Succes! Scuze dar nu prea ma pricep la tutoriale.
  8. GM-ul este mysql? Si, arata si comanda...
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