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Everything posted by BuNiCu-RP

  1. Verifica error_log la mysql si vezi ce erori ai legate la conectare/inregistrare.
  2. Serios? Aici se cere ajutor legat de un tutorial.
  3. Verifica plugin/.inc de la mysql.
  4. Salut poti incerca asa: #define MAX_UPDATE_LENGTH 1500 #define UPDATE_DIALOG 5879 #define UPDATE_DIALOG_NAME "Server Updates" #define ShowUpdateDialog(%0,%1) ShowPlayerDialog(%0, UPDATE_DIALOG, 0, UPDATE_DIALOG_NAME, %1, "Close", "") CMD:updates(playerid, params) { new updateString[MAX_UPDATE_LENGTH]; // Big large string if(strlen(updateString) > MAX_UPDATE_LENGTH) return 0; format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "Text Update"); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); format(updateString, sizeof(updateString), "%s\nText Update", updateString); ShowUpdateDialog(playerid, updateString); return 1; }
  5. #define mysql_host "localhost" #define mysql_user "root" #define mysql_password "" #define mysql_database "baza4" new handle; forward MySQLConnect(); public MySQLConnect() { handle = mysql_connect(mysql_host, mysql_user, mysql_database, mysql_password); if(handle && mysql_errno(handle) == 0) { printf("[MYSQL]: Connection to database (%s) was established!", mysql_database); } else { printf("[MYSQL]: Connection to database (%s) failed!", mysql_database); SendRconCommand("exit"); } return 1; } Dupa ce modifici verifica server log.
  6. new name[MAX_PLAYERS], string[128], stringx[128], players[MAX_PLAYERS], count; foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(IsBot[i] == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pSleeping] == 0) { if(IsPlayerAFK[i] >= 1680) { SS(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Daca nu te misti vei primi kick in 2 minute.", "If you don't move you will be kicked in 2 minutes."); } if(IsPlayerAFK[i] >= 1800) { count ++; SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai primit kick pentru ca ai fost AFK mai mult de 30 de minute.", "You were kicked for being AFK (away from keyboard) for more than 30 minutes."); SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Pentru a-ti lasa caracterul AFK mai mult de 30 de minute, foloseste /sleep intr-o casa.", "To leave your character AFK for longer than 30 minutes, use /sleep in a house."); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GENANNOUNCE, "You have been kicked for being AFK."); GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name)); if(count > 0) { format(players, sizeof(players), "%s, ", name); strcat(stringx, players); } new var100[300]; mysql_format(SQL, var100, sizeof(var100), "INSERT INTO kicklogs (`playerid`,`giverid`,`playername`,`givername`,`reason`) VALUES ('%d','3','%s','AdmBot','AFK for more than 30 minutes')", PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID],PlayerInfo[i][pNormalName]); mysql_tquery(SQL,var100,"",""); KickEx(i); } } } } } if(count > 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.", stringx); strdel(string, strlen(stringx)-2, strlen(stringx)-1); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.", name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string); } asta ar trebui sa rezolve problema ta.
  7. new name[MAX_PLAYERS], string[128], stringx[128], players[MAX_PLAYERS], count; foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(IsBot[i] == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pSleeping] == 0) { if(IsPlayerAFK[i] >= 1680) { SS(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Daca nu te misti vei primi kick in 2 minute.", "If you don't move you will be kicked in 2 minutes."); } if(IsPlayerAFK[i] >= 1800) { count++; SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai primit kick pentru ca ai fost AFK mai mult de 30 de minute.", "You were kicked for being AFK (away from keyboard) for more than 30 minutes."); SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Pentru a-ti lasa caracterul AFK mai mult de 30 de minute, foloseste /sleep intr-o casa.", "To leave your character AFK for longer than 30 minutes, use /sleep in a house."); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GENANNOUNCE, "You have been kicked for being AFK."); GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name)); if(count > 0) { format(players, sizeof(players), "%s, ", GetNameEx(i)); strcat(stringx, players); } new var100[300]; mysql_format(SQL, var100, sizeof(var100), "INSERT INTO kicklogs (`playerid`,`giverid`,`playername`,`givername`,`reason`) VALUES ('%d','3','%s','AdmBot','AFK for more than 30 minutes')", PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID],PlayerInfo[i][pNormalName]); mysql_tquery(SQL,var100,"",""); KickEx(i); } } } } } if(count > 0) { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.", stringx); strdel(string, strlen(stringx)-2, strlen(stringx)-1); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string); } else { format(string, sizeof(string), "%s was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.", name); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string); }
  8. LoadCar(); for(new z = carsonserver; z < sizeof(CarInfo); z++) { AddStaticVehicleEx(CarInfo[z][cModel],CarInfo[z][cLocationx],CarInfo[z][cLocationy],CarInfo[z][cLocationz]+1.0,CarInfo[z][cAngle],CarInfo[z][cColorOne],CarInfo[z][cColorTwo],60000); LoadComponents(z); format(TextCar, sizeof(TextCar), "%s-%s-%s", CarInfo[z][cPlate1], CarInfo[z][cPlate2], CarInfo[z][cPlate3]); TextUpCar[z] = Create3DTextLabel(TextCar, 0x33AAFFFF , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 25, 0, 1); Attach3DTextLabelToVehicle(TextUpCar[z], z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1); }
  9. Salut, incearca acest cod te rog new name[MAX_PLAYERS], string[128], stringx[128], players[MAX_PLAYERS], count; foreach(new i : Player) { if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) { if(IsBot[i] == 0) { if(PlayerInfo[i][pSleeping] == 0) { if(IsPlayerAFK[i] >= 1680) { SS(i, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Daca nu te misti vei primi kick in 2 minute.", "If you don't move you will be kicked in 2 minutes."); } if(IsPlayerAFK[i] >= 1800) { count++; SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Ai primit kick pentru ca ai fost AFK mai mult de 30 de minute.", "You were kicked for being AFK (away from keyboard) for more than 30 minutes."); SS(i, COLOR_WHITE, "Pentru a-ti lasa caracterul AFK mai mult de 30 de minute, foloseste /sleep intr-o casa.", "To leave your character AFK for longer than 30 minutes, use /sleep in a house."); SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_GENANNOUNCE, "You have been kicked for being AFK."); GetPlayerName(i, name, sizeof(name)); if(count > 0) { format(players, sizeof(players), "%s, ", GetNameEx(i)); strcat(stringx, players); } new var100[300]; mysql_format(SQL, var100, sizeof(var100), "INSERT INTO kicklogs (`playerid`,`giverid`,`playername`,`givername`,`reason`) VALUES ('%d','3','%s','AdmBot','AFK for more than 30 minutes')", PlayerInfo[i][pSQLID],PlayerInfo[i][pNormalName]); mysql_tquery(SQL,var100,"",""); KickEx(i); } } } } } format(string, sizeof(string), "%s was kicked by AdmBot for being AFK for more than 30 minutes.", stringx); strdel(string, strlen(stringx)-2, strlen(stringx)-1); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTRED, string);
  10. http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/MySQL/R33#mysql_connect
  11. stock LoadCargos() { new query[256]; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_CARGO; i++) { format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM cargos WHERE ID=%d", i); mysql_function_query(handlesql, query, true, "LoadCargo", "d", i); } printf("LOADING CARGO..."); return 1; }
  12. GM modular pe ini? Încerca pe mysql, și verifica un tutorial pentru login/register ini
  13. @soleko https://www.sa-mp.ro/forums/forum/355-ajutor-scripting/?do=add
  14. 1. Acele coduri se adauga la OnVehicleSpawn(); http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/OnVehicleSpawn 2. Acela se numeste dns, se poate face din cpanel -> DNS Zone Editor.
  15. TextDrawTextSize(Text:textdraw, 20.380462, 86.613349);
  16. #debug printf("%f", stuntnrg[randoms][0]); printf("%f", stuntnrg[randoms][1]); printf("%f", stuntnrg[randoms][2]);
  17. Salut, prin asta apelezi functia SetRaceCheckpointAll cu un parametru pe care el nu il apeleaza. SetTimerEx("SetRaceCheckpointAll", 1000, false, "i"); Funtia corecta care trebuie apelata: SetTimer("SetRaceCheckpointAll", 1000, false);
  18. forward SetRaceCheckpointAll(); public SetRaceCheckpointAll() { for (new i = 0, j = GetPlayerPoolSize(); i <= j; i++) { if(stunton[i] == 1) { // Cei care sunt la event vor primi toti acelasi CP. new randoms = random(sizeof(stuntnrg)); SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, stuntnrg[randoms][0], stuntnrg[randoms][1], stuntnrg[randoms][2], 1.0); SetPlayerMapIcon(i, 53, stuntnrg[randoms][0], stuntnrg[randoms][1], stuntnrg[randoms][2], 53, MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT); pickup_event = CreatePickup(1274, 2, stuntnrg[randoms][0], stuntnrg[randoms][1], stuntnrg[randoms][2], GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i)); } } // Asta anunta tot serverul acel mesaj SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "A new stunting event has just started. It has been marked on your Map with a Black&White Race Flag Get there first and you'II win."); return 1; } Un mic exemplu
  19. Frumos tutorial, rezultatul final ma da pe spate. Cand mai faci un tutorial, nu uita de limba romana si de cei newbie
  20. @WopsS - if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 522) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Nu esti intr-un NRG-500 ."); Chiar daca este intr-un vehicul NRG-500 ii va da eroare. De asta i-am dat verificarea aia != daca nu este egal cu modelul unui nrg.
  21. if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) != 522) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Nu esti intr-un NRG-500 ."); if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 522) { if(stunton[playerid] == 1) { new playername[25]; new string[MAX_STRING]; GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername)); new randmoney = 3500 + random(90000); //DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); stunton[playerid] = 0; RemovePlayerMapIcon(playerid, 1274); DestroyPickup(pickup_event); format(string,sizeof(string),"{CF165D}%s A castigat STUNT-ul, acesta a castigat %d$.", playername, randmoney); SendClientMessageToAll( -1, string); GivePlayerCash(playerid, randmoney); Update(playerid, pCashx); DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Un nou stunt incepe la 30 minute."); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "STUNT-ul este in perioada de probe Nu este finalizat."); SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Ai gasit-o pe Elodia!"); } }
  22. BuNiCu-RP


    // War deelay for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(FactionDeelay); i++) { if(FactionDeelay[i] >= 1) { FactionDeelay[i] --; if(FactionDeelay[i] == 0) { SendFactionMessage(i, COLOR_MONEY, "[WAR] Acum mafia ta poate ataca un teritoriu!"); } } }
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