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VeLo last won the day on January 20 2018

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About VeLo

  • Birthday 02/07/1999

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    Mures, Sighisoara
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  1. Clar comanda e copiata, daca era facuta de tine: nu pui tu SCM si chestii care el poate nu le are, te folosesti de functiile default.
  2. iti sugerez sa iti inchizi laptopul =))))))))))))))
  3. https://github.com/Y-Less/sscanf/releases/tag/2.10.2-r2
  4. Ultima versiune oferita de Y_Less, este 2.10.2
  5. frate cum mm rezolv alea la linkmania sa-l pornesc

  6. Acum am dat update la plugins sscanf ultima versiune. 2.10.2 stramer 2.9.4 crashdetect 4.20
  7. Am compilat acum cu fisierul trimis de tine. Pawn compiler 3.10.10 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase Header size: 19876 bytes Code size: 3023848 bytes Data size: 1476412 bytes Stack/heap size: 16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=3744 cells (14976 bytes) Total requirements: 4536520 bytes Done. Precizez ca eroarea respectiva este din vara (nu foloseam versiunea asta de crashdetect, streamer cred ca da - era ultima versiune). Din cate stiu atunci am folosit si fara crashdetect si tot dadea restart. Nu-si da restart mereu, ci asa intamplator. Uneori chiar la pornirea serverului pica, alteori dupa cateva zile de functionare, rareori pica de 30 de mii de ori, porneste pica porneste pica (1-2-3-4 playeri apucand sa se conecteze).
  8. Am facut exact asa, dar primesc error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small la: OnPlayerLogin - Adrian(playerid, password, PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoserLevel]); la OnPlayerRegister - Adrian(playerid, password, 0);
  9. eroarea: xyz.pwn(18573) : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
  10. in mare parte arata ok, mai am 2 erori gen aici cum definesc marimea? OnPlayerLogin if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoserLevel] > 0) Adrian(playerid, password, PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoserLevel]); peste tot string-ul e de 32 caractere.
  11. DIn cate am inteles de pe net, poate fi vorba si de o bucla infinita?
  12. Am facut UPDATE la crashdetect si primesc aceasta eroare cand pornesc serverul (localhost) > #`[03:04:07] [debug] Long callback execution detected (hang or performance issue) > [03:04:07] [debug] AMX backtrace: > [03:04:07] [debug] #0 0001e7a8 in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () in xyz.amx > [03:04:07] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () in samp-server.exe > [03:04:07] [debug] #2 00007684 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () in xyz.amx > [03:04:07] [debug] #3 000019ec in public Iter_OnGameModeInit () in xyz.amx > [03:04:07] [debug] #4 native CallLocalFunction () in samp-server.exe > [03:04:07] [debug] #5 00000b80 in public OnGameModeInit () in xyz.amx` referitor la aceasta eroare nu o mai primeam inainte de acest update la crashdetect, insa eu o asociez cu o alta problema (restart la server):
  13. Multumesc, Am incercat prima varianta, revin cu UPDATE in caz de problema.
  14. Buna, Am facut UPDATE la pawn compiler si primesc eroarea asta: error 092: functions may not return arrays of unknown size (symbol "Adrian") asta e linia: Adrian(playerid, A, PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoserLevel]); si acesta este stock-ul: stock Adrian(playerid, string[], V) { new A, B, C; if(!V) { switch(random(5)) { case 0: V = 1; case 1: V = 3; case 2: V = 5; case 3: V = 7; case 4: V = 9; } PlayerInfo[playerid][pLoserLevel] = V; } switch(V) { case 1: { A = 3; B = 4; C = 7; } case 3: { A = 8; B = 9; C = 1; } case 5: { A = 3; B = 7; C = 4; } case 7: { A = 1; B = 3; C = 9; } case 9: { A = 5; B = 2; C = 6; } } for(new i, l = strlen(string); i < l; i++) { switch(string[i]) { case 48..57: { string[i] += A; if(string[i] > 57) string[i] -= 10; } case 65..90: { string[i] += B; if(string[i] > 90) string[i] -= 26; } case 97..122: { string[i] += C; if(string[i] > 122) string[i] -= 26; } } } return string; } P.S: ESTE FOLOSIT PENTRU HASH PAROLA, UN FEL DE CRYPT. - eficient.
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