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Everything posted by Sle|D

  1. nu asta vroiam.. scz sigur nu m-am expriamt bine eu vreu sa schimb modelul. adica modelul nu-mi place e prea mic.. sa il schimb cu astea: [pawn]TeleTD1 = TextDrawCreate(210.000000, 430.000000, "_"); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TeleTD1, 255); TextDrawFont(TeleTD1, 1); TextDrawLetterSize(TeleTD1, 0.200000, 1.000000); TextDrawColor(TeleTD1, -1); TextDrawSetOutline(TeleTD1, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TeleTD1, 1); TeleTD2 = TextDrawCreate(210.000000, 420.000000, "_"); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TeleTD2, 255); TextDrawFont(TeleTD2, 1); TextDrawLetterSize(TeleTD2, 0.200000, 1.000000); TextDrawColor(TeleTD2, -1); TextDrawSetOutline(TeleTD2, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TeleTD2, 1); TeleTD3 = TextDrawCreate(210.000000, 410.000000, "_"); TextDrawBackgroundColor(TeleTD3, 255); TextDrawFont(TeleTD3, 1); TextDrawLetterSize(TeleTD3, 0.200000, 1.000000); TextDrawColor(TeleTD3, -1); TextDrawSetOutline(TeleTD3, 1); TextDrawSetProportional(TeleTD3, 1); [/pawn] dar nu gasesc la mine in gm ceva asemanator..
  2. Sle|D

    Problema kick

    MERSI T/C merge.
  3. [pawn]stock NormalTele( playerid, TeleName[ ], CMDName[ ], Float: VX, Float: VY, Float: VZ, Float: VA, Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: A, interior, li_Virtual = 0 ) { PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0 ); if ( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER ) { SetVehiclePos( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), VX, VY, VZ ); SetVehicleZAngle( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), VA ); LinkVehicleToInterior( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), interior ); SetCameraBehindPlayer( playerid ); } else { SetPlayerPos( playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z ); SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, Float:A ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, interior ); } PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ActionID ] = 0; TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, 1 ); format( gsString, 256, "~r~~h~%s ~y~~h~a mers la ~b~~h~%s", PlayerName( playerid ), CMDName ); ShowOnTextDraw( gsString ); format( gsString, 144, "~y~Teleportat la~n~~r~%s", TeleName ); Announce( playerid, gsString, 3000, 3 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, li_Virtual ); SetVehicleVirtualWorld( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), li_Virtual ); return ( 1 ); } stock PlayerTele( playerid, TeleName[ ], CMDName[ ], Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z, Float: A, interior, Virtual_World = 0 ) { SetPlayerPos( playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z ); SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, Float:A ); SetPlayerInterior( playerid, interior ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0 ); format( gsString, 256, "~r~~h~%s ~y~~h~a mers la ~b~~h~%s", PlayerName( playerid ), CMDName ); ShowOnTextDraw( gsString ); format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "~y~Teleportat la~n~~r~%s", TeleName ); Announce( playerid, gsString, 3000, 3 ); SetPlayerVirtualWorld( playerid, Virtual_World ); return ( 1 ); }[/pawn] Doar astea am gasit..
  4. Nick: Sle|D Problema: Pai.. am facut un TD pentru, cand un jucator moare(am td nu imi ziceti de Zamaroht si iPLEOMAX's..) si habar nu am cum sa fac sa apare, ce trebuie sa fac?.. + vreu sa schimb ale de jos playerul .. s-a dus la... Si la asta am td adica cum sa apare (umbra grosime si ale) dar nu stiu ce trebuie schimbat, la aste le la toate teleporturile pus deja codu care trimite td.. doar sa schibam formatul daca intelege-ti. Erori / warnings: nu Lini/script: una de ex:[pawn]CMD:lv( playerid, params[ ] ) return NormalTele( playerid, "Las Venturas", "Las Venturas ~g~~h~- /lv", 2037.5223, 1517.9135, 10.4708, 2.6085, 2024.3549, 1544.8292, 10.8194, 275.2537, 0 ); Am cauta td cu numele "normaltele" dar nu gasesc..[/pawn] Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?:am cauta dar nu stiu.. Poze: <--- asta sa il schimba + cum pot face sa apar cati jucatori sunt la acele dm-uir.. MERSI, Sunt foarte noob. va rog sa aveti rabdare.
  5. Nick: Sle|d Problema: Cand dau kick cuiva nu arat cine primeste kickul,si id meu(cine da kickul)apare gresit. Erori / warnings:nu.. Lini/script: [pawn] gsString[ 0 ] = EOS; format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "Administratorul %s(%d) la dat afara de pe server pe %s {00a6ff}Motivul: %s!", PlayerName( playerid ), PlayerName( Player ), playerid, Reason ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_ORANGE, gsString ); Kick( Player ); Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: da.. pai era sub alta foram era prima data, cel care ia kick si dupa adminul am schimbat forumla dar nu merge.. Poza:
  6. Sle|D

    Problema MYSQL

    nu merge nici asa dar, acuma am rezolvat una din erori era ceva de la status ce stersesem si nul gasea acum nu mai apare ce nu gaseste uite: [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:20:01] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:21:22] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:21:36] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:50] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [18:36:51] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [18:39:44] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_float - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [19:22:56] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype sa descriu ceva dinter probleme pai ma conecte nu-mi da fereastra de register ci de login si nu merge nici-o parola ca nu exista contul timpul online se slveaza autoamt maxim, timpul raman cel de la "skin select" timpul la jail nu apare si multe altele...
  7. Sle|D

    Problema MYSQL

    Am reincarcat baza de date.. si acum da asta: [22:38:29] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [22:38:32] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [23:08:43] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - (error #1054) Unknown column 'STERS' in 'field list'[/pawn] Asta incerc sa inserez. INSERT INTO `Duels` (`ID`, `Name`, `pPos_X`, `pPos_Y`, `pPos_Z`, `pPos_A`, `pPos_X_2`, `pPos_Y_2`, `pPos_Z_2`, `pPos_A_2`) VALUES (1, 'Duel Zone Clasic', 2402, -1162, 1173, 52, 2485, -1228, 1173, 229), [b]Si asta este tabelul[/b] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Duels` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` text NOT NULL, `pPos_X` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_Y` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_Z` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_A` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_X_2` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_Y_2` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_Z_2` int(11) NOT NULL, `pPos_A_2` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=8 ; eroare este asta: MySQL zice: Documentație #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 8 [i] p.s am facut un drowtext in loc de "you die"(cand mori) sa apara alfel..deci cum pot sa fac asta?[/i]
  8. Sle|D

    Problema MYSQL

    ceva de genu.. g_Handle de la asta sa fie aia cu adaugata ma mir ca ai inteles:D.. si alealalte cred ca sunt de al baza de bade nu din gm.. ca am mai pus odata baza si o aparut si o comanda adaugat acum(care credeam ca nu merge) sa apara pentru admini ce comanda foloseste altul. [pawn]SQL_Function LoadPersonalVehicleInfo( playerid ) { if ( !IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) ) return ( 0 ); new Field[ 25 ], Rows, Fields; cache_get_data( Rows, Fields, g_Handle ); if ( Rows ) { PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ CarID ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "ID", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_X ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "Veh_LocX", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Y ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "Veh_LocY", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Z ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "Veh_LocZ", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_A ] = cache_get_field_content_float( 0, "Veh_LocA", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Locked ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "car_Locked", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_color1 ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "Veh_Color1", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_color2 ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "Veh_Color2", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spoilerid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "Spoiler", g_Handle ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ neonid ] = cache_get_field_content_int( 0, "Plate", g_Handle ); cache_get_field_content( 0, "Plate", Field, g_Handle ); format( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_plate ], 20, "%s", Field ); PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_VehID ] = AddStaticVehicleEx( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ CarID ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_X ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Y ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Z ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_A ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_color1 ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_color2 ], 60 ); format( VehicleOwner[ PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_VehID ] ], 25, "%s", PlayerName( playerid ) ); SetVehicleNumberPlate( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_VehID ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_plate ] ); if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ neonid ] != 0 ) OnDialogResponse( playerid, DIALOG_CAR_NEON, 1, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ neonid ], "lol" ); if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spoilerid ] != 0 ) AddVehicleComponent( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_VehID ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ spoilerid ] ); format( gsString, 128, "%s{ec483e} masina personala.", PlayerName( playerid ) ); Player3DVehicleLabel[ playerid ] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel( gsString, 0x22ac38FF, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_X ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Y ], PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ car_Z ], 20 ); } return ( 1 ); }[/pawn]
  9. Sle|D

    Problema MYSQL

    nu cred ca e primu:-j.. pai nu se salveaza conturile timp levelul(admin.vip), coins... si cand intri cu nick nou si nu exista nu-mi da fereastra de register zice ca exista si nu merge nici-o parola(logica daca nu exista contul).. si la personal car apare unde opresc masina personal car (text 3d) si daca opresc in alt loc se adauga si nu dispare cel vechi.. la jail mai am ceva problem cu timul, Deeeci ce lini sa postez? cu ce?
  10. Nick: Sle|d Problema: de la eroarea asta nu merg multe sisteme, nu trimite in chat comenzile folosite de admin nu merge timpul jail, nu se salveaza timp online, nu te poti inregistra cu nume nou zice ca bine ai venit inapoie..chiar daca nu e inregistrat numele.. asa mai departe Erori / warnings: [pawn]16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:39:11] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:39:11] [ERROR] cache_get_field_content_int - invalid datatype [16:40:34] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [16:40:37] [ERROR] CMySQLResult::GetRowDataByName() - invalid row index ('0') [/pawn] Lini/script: - Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: Da si nu.. da pentru ca am cauta pe sa-mp.com si alte site(uri) samp si nu pentru ca habar nu am ce sa fac..
  11. Defapt merge era o problema la baza de date mersi:D Sti ca nu are legatura? hash e ce aparre in coloana passsword din daza de date:D Am rezolvat, va multumesc! t/c
  12. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    Nu's asa de n00b ca am si altele pe acolo uite asta ne intere si am sters co owner si owner [pawn] //--------------------------- IsPlayerAdmin/Vip --------------------------// // ( Admin Chat ) new stringchat[ 1024 ]; if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] == 13 ) { format( stringchat, sizeof( stringchat ), "%s "O"{ff9900}(Owner){00FF00}(%i): {%06x}%s", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ], text ); SendClientMessageToAll( GetPlayerColor( playerid ), stringchat ); return ( 0 ); } if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] == 12 ) { format( stringchat, sizeof( stringchat ), "%s "G"{fec04c}(Co-Owner){00FF00}(%i): {%06x}%s", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ], text ); SendClientMessageToAll( GetPlayerColor( playerid ), stringchat ); return ( 0 ); } if( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] > 0 ) { format( stringchat, sizeof( stringchat ), "%s "S"{0F66E0}(Admin){00FF00}(%i): {%06x}%s", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ], text ); SendClientMessageToAll( GetPlayerColor( playerid ), stringchat ); return ( 0 ); } if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pVip ] != 0 ) { switch( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ pVip ] ) { case 1: format( stringchat, sizeof( stringchat ), "{FF0000}(VIP){00FF00}(%d){FFFFFF}: {%06x}%s", playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ], lsText ); case 2: format( stringchat, sizeof( stringchat ), "{F44545}(T.VIP){00FF00}(%d){FFFFFF}: {%06x}%s", playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ], lsText ); } SendPlayerMessageToAll( playerid, stringchat ); if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ActionID ] != 9 ) SetPlayerChatBubble( playerid, lsText, 0xFFFFFFFF, 100.0, 5000 ); return ( 0 ); } format( gsString, sizeof( gsString ), "%s {00FF00}(%d): "W"%s", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid, lsText ); SendClientMessageToAll( GetPlayerColor( playerid ), gsString ); if ( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ ActionID ] != 9 ) SetPlayerChatBubble( playerid, lsText, 0xFFFFFFFF, 100.0, 5000 ); return ( 0 ); } //===[/pawn]
  13. Nu merge.. uite ce apare Asta ia din baza de date dar acolo intra si sunt criptate parolele..si am incercat si nu merge nu s-a schimbat
  14. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    Nu merge daca sterg Onplayertext in fine:-j nu e neaparat sa fie cum am zis eu poate fi modificat sa nu trimita mesaj in consola cu failed.. doar sa apara owner si sa aiba variabile.. oricum va multumesc
  15. Aia am facut si eu din prima dar uite: Cand am vrut sa ma conectez cu contul ala nu o mers parola "123456"...(contul chiar exista in baza de date)
  16. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    CE AM PUS EU IN GM: [pawn]//blabla sterg public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success) { new ggString[ 256 ] ; new text[ 256 ] ; for(new Player=0; Player<MAX_PLAYERS; Player++) { PlayerInfo[ Player ][ pVip ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ rVip ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ rAdmin ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ SAdmin ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ Level ] = 12; PlayerPlaySound( Player, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); SendClientMessageToAll( GetPlayerColor( Player), ggString ); format( ggString, sizeof( ggString ), "%s "O"{ff9900}(Owner){00FF00}(%i): {%06x}%s", PlayerName( Player ), Player, PlayerInfo[ Player ][ p_TextColor ], text ); } if(!success) { printf("FAILED RCON LOGIN BY IP %s USING PASSWORD %s",ip, password); new pip[16]; for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { GetPlayerIp(i, pip, sizeof(pip)); if(!strcmp(ip, pip, true)) { SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Parola gresit. Hasta la vista, baby!"); Ban(i); } } } return 1; } //blabla sterg[/pawn] si apare asa pe server Apare co-owner pentru ca la lv 12 am setat sa apar co-owner (si se incurca cu ala).. dar am facut si lv 13 la care sa apar owner...si daca nu ai admin si ai nivel 12(maxim) sa apar admin... nu owner daca ma intelege-ti.. mai am ceva probleme micute nu asi face alt topic parca mei rusine, poate cineva sa ma ajute in pm?
  17. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    C:\Users\*****\Desktop\servermeu\gamemodes\gmbeta.pwn(2828) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype C:\Users\*****\Desktop\servermeu\gamemodes\gmbeta.pwn(2839) : error 017: undefined symbol "text" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors. Ma scuzati dar am spus sunt incepator nu stiu sa fac mare lucru...
  18. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    C:\Users\*****\Desktop\Serverulmeu\gamemodes\gmbeta.pwn(2840) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\Serverulmeu\gamemodes\gmbeta.pwn(2841) : error 017: undefined symbol "playerid" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors.
  19. @Gireada daca vrei sa ma ajuti si poti, fao, daca nu taci si nu te mai baga in seama;) Am incercat dar cred ca daca acolo era facut sa introduc o cifra nu cred ca daca sterg eroare v-a merge:D
  20. Nick: Sle|d Problema: am sters cand nu este conecta palyerul dar nu pot i-mi zice ca sa salvat la contul "S" parola care pun..comanda era pentru player id si sa fie online Erori / warnings: nu da Lini/script: mai jos Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?:Da dar nu pre i-mi dau seama:-? CMD:setpassword( playerid, params[ ] ) { LevelCheck( playerid, 6 ); new Player, NewPass[ 25 ]; if ( sscanf( params, "us[25]", Player, NewPass ) ) return SendClientMessage( playerid, COLOR_BLUE, "Foloseste: {33CCFF}/setpassword [Numele jucatorului] [Parola noua]" ); if ( strlen( NewPass ) < 6 || strlen( NewPass ) > 24 ) return SendError( playerid, "Lungimea parolei invalida!" ); if ( !IsPlayerConnected( Player ) ) return SendError( playerid, "Playerul nu este conectat!" ); mysql_real_escape_string( NewPass, NewPass ); new Buf[ 129 ]; WP_Hash( Buf, 129, NewPass ); format( gsQuery, 512, "UPDATE `Accounts` SET `Password` = '%s' WHERE `Name` = '%s'", Buf, PlayerName( Player ) ); mysql_function_query( g_Handle, gsQuery, false, "", "" ); FormatLog( "Set_PasswordLog", "%s have set the %s password to %s (Hash: %s)", PlayerName( playerid ), PlayerName( Player ), NewPass, Buf ); PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); FormatMSG( playerid, COLOR_RED, "ACCOUNT: Ai reusit cu succes sa setezi {FFFFFF}\"%s's\" {FF0000}ca parola la contul {FFFFFF}\"%s\"", PlayerName( Player ), NewPass ); return ( 1 ); }
  21. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 219: local variable "Player" shadows a variable at a preceding level warning 203: symbol is never used: "Player" warning 203: symbol is never used: "pip" warning 203: symbol is never used: "stringchat" Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 6 Errors. tot nu merge..
  22. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    #define Path "Player/%s.ini #define Path "stringchat/%s.ini e bine? tot i-mi da eroare C:\Users\******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(51) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "Path") C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2833) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2834) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2835) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2836) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2837) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2838) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2839) : error 017: undefined symbol "stringchat" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2839) : error 017: undefined symbol "stringchat" C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2839) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\*******\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(2839) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line Stiam si eu crebuie aia dar nu stiu cum:|
  23. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3713) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETt\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3714) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3715) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3716) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3717) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3718) : error 017: undefined symbol "Player" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3719) : error 017: undefined symbol "stringchat" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3719) : error 017: undefined symbol "stringchat" C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3719) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero C:\Users\*****\Desktop\ServerulBETA\gamemodes\GMBETA.pwn(3719) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
  24. Sle|D

    Rcon login

    Nick: Sle|d Problema: Nu merge, nu cred ca am asezat bine Erori / warnings: -- Lini/script: -- Ai incercat sa rezolvi singur ?: da.. [pawn]public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success) { PlayerInfo[ Player ][ pVip ] = 0; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ rVip ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ rAdmin ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ SAdmin ] = 1; PlayerInfo[ Player ][ Level ] = 12; PlayerPlaySound( Player, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); format( stringchat, sizeof( stringchat ), "%s "O"{ff9900}(Owner){00FF00}(%i): {%06x}%s", PlayerName( playerid ), playerid, PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ p_TextColor ], text ); SendClientMessageToAll( GetPlayerColor( playerid ), stringchat ); if(!success) //If the password was incorrect { printf("FAILED RCON LOGIN BY IP %s USING PASSWORD %s",ip, password); new pip[16]; for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++) //Loop through all players { GetPlayerIp(i, pip, sizeof(pip)); if(!strcmp(ip, pip, true)) //If a player's IP is the IP that failed the login { SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Wrong Password. Bye!"); //Send a message Ban(i); //They are now banned. } } } return 1; }[/pawn]
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