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  1. Salut tuturor ! Mie nu-mi merge sa deschide samp-dedicate.exe(adica se deschide si dispare instantaneu si nu-mi apare nimic in error_log) nu stiti vreun program de probare a scripturilor? ... sau ceva asemanator? Dau +1 si raman dator :(
  2. NePpO

    Anti AIM/Joypad

    Woow, nu am mai vazut asa ceva !! :shocked: 10/10
  3. Bun tutorial pentru cei nestiutori ! ARTIST am o intrebare daca nu te superi esti Rus sau Roman? Tine-o tot asa ! :)
  4. HostWin Fara LAG Update 99,9% Poti plati si prin Coduri de Reincarcare Este si ieftin !! ( 50 sloturi - 3Euro ) Iti spun, deoarece am si eu tot de la ei ! Ti-l recomand
  5. Hoho, este foarte bun si atragator Chiar imi place, imi place cum gandesti ! Chiar te felicit, si te cred ca este facut de tine deoarece ai prea multe cunostiinte in acest domeniu ( Scripting & Mapping ) Bravo, tine-o tot asa :)
  6. NePpO

    Map Editor

    Pentru a sterge un obiect urmareste urmatorii pasi ! 1. Intri in MAP EDITOR 2. Dupa ce ai intrat in MAP editor apesi pe un obiect care vrei tu ! Si trebuie sa se faca ROSU 3. Deasupra ai o bara de instrumente Export.pwn ...... pana la Delete, apesi pe Delete 4. Obiectul iti va dispare, iar acum in bara de sus cauta Show Code, apasa pe el si iti va aparea o fereastra, iar acea fereastra la randul ei mai are o bara de instrumente 5. Click pe Export.pwn si alege unde vrei sa-l faca ! 6. Astepti, iar obiectul este distrus(va disparea de acolo) ! Iti va aparea cam asa Exemplu : [pawn]RemoveForPlayer( id,x,y,z )[/pawn] Astept un raspuns daca ti-a mers ! P.S.: Daca nu iti merge incearca sa i-ei Map Editorul pus de Gireada in acest Topic mai SUS ...
  7. Am dat instal se instaleaza iar la final imi da eroare An error occurred during setup. Installed files have been removed from your computer. For known issues and troubleshooting information, see the online readme. For error information, see Error Log. Am dat click pe Error Log Si imi apare asta: [08/05/12,17:31:52] VS Scenario: [2] *** Blocking Components exist and must be satisified before continuing to install *** [08/05/12,17:31:52] VS Scenario: [2] Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 [08/05/12,17:31:52] VS Scenario: [2] *** End of Blocking Component List *** [08/05/12,17:32:27] VS Scenario: [2] Failed to pass the Warnings/Blocks checks in CVSScenario::Start() [11/30/13,12:16:49] RGB Rast: [2] Error: Installation failed for component RGB Rast. MSI returned error code 1603 [11/30/13,12:17:13] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates RGB Rast is not installed. Oare de ce ?? :@
  8. Nustiu de ce mi s-a inchis topicul anterior !!! Bun am facut ce ai zis ARTIST ! Dar tot la fel este (server inchis) :@ Nu inteleg, cand bag doar STREAMER.SO mi se inchide serverul ! ( si nu doar streamer, toate pluginurile ) Cand scot STREAMER.SO si adaug altele imi zice Unknown ... Stie cineva? 1. Am linia gamemode0 la fel ca gamemodul 2. Hostul este pe Linux si am extensiile .so 3. Am pluginurile Updatate ... 4. NU MAI INTELEG NIMIC ( Cineva care stie va rog frumos (( dau +1 ((
  9. NePpO

    Oficiul Adminilor

    COOL, esti bun frate, am mai vazut de la tine foarte multe chestii
  10. Am facut si asta... uite ce-mi scrie : ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [21:18:21] filterscripts = "" (string) [21:18:21] [21:18:21] Server Plugins [21:18:21] -------------- [21:18:21] Loading plugin: streamer.so [21:18:21] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [21:18:21] Loaded. [21:18:21] Loaded 1 plugins. [21:18:21] [21:18:21] Filterscripts [21:18:21] --------------- [21:18:21] Loaded 0 filterscripts. Dar serverul este OFF :| de la ce poate fi?
  11. Deci am bagat alt GM si la fel imi apare ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [20:16:39] [20:16:39] Server Plugins [20:16:39] -------------- [20:16:39] Loading plugin: streamer.so [20:16:39] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [20:16:39] Loaded. [20:16:39] Loaded 1 plugins. [20:16:39] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg [20:16:39] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least. Poftim Server.cfg echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password parola ascunsa maxplayers 50 port 7777 bind hostname LastGaming RPG [0.3x] gamemode0 LGRP v1.0 filterscripts minievents ProtectServer announce 0 plugins streamer.so query 1 weburl www.lastgaming.forumer.ro onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 10 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] Astept un Raspuns daca stie cineva?
  12. Salut SA:MP.ro va rog ajutatima ! Deci am bagat gamemodeul + tot ce-mi cere pentru a deschide serverul( plugins, gm, scriptfiler, filescript, etc ) Pluginurile nu am treaba, sunt updatate ! Imi apare asta : ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team [17:08:05] filterscripts = "" (string) [17:08:05] [17:08:05] Server Plugins [17:08:05] -------------- [17:08:05] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [17:08:05] [17:08:05] =============================== [17:08:05] sscanf plugin loaded. [17:08:05] Version: 2.8.1 [17:08:05] © 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole [17:08:05] =============================== [17:08:05] Loaded. [17:08:05] Loading plugin: streamer.so [17:08:05] *** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded *** [17:08:05] Loaded. [17:08:05] Loading plugin: nativechecker.so [17:08:05] Loaded. [17:08:05] Loaded 3 plugins. [17:08:05] I couldn't load any gamemode scripts. Please verify your server.cfg [17:08:05] It needs a gamemode0 line at the very least. De la ce poate fi? Mentionesc ca hostul este pe linux ! Multumesc pentru ca ma ajuti :)
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