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Everything posted by Fallen0329

  1. Incerc acuma sa fac un sistem de neon si problema este in felul urmator daca in gamemode am creat in felul urmator dcmd_vneon(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pVIP]<2)return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[ERROR]You must became Silver member to use this command"); new neon; if(sscanf(params,"i",neon)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[ERROR]USAGE: /neon [colorID]"); SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[ERROR]USAGE: Color: 0-Red, 1-Blue, 2-Green, 3-Yellow, 4-Pink, 5-White"); return 1; } if(neon < 0 || neon > 5) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[ERROR]USAGE: /neon [colorID]"); SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"[ERROR]USAGE: Color: 0-Red, 1-Blue, 2-Green, 3-Yellow, 4-Pink, 5-White"); return 1; } if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "[ERROR]You are not in a vehicle!"); new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); DestroyDynamicObject(CarNeon1[vehid]); DestroyDynamicObject(CarNeon2[vehid]); CarNeon1[vehid] = CreateDynamicObject(18647+neon, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); CarNeon2[vehid] = CreateDynamicObject(18647+neon, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); new mod = GetVehicleModel(vehid); if(mod == 509 || mod == 481 || mod == 510 || mod == 462 || mod == 448 || mod == 581 || mod == 522 || mod == 461 || mod == 521 || mod == 523 || mod == 463 || mod == 586 || mod == 568 || mod == 471) { AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle(CarNeon1[vehid], vehid, 0.00, 0.00, -0.34, 0, 0, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid,green,"Added Neon on this car"); return 1; } else if(mod == 548 || mod == 425 || mod == 417 || mod == 487 || mod == 488 || mod == 497 || mod == 563 || mod == 447 || mod == 469) { AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle(CarNeon1[vehid], vehid, 1.14, 0.38, -1.04, 0, 0, 0); AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle(CarNeon2[vehid], vehid, -1.14, 0.38, -1.04, 0, 0, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid,green,"Added Neon on this car"); return 1; } else { AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle(CarNeon1[vehid], vehid, 0.98, 0.00, -0.46, 0, 0, 0); AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle(CarNeon2[vehid], vehid, -0.98, 0.00, -0.46, 0, 0, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid,green,"Added Neon on this car"); } return 1; } Totul merge perfect, dar eu vreau ca sa ma bazez pe functiile normale de creare si atasare a obiectelor, nu vreau prin streamer. Si in momentul in care daca schimb functiile (adica sterg acel Dynamic) atunci comanda nu mai merge, nu creeaza si nici nu ataseaza obiectul de masina. La compilare nu apare eroare nici cand folosesc streamer nici cand e normal
  2. Complet aiurea ce ai facut. 1. Ai pus lemn in loc de asfalt 2. Nici macar nu te-ai chinuit sa aranjezi frumos in linie obiectele care sunt acolo sau sa le pui la o distanta egala 3. Mai bine nu iti pierdeai timpul
  3. Am uitat sa mentionez ca am pe server acelasi gamemode, ruleaza pe 0.3e merge acuma, dar e chestia cand vreau sa pun acelasi gamemode cu cateva update-uri in el (am modificat cateva chestii la gamemode)
  4. Am un gamemode, la care am facut cateva update-uri recent am sters cateva functii care nu se apelau nicaieri. Problema este cand incerc sa pornesc gamemode-ul la mine in calc merge perfect, dar in momentul in care pun tot acelasi gamemode pe host se blocheaza cand incearca sa intre pe server si imi da ceva de genu [17:51:04] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9B9BF}0.3e {FFFFFF}Started [17:51:07] Connecting to [17:51:07] Connected. Joining the game... [17:51:22] Lost connection to the server. Reconnecting.. [17:51:22] The server is restarting.. [17:51:22] Connecting to [17:51:23] Connected. Joining the game... Am modificat ip-ul pentru a nu face reclama. In server log nu apare nici o eroare care sa blocheze gamemode-ul. Tin sa mentionez ca plugin-urile, include-urile sunt la zi iar pe host sunt exact fisierele care le am la mine in calculator. Si da in server.cfg la plugins am trecut streamer.so si audio.so
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