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Everything posted by duplex

  1. duplex


    [pawn]ce trebuie sa fac ..ca sa imi mearga portiile la factiuni...sa deschida si sa se inchida...bine [/pawn] [pawn]nu imi da nici warning si nici eroare...eu pun poarta si in joc cand ma duc sa o deschid ...e facuta cum e poarta statica sa se duca in jos si sa revina la normal.....dar ea mi se roteste si nu mai vine la loc cum trebuie.....poarta e facut bine pentru ca am un alt gm..si acolo merge cum trebuie....si am incercat mai multe portii......[/pawn]
  2. duplex


    nu imi da nici warning si nici eroare...eu pun poarta si in joc cand ma duc sa o deschid ...e facuta cum e poarta statica sa se duca in jos si sa revina la normal.....dar ea mi se roteste si nu mai vine la loc cum trebuie.....poarta e facut bine pentru ca am un alt gm..si acolo merge cum trebuie....si am incercat mai multe portii......
  3. duplex


    ce trebuie sa fac ..ca sa imi mearga portiile la factiuni...sa deschida si sa se inchida...bine
  4. duplex

    help me

    imi zice warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
  5. duplex


    cum pot sa pun pe server....sa merg cu balon cu aer cald ..balonu l-am pus numai ca nu stiu cum ma misc cu el ce trebuie sa fac sa se miste
  6. playeri imi tot inchid serveru cu comanda {ffffff} cum o pot scoate
  7. duplex

    help me

    cum pot sa pun intr-o zona sa cante un radio de pe net asta e zona 2421.4243,-1219.3868,25.5528
  8. mi-am, pus masini personale din gm........si cand deschid serveru intru dar eu am pus masinile sa fie la banca...si nu sunt acolo ...nu sunt deloc pe server si problema cred ca e de aici [pawn]public LoadCar() { new arrCoords[13][64]; new strFromFile2[256]; new File: file = fopen("cars.cfg", io_read); if (file) { new idx = 268; while (idx < sizeof(CarInfo)) { fread(file, strFromFile2); split(strFromFile2, arrCoords, ','); CarInfo[idx][cModel] = strval(arrCoords[0]); CarInfo[idx][cLocationx] = floatstr(arrCoords[1]); CarInfo[idx][cLocationy] = floatstr(arrCoords[2]); CarInfo[idx][cLocationz] = floatstr(arrCoords[3]); CarInfo[idx][cAngle] = floatstr(arrCoords[4]); CarInfo[idx][cColorOne] = strval(arrCoords[5]); CarInfo[idx][cColorTwo] = strval(arrCoords[6]); strmid(CarInfo[idx][cOwner], arrCoords[7], 0, strlen(arrCoords[7]), 255); strmid(CarInfo[idx][cDescription], arrCoords[8], 0, strlen(arrCoords[8]), 255); CarInfo[idx][cValue] = strval(arrCoords[9]); CarInfo[idx][cLicense] = strval(arrCoords[10]); CarInfo[idx][cOwned] = strval(arrCoords[11]); CarInfo[idx][cLock] = strval(arrCoords[12]); printf("CarInfo: %d Owner:%s LicensePlate %s",idx,CarInfo[idx][cOwner],CarInfo[idx][cLicense]); idx++; } } return 1; } [/pawn] iar in scriptfiles am cars.cfg
  9. duplex


    cum pot sa schimb imaginea de fundal...de exemplu ca aici http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/samp017ym.png/
  10. C:\Documents and Settings\Rares\Desktop\Duplex Gm\gamemodes\hg.pwn(5799) : error 017: undefined symbol "vehicle" C:\Documents and Settings\Rares\Desktop\Duplex Gm\gamemodes\hg.pwn(5800) : error 017: undefined symbol "vehicle" C:\Documents and Settings\Rares\Desktop\Duplex Gm\gamemodes\hg.pwn(7816) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "carkey2" C:\Documents and Settings\Rares\Desktop\Duplex Gm\gamemodes\hg.pwn(7815) : warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "carkey" C:\Documents and Settings\Rares\Desktop\Duplex Gm\gamemodes\hg.pwn(11928) : warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 2 Errors. [pawn] if(IsAnOwnableCar(newcar)) { if(CarInfo[newcar][cOwned]==0) { TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"___________________________"); format(string,sizeof(string),"Vehicle Name: %s",CarInfo[newcar][cDescription]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); format(string,sizeof(string),"Price: %d",CarInfo[newcar][cValue]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); format(string,sizeof(string),"Owner: %s",CarInfo[newcar][cOwner]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, string); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED,"Type /v buy to buy this car"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW,"___________________________"); } if(CarInfo[newcar][cOwned]==1) { format(string,sizeof(string),"Masina Inregistrata pe numele lui: %s",CarInfo[newcar][cOwner]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BUS, string); /*if(keycar != vehicle) { RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You don't have a key of this vehicle"); }*/ if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey1] == vehicle) { } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey2] == vehicle) { } else { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 5 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 14 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 14) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You can drive this car"); } else { RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You don't have a key of this vehicle"); } } } } si linia este if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPcarkey1] == vehicle) { } [/pawn] si pentru warning 204: symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "carkey2" si "carkey" liniile sunt new carkey = PlayerInfo[targetid][pPcarkey1]; new carkey2 = PlayerInfo[targetid][pPcarkey2]; si pentru warning 219: local variable "string" shadows a variable at a preceding level este o comanda if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/arme",true) == 0) { if (!PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,296.4013,-80.7277,1001.5156)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "{FFFFFF}[{4FD359}Hard2Games{FFFFFF}]: Nu esti in Magazinul de Arme !"); return 1; } new string[390]; format(string, 390, "{FFFFFF}AK-47 {FF9900}- {FF0000}12000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Sniper {FF9900}- {FF0000}5000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Tec9 {FF9900}- {FF0000}5900{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}9mm {FF9900}- {FF0000}3000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Silenced 9mm {FF9900}- {FF0000}5600{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}M4 {FF9900}- {FF0000}14000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}SMG (MP5) {FF9900}- {FF0000}10000{33AA33}$\n\ {FFFFFF}Health + Armour {FF9900}- {FF0000}2500{33AA33}$", 390); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_ARME,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{FFFFFF}Meniu H2G Arme: {000000}", string, "Buy", "Cancel"); return 1; } si linia este new string[390];
  11. cum pot sa pun intr-o zona cand vine cine sa se aude muzica...adica ca ajunge in aceea zona...sa porneasca audiostreamer cu un radio care il pun eu
  12. duplex


    cum imi fac update la server pt 0.3e
  13. duplex


    merge ...multumesc
  14. duplex


    cum pot sa-mi schimb masina...de exemplu din infernus sa o fac BMW X6
  15. deci am facut o poarta la o factiune. //====================================================================================================================== // Gate Los Santos GTT Racing //====================================================================================================================== if (newkeys==KEY_FIRE) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 17 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 17) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerToPoint(10, playerid,1419.8329,-1648.8837,13.3817) || PlayerToPoint(10, playerid,1409.4353,-1649.6842,13.3818)) { MoveObject(gategtt, 1414.80004883, -1660.09997559, 15.10000038, 4.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, ": Gate-ul a fost deschis, se va inchide in 5 secunde."); SetTimer("gatepdclose",3500, false); return 1; } } } } si dupaia forward gatepdclose(); public gatepdclose() { MoveObject(gategtt, 1414.90002441,-1650.09997559,15.10000038, 3.0); return 1; } si poarta se deschide bine...dar cand se inchide vine pe mijloc si pot trece si prin stanga si prin dreapta...am inteles ca cica trebuie sa fac update la streamer 2.6.1...daca e asa cum fac?
  16. D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3151) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3155) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3159) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3163) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3167) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3171) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3175) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3179) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3193) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3197) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3201) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3205) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3209) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3223) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3227) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3231) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3245) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3249) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3253) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(3346) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(5922) : error 004: function "ProxDetector" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(6025) : error 004: function "ProxDetector" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(6128) : error 004: function "ProxDetector" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(6315) : error 004: function "CrimInRange" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(6709) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented D:\eMAV RolepLay\gamemodes\NVL.pwn(7321) : error 004: function "PlayerToPoint" is not implemented Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 26 Errors. cum rezolv problem asta
  17. cum modific la factiuni culorile cand apas tab de exemplu am grovre street si e cu rosu si eu vreau sa arate cu verde..si pe mapa playeri la factiuni
  18. duplex


    cum pot sa fac sa apara pe masinile personale un textdraw...unde sa scrie Masina:numele masini si dedesubt sa scrie a cui apartine masina gen Rares'vehicle ...dar cand este masina la liber sa arate ce masina este ...si cat costa si dupa ce o cumpar sa scrie numele masinii si numele la player
  19. deci mereu cand fac un cont nou...sau alti playeri intra pe server..se inregistreaza...si dupaia..cad din cer intr-un sat...ce trebuie sa fac
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