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Everything posted by Mr.Kiss

  1. Neatza . Prima problema :As dori sa stiu cum pot sa fac ca ,cand ajung la un numar de masini personale sa nu mai pot cumpara masini . Adica sa zic ca suntem multi playeri pe server si cumparam masini si ajungem sa zicem la 200 masini personale , sa nu mai putem cumpara adica cand dau /v buy sa nu ni le mai treaca la stats . Sper ca ati inteles ce vreau sa zic ... Daca nu ati inteles , va mai explic inca odata . A doua problema : As dori sa stiu cum fac o poarta sa se deschida la o comanda . Adica de exemplu /poartacasa . Deoarece vreau sa pun porti la factiuni si nu stiu sa fac porti care sa se deschida la o anumita comanda . A treia problema : Am o problema cu un HQ la o factiune . Am facut HQ la o factiune si cand vreau sa dau '' ENTER '' sa intru in HQ , adica inauntru , nu intra in HQ . Cum fac sa pot intra in HQ ? Am incercat multe metode dar niciuna nu a mers VA MULTUMESC . Raman dator daca ma ajutati .
  2. Eu zic sa dati tc pt ca megaupload nu mai e ..
  3. V-a multumesc . O sa incerc .
  4. Salut . Am bagat un gamemode pe host , gamemode'ul se numeste larp . Si imi zice la Gamemode : Unknown . Dc? Am bagat si scriptfiles si gamemode .. ? Ce ar trebui sa fac?
  5. Salut . Am o mica/mare problema , depinde cum vreti sa o luati . Cand mor mereu ma da la spital ... Nu stiu cum sa fac sa nu ma mai dea la spital ... Cand mor vreau sa ma dea ori in Spawn la factiune ori in Spawn la Casa .... Cine stie ? Mersi .
  6. Mr.Kiss


    Ajutor am o problema cu spawnul . Adica cand mor ma da la spital mereu . Cum fac sa nu ma mai dea la spital dupa ce mor ? Sa ma dea la factiune sau la spawn-ul care il am ... ? Este o problema urgenta
  7. Pai pentru cele cu /veh foloseste /adv . Sa le distrugi
  8. Scuze ca fac dublu-post din nou dar a trecut pe a 2 pagina si nu se mai uita nimeni pe a 2 pagina [ cred ]. Am 2 mici probleme : 1. Cand deschid usile/portile la factiuni/case se invart sau cad aiurea ... Ce ar trebui sa fac ? O fi de la trecerea de la 0.3c in 0.3d ? 2. Cum fac sa apara parola cu stelute adica sa nu vada cel de langa tine ce parola ai la cont .. ? Mersi anticipat .
  9. Scuze de dublu-post . Am rezolvat problema asta acuma am alta mai grava Cand deschid usi/porti , mi se deschid aiurea , adica se invart si cad ... ce ar trebui sa fac?
  10. Mersi am rezolvat problema. Acum am alta , cand deschid usi/porti , mi se deschid aiurea , adica se invart si cad ... ce ar trebui sa fac?
  11. Imi poti da un streamer care nu este pe 0.3d RC7 ? Vreau sa fie pe 0.3d normal va rog . Am nevoie urgenta .
  12. Scuze dar mai am o problema. Cand deschid server-ul imi trebuie 0.3d RC7 sa intru pe server . Dc? + Mi se deschid portile si usile ca naiba ... se duc in tooate directile ...
  13. Exact Daca nu merge updateaza pluginurile
  14. Am rezoolvat trebuia sa pun .dll nu .so
  15. Scuze dar mai am o problema. Cand deschid server-ul imi trebuie 0.3d RC7 sa intru pe server . Dc? \
  16. Mersi man . Am rezolvat problemele :X Mersi multt
  17. Mr.Kiss


    Pur si simplu poti face /cmds1 si /cmds2 ...
  18. Tot la fel scrie cu Script[gamemode/shr.amx] : Run Time Error 19 : '' File or function is not found '' Am in folderul plugins : > audio.dll audio.so > sscanf.dll sscanf.so > streamer.dll streamer.so > xstreamer.dll xstreamer.so Si uite ce am in server.cfg la plugins : plugins streamer.so xstreamer.so sscanf.so audio.so CE AR TREBUI SA FAC ?
  19. Exista comanda /sethouse . Creezi o casa . Trebuie sa faci folderu : Properties Uite comanda : [pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/sethouse", true) == 0) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { new houseid = -1; new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z); if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1337) { new string2[256]; for(new h = 0; h < sizeof(HouseInfo); h++) { if(HouseInfo[h][hSetted] == 1) { houseid = h + 1; } } if(HouseInfo[houseid][hSetted] == 0) { format(string, sizeof(string),"LARP/Properties/%d.ini",houseid); dini_Create(string); tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "USAGE: /sethouse [type]"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "TYPES: 0 Apartment - 1 Small - 2 Medium - 3 Big"); return 1; } new type; type = strval(tmp); if(type == 0) { HouseInfo[houseid][hValue] = 45000; HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel] = 3; strmid(HouseInfo[houseid][hDiscription], "House Apartment", 0, strlen("House Apartment"), 255); if(nextapartment == 24) { nextapartment = 25; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 244.411987; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 305.032990; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 999.231995; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 1; } else if(nextapartment == 25) { nextapartment = 27; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 266.4991; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 304.9922; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 999.1484; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 2; } else if(nextapartment == 27) { nextapartment = 29; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 302.181000; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 300.722992; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 999.231995; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 4; } else if(nextapartment == 29) { nextapartment = 24; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 346.870025; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 309.259033; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 999.155700; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 6; } } else if(type == 1) { HouseInfo[houseid][hValue] = 50000; HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel] = 4; strmid(HouseInfo[houseid][hDiscription], "House Small", 0, strlen("House Small"), 255); if(nexthouse == 2) { nexthouse = 3; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 225.756989; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1240.000000; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1082.149902; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 2; } else if(nexthouse == 3) { nexthouse = 6; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 223.1929; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1287.0780; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1082.1406; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 1; } else if(nexthouse == 6) { nexthouse = 12; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 328.1066; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1478.0106; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1084.4375; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 15; } else if(nexthouse == 12) { nexthouse = 41; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 260.983978; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1286.549927; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1080.299927; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 4; } else if(nexthouse == 41) { nexthouse = 2; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 446.5014; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 507.0295; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1001.4195; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 12; } } else if(type == 2) { HouseInfo[houseid][hValue] = 65000; HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel] = 6; strmid(HouseInfo[houseid][hDiscription], "House Medium", 0, strlen("House Medium"), 255); if(nextmedium == 17) { nextmedium = 19; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 140.2267; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1365.9246; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1083.8594; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 5; } else if(nextmedium == 19) { nextmedium = 21; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = -68.294098; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1353.469971; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1080.279907; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 6; } else if(nextmedium == 21) { nextmedium = 30; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = -42.581997; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1408.109985; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1084.449951; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 8; } else if(nextmedium == 30) { nextmedium = 32; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 2495.6416; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = -1692.2361; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1014.7422; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 3; } else if(nextmedium == 32) { nextmedium = 38; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 2468.4502; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = -1698.4801; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1013.5078; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 2; } else if(nextmedium == 38) { nextmedium = 39; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 2807.9172; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = -1174.4333; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1025.5703; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 8; } else if(nextmedium == 39) { nextmedium = 17; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 318.7010; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1114.7716; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1083.8828; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 5; } } else if(type == 3) { HouseInfo[houseid][hValue] = 85000; HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel] = 9; strmid(HouseInfo[houseid][hDiscription], "House Big", 0, strlen("House Big"), 255); if(nextbig == 1) { nextbig = 4; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 235.3054; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1186.6835; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1080.2578; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 3; } else if(nextbig == 4) { nextbig = 11; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 225.630997; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1022.479980; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1084.069946; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 7; } else if(nextbig == 11) { nextbig = 13; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 227.722992; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1114.389893; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1081.189941; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 5; } else if(nextbig == 13) { nextbig = 14; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 221.7330; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1140.5146; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1082.6094; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 4; } else if(nextbig == 14) { nextbig = 15; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 27.132700; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1341.149902; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1084.449951; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 10; } else if(nextbig == 15) { nextbig = 40; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = -262.601990; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = 1456.619995; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1084.449951; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 4; } else if(nextbig == 40) { nextbig = 1; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitx] = 2324.3267; HouseInfo[houseid][hExity] = -1149.1440; HouseInfo[houseid][hExitz] = 1050.7101; HouseInfo[houseid][hInt] = 12; } } HouseInfo[houseid][hEntrancex] = X; HouseInfo[houseid][hEntrancey] = Y; HouseInfo[houseid][hEntrancez] = Z; HouseInfo[houseid][hWorld] = houseid; HouseInfo[houseid][hSetted] = 1; strmid(HouseInfo[houseid][hOwner],"The State",0,strlen("The State"),255); strmid(HouseInfo[houseid][hMessage],"For Sale",0,strlen("For Sale"),255); EvaluateHouse(houseid); format(string, sizeof(string),"* Created the house number %d. The house was set automatically, Use /edit to edit it if you want.",houseid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, string); format(string,sizeof(string),"[ADMIN]: %s Has Set House: [%d]'s entrance to [%f - %f - %f].",sendername,houseid,X,Y,Z); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5); format(string2,sizeof(string2),"House is UNOWNED! \n House ID: %d \n Price: $%d \n Description: %s \n Level Needed: %d",HouseInfo[houseid][hWorld], HouseInfo[houseid][hValue],HouseInfo[houseid][hDiscription], HouseInfo[houseid][hLevel]); HouseLabel[houseid] = Create3DTextLabel(string2 ,0x00FF00AA,X,Y,Z,25, 0, 1); HousePickup[houseid] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, HouseInfo[houseid][hEntrancex], HouseInfo[houseid][hEntrancey], HouseInfo[houseid][hEntrancez]); OnPropUpdate(1,houseid); OnPropTextdrawUpdate(1, houseid); OnHousePickupUpdate(houseid); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"* The label will appear on next server restart due to limit of labels!"); new y, m, d; new h,mi,s; getdate(y,m,d); gettime(h,mi,s); format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s Has Set the house %d.",d,m,y,h,mi,s,sendername,giveplayer,houseid); AdminLog(string); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "* ERROR: Automatic detected Houseid already setted!"); return 1; } } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "** you are not authorized to use that command!"); } } return 1; } [/pawn]
  20. Ok mersi mult . O sa incerc
  21. Prima problema este cand deschid server-ul imi zice asta : Script[gamemode/shr.amx] : Run Time Error 19 : '' File or function is not found'' Si a doua este problema cu /fcr : [pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/factioncarrespawn", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/fcr", true) == 0) // by Mr.Kiss { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "** you are not authorized to use that command!"); return 1; } new bool:unwanted[MAX_VEHICLES]; for(new player=0; player<MAX_PLAYERS; player++) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(player)) { unwanted[GetPlayerVehicleID(player)]=true; } } for(new car = 1; car <= 1850; car++) { if(!unwanted[car]) SetVehicleToRespawn(car); } format(string, sizeof(string), "Toate Masinile Factiunii au fost Respawnate de AdMiNuL : %s.", sendername); BroadCast(0x5EFB6EFF,string); format(string, sizeof(string), "[ADMIN]: %s A dat respawn la masinile factiunii.", sendername); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5); GameTextForAll("~w~Masinile Factiunii au fost~n~~g~Respawnate!",5000,1); new y, m, d; new h,mi,s; getdate(y,m,d); gettime(h,mi,s); format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s Masinilie Factiuni",d,m,y,h,mi,s,sendername); AdminLog(string); } return 1; }[/pawn]
  22. Incearca asa : [pawn] if (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] == 5 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] == 5) SetPlayerColor(playerid,COLOR_PINK);[/pawn]
  23. Prima problema este cand deschid server-ul imi zice asta : Script[gamemode/shr.amx] : Run Time Error 19 : '' File or function is not found '' Si a doua este problema cu /fcr : [pawn] if(strcmp(cmd, "/factioncarrespawn", true) == 0 || strcmp(cmd, "/fcr", true) == 0) // by Mr.Kiss { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 4) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "** you are not authorized to use that command!"); return 1; } new bool:unwanted[MAX_VEHICLES]; for(new player=0; player<MAX_PLAYERS; player++) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(player)) { unwanted[GetPlayerVehicleID(player)]=true; } } for(new car = 1; car <= 1850; car++) { if(!unwanted[car]) SetVehicleToRespawn(car); } format(string, sizeof(string), "Toate Masinile Factiunii au fost Respawnate de AdMiNuL : %s.", sendername); BroadCast(0x5EFB6EFF,string); format(string, sizeof(string), "[ADMIN]: %s A dat respawn la masinile factiunii.", sendername); ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,string, 5); GameTextForAll("~w~Masinile Factiunii au fost~n~~g~Respawnate!",5000,1); new y, m, d; new h,mi,s; getdate(y,m,d); gettime(h,mi,s); format(string,sizeof(string), "(%d/%d/%d)[%d:%d:%d] %s Masinilie Factiuni",d,m,y,h,mi,s,sendername); AdminLog(string); } return 1; }[/pawn]
  24. Mr.Kiss


    Salut. Am incercat sa fac comanda /fcr [ faction car respawn ] dar nu am reusit . Cand dau /fcr imi da Respawn All Cars . Cine stie sa rezolve probleme sa posteze aici . Mersi p.S: La comanda /fcr sa poata da doar Liderii factiunilor Faction Car Respawn .
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