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Crash 0.3d server



Salut, am si eu o problema grava...

Am facut update la server de la 0.3c la 0.3d , totul facut corect, gm recompilat cu pwn-o cel nou.

Nici un warn/erroare.

Ei bine, dupa ce pun gm, dupa 10-15 minute serverul pica...


[16:27:46]: --- Crashdetect v3.6.8 loaded

[16:37:34]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerCommandText():

[16:37:34]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"

[16:37:34]: Additional information:

[16:37:34]:  No details available

[16:37:34]: Call stack (most recent call first):

[16:37:34]: The server has crashed due to an unknown error

Am impresia ca este o comanda care ii da crash, am pornit serverul parolat si nu e nimeni pe el si nu pica...

p.s folosesc linux cent os 5

plugins crashdetect.so streamer.so sscanf.so

filterscripts anti-flood antirconhack HospitalInterior me MidoStream R_Speedov2 DropGun savetuningcar eddress countdown

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5 answers to this question

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"Daca omor pe cineva peste cateva minute imi pica serverul" - cum sa spui asa ceva ? :)) OnPlayerDeath este actionat pe loc, fix atunci cand omori pe cineva, nu peste cateva minute, timer la OnPlayerDeath nu cred ca ai.

E de la comenzi cel mai probabil, verifica fiecare comanda pe rand.

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[18:49:37]: --- Crashdetect v3.6.8 loaded
[19:00:47]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerDeath():
[19:00:47]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:00:47]: Additional information:
[19:00:47]:   Array max index is 499 but accessing an element at 65535
[19:00:47]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:00:47]:   public OnPlayerDeath()
[19:14:27]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[19:14:27]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:14:27]: Additional information:
[19:14:27]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 375
[19:14:27]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:14:27]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[19:16:08]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[19:16:08]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:16:08]: Additional information:
[19:16:08]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 375
[19:16:08]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:16:08]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[19:17:44]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerDeath():
[19:17:44]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:17:44]: Additional information:
[19:17:44]:   Array max index is 499 but accessing an element at 65535
[19:17:44]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:17:44]:   public OnPlayerDeath()
[19:20:42]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[19:20:42]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:20:42]: Additional information:
[19:20:42]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 375
[19:20:42]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:20:42]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[19:29:51]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerStateChange():
[19:29:51]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:29:51]: Additional information:
[19:29:51]:   Array max index is 301 but accessing an element at 375
[19:29:51]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:29:51]:   public OnPlayerStateChange()
[19:29:58]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerDeath():
[19:29:58]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:29:58]: Additional information:
[19:29:58]:   Array max index is 499 but accessing an element at 65535
[19:29:58]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:29:58]:   public OnPlayerDeath()
[19:30:38]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerCommandText():
[19:30:38]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[19:30:38]: Additional information:
[19:30:38]:   No details available
[19:30:38]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:30:38]: The server has crashed due to an unknown error
Uitati , in crashlog scrie treptat cate o eroare dinaia si pac la ultima pica serverul la
[19:30:38]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerCommandText():
[19:30:38]: Script[gamemodes/eStar.amx]: Run time error 5: "Invalid memory access"
[19:30:38]: Additional information:
[19:30:38]:   No details available
[19:30:38]: Call stack (most recent call first):
[19:30:38]: The server has crashed due to an unknown error

Am folosit toate comenzile de la OnPlayerCommandText si nu pica serveru !

Mdea, numi dau seama ! Poaate stiti voi , nu inteleg deloc x(

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